Will it Run Alright? (I'm a n00b here)

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Alrighty, got 9 days until the game I have been waiting for all my life, and I've done a little bit of system updating. As it is now:

1.6 P4 400mhz FSB
512 mb DDR
Radeon 9600XT

Obviously the processor is the bottleneck of the bunch, but based on everyone's superior opinions, will HL2 run decently well on my computer? I got DOOMIII and gave it a try on my computer and got ir running pretty decent at low end with some frame rate issues, but overall it was playable, and I hear that DOOMIII is more demaning than HL2 will be. So, sorry for another noobish "WILL HL2 RUN G00d ON MAI COMpUTOR???//?/" question, I just want some HL2 expert opinions. Gracias.

PS: Sims 2 runs great on my computer, too bad it got old just as quick as the first one :rolleyes:
IGSDann said:
Alrighty, got 9 days until the game I have been waiting for all my life, and I've done a little bit of system updating. As it is now:

1.6 P4 400mhz FSB
512 mb DDR
Radeon 9600XT

Obviously the processor is the bottleneck of the bunch, but based on everyone's superior opinions, will HL2 run decently well on my computer? I got DOOMIII and gave it a try on my computer and got ir running pretty decent at low end with some frame rate issues, but overall it was playable, and I hear that DOOMIII is more demaning than HL2 will be. So, sorry for another noobish "WILL HL2 RUN G00d ON MAI COMpUTOR???//?/" question, I just want some HL2 expert opinions. Gracias.

PS: Sims 2 runs great on my computer, too bad it got old just as quick as the first one :rolleyes:

Well made out post. It's actually legible.
Well, as you said, yes your CPU is bottlenecking you. If possible upgrade. If not possible, yes your rig should handle HL2 fine. Don't expect to turn up stuff TOO much though. But it would most definately be more than playable.
i wouldnt worry about the cpu too much, most of the strain of hl2 will be on your gpu and its ability to handle the new shaders. A 9600 should do fine.
I'd suggest looking in the hardware forum, you'll find a bunch more info there. But I would suggest upgrading to a p4 2.8ghz, and more RAM couldn't hurt. Your video card could be better but should suffice.
Since we dont have the game we dont have a huge way to judge, please go to the hardware and software forum, there is a sticky about these threads since we get so many, yet people still make them.
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