Will It suck....


Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
How will hl2 look and perform on my pc, and i dont mean w/ 8x AA
high res, and all the eyecandy, but with 640x800 res no AA and some nice effects. Because i heard it will be very flexible, and as long as it looks like max payne 2 or call of duty on high, and runs like silk, ill be thrilled

geforce fx5200 PCI
760 mb RAM
80 gb
celeron (no p4)
There's a thread dedicated to this topic in the hardware forums, you should check it out. :) to specifically answer your question, I think you'll be ok on high detail as long as you keep to that low resolution.
get another graphic card AND cpu. I'd be surprised you running it on low settings
Madhotch said:
How will hl2 look and perform on my pc, and i dont mean w/ 8x AA
high res, and all the eyecandy, but with 640x800 res no AA and some nice effects. Because i heard it will be very flexible, and as long as it looks like max payne 2 or call of duty on high, and runs like silk, ill be thrilled

geforce fx5200 PCI
760 mb RAM
80 gb
celeron (no p4)

suks big time :x :x
I would suggest using at least 2x AA on 640x480, but with those options it should run fine.
i AM NOT going to upgrade...i run cod and mp2 on high w/ no lag...so it aint too bad
You know that *exemple* 2.6 ghz celeron equals 1.7 ghz P4
i know....but it works for me, just answer my ques please, i know i dont have no alienware, and thanx for those w/ pos feedback already
and PCI can really screw you over.
Celerons are by far one of the worst processors made.
Get a Amd Athlon 2400+(pretty decent) it serves me very well.
And well the fx series sucks from the start then a pci one?

Personally, i would get a new comp.

Also, just by a simple e-machines one for like 500 and just by some extra ram and an ati radeon 9600 - X800.
Thats what i recommend doing when u get the money.
I mean thats pretty cheap and will run most games easily had high quality.
I mean thats when u get the money, its cheap and works out well im not saying "go out to the store NOW and buy one".

But i spent around 500 and put 300 into my emachines. For 800 bucks i can easily run Cs:S on Highest everything 16x AF and 2XAA with about 30-40 fps.
yeah running at 640x480, it should be ok. if i was going to run at that resolution though id hook it up to a TV. it would look better overall.
God people stop posting useless crap! Chris just got done cleaning another thread that was just like this!

If I were you, instead of running high detail on 640, I would go low detail on 800...
who would be playing a masterpiece on res 640x480?? Not me atleast

Madhotch, if you have $400-$500 to spare just let me know. I can found you some good parts that will last you years
It should run OK at 640x800 as most of the cards do. Link
But remember a few things:
These benchmarks were run on a highend machine, far from a celeron.
Yours is PCI while all the cards tested are AGP.
And your card will run in DX8.1 mode.

Besides all of that, I would expect at least 30FPS and possibly hitting 40's depending on the settings. It should auto detect those settings for maintaining performance though.
NO UPGRADES DAMMIT...and i dont mind 640x800 res at all, as long as its on highish (man you think i'd spend $1000+ to play one game? its the gameplay that counts!) Plus if i want to play on a great comp ill use the ati 9800 agp family comp...but i just want to be able to play it WHENEVER I WANT on my pc, i have to sahre the new 1.
Mady, I doubt that you will even see medium settings. Your card is really weak and on hl2 it makes it even more weaker.
NO UPGRADES DAMMIT...and i dont mind 640x800 res at all, as long as its on highish (man you think i'd spend $1000+ to play one game? its the gameplay that counts!) Plus if i want to play on a great comp ill use the ati 9800 agp family comp...but i just want to be able to play it WHENEVER I WANT on my pc, i have to sahre the new 1.
it will still look good though, i mean low is like COD still, right?
:O Are those specs even acceptable to run Half Life 2? We're talking Celeron here. Your RAM, you know the speed of it? I am guessing PC-100, PC-133?
First of all you don't have to pay $1000+, $400 is more than enough :P

Ok now to the point, does FX 5200 even support directX 8.1??

About the 30 fps, you will be seeing 1 fps in fire fights and 30 fps should be your highest fps if you play it on high. Not playable
yes, it supports 9.0! and i dont have agp slot..so id have to get a new comp!!
Supports DirectX 9.0? Maybe you can have it but it doesn't have any advantage of it.......so it doesn't support it.
as long as it still looks cool, im not looking for graphics like in the binks
Madhotch, ask your family for 400 bucks and I'll help you.
:O Wow, PC-2700 Ram, that good stuff and you've got 768 of it, cool cool. How fast is your Celeron?
Madhotch said:
as long as it still looks cool, im not looking for graphics like in the binks

It will look like doom 2 if you're lucky
bty, i run the far cry demo on high, pandora tommorow on high, mp2 on high, cod on high, i dont see how it could suck that bad
Madhotch said:
bty, i run the far cry demo on high, pandora tommorow on high, mp2 on high, cod on high, i dont see how it could suck that bad

and pigs can fly

Ok seriously it will look like quake 2. So think about that.
i guess pigs do fly then, i swear to god, the only lag of any of them is in COD on stalingrad, but a quick tweak and all is good, other than that its great for me
:sleep: It's hard to believe you ran all those games on high settings, well you probably did... but I guess you see 10 FPS as something good for you.
my celeron is 2.6 ghz, ailevation, but its lower than that compared to p4...
Madhotch said:
i guess pigs do fly then, i swear to god, the only lag of any of them is in COD on stalingrad, but a quick tweak and all is good, other than that its great for me

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no they're pretty good fps, only in the russina campain its laggy, but i just turn gen textures on low...still nice, its the ram...
:) Well, 2.6 Ghz, atleast it's a 2.6 Celeron chip. I dunno maybe you could run Half Life 2 on super duper low settings, with everything set on ultra performance in your Nvidia control panel.
pentium 4
ati 9800 pro agp
512 ram
160 gb

family comp, if hl2 is too ugly on mine i always have that, but i have to share
It'll run perfectly fine on that computer in 640x480.

And it won't look like Q2 or any of that bollocks.
Madhotch said:
pentium 4
ati 9800 pro agp
512 ram
160 gb

family comp, if hl2 is too ugly on mine i always have that, but i have to share

Take out all the parts from that comp, exchange with your sorry comp's. If anyone asks,"WTF! Why so slow?!?!" Just say pops downloaded hugeload of porno.
lol! wish i could, no agp though, so it'd mean me taking motherbord too...i cant do taht...too much, hate putting stuff in, i almost blew out a RAM slot last time