Will it run on a 230W PSU


Sep 6, 2003
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Do u guys think i could run a 9800pro or 5900XT on a 230W PSU when they require a 300W???

5900XT probably wouldn't run that good, if I were you get the 300W psu.

What are the specs on that system anyway, if someone felt it should have a 230 W PSU?
Dell (and others) are known for being cheap by putting a low wattage PSU that will be just enough for what it comes with. Last I saw this was a roomates Dell a year ago or so.
Donno if it's still true that they do that.

Radeon 9800Pro says 300watt min.
I would go by that rating. Yes there have been people who can run it with a 250watt PSU but they have low powered (performing) and few components.

What is in your system?
:dozey: Hmmm. Maybe you can underclock the card to make it run with a 230 Watt PSU? I dunno why you'd do all that for a 230 Watt PSU, but hey might work. Like I said in some other thread before, INVEST! I got a 430 Watt PSU for 100 bucks(Antec) and I looked around Newegg.com, I saw that a ferkin 550 Watt PSU was priced at $100!! But, I dunno what you can get with your budget, it's what i'd do.
you can get a decent PSU for 50-60$ that will work fine with a 5900/9800
Antec is great power supplys, you pay for quality. I got my 400W due to the 9800XT I am buying next month. :sniper:
hmm.. :)
I ran a barton 2500+@3200+, 512MBram Radeon 9800np@pro speeds and beyond, 2hds, dvd, cdrw and probably something else i forgot. All that on 250watt. No problems, great stability(prime95 for several hours). So you should do ok, if the psu is of good quality. If not, get a new one asap. :)
Decided To Buy A New PSU

ok so ive decided that it would be in my best interest to buy a new PSU
im looking for one anywhere from 0$-60$ thats around 350-450W
Any Suggestions???

P4 2ghz
512 pc2100
cd-rw/dvd-rom combo drive
cd-rw drive
ethernet card
firewire card
wirless card
radeon 9600np (this is what im looking to upgrade with a new psu)
My biggest recommendation would be to go with name brands. The problem is that a PSU's wattage rating is very little besides a general indication. In fact the wattage that you see is a composite, and there is no standard way for them to be rated, or anyone really testing them. Some PSU's will claim 550 W or something, but just can't handle all the current going through their 5v rails or have inadequate cooling and will drop voltage once you actually start working it. Read a few of the "PSU roundup" type reviews to get an idea of what you need. As mentoined above Antec is usually right up at the top, for performance and price. :p
Personally I woulnd't risk it. Basically you can't get a new vidcard, unless you're very lucky and that radeon 9800 pro works with that PSU, otherwise you need to buy a whole new comp since dell makes custom PSU's.

(note: Haven't read the whole thread, im most certanly repeating info)
LilBoy0626 said:
so what your telling me is that i have to upgrade my psu from dell only???

Most prebuilt pc's suck with the stock PSU they usually recieve, I was suprised tho, when I saw the psu on a amd compaq 1.4ghz.....300W, but generally pre-builts don't have big psu's, and some people upgrade so they can use bigger video cards, etc.