will my pc run half life 2?



hi, i want to but half life 2 but am wondering if my pc will run it smoothly.. i have

256mb RAM
1.9ghz cpu
geforce fx 5200 126mb
NetWarriorDan said:
lol. They're just messing with you. Yeah you can run the game.
Yeah you can run it. At like a frame a minute.

I don't know. I think some of these other guys are being pessimistic. If you run the game in Directx 7 or 8, without much eye-candy and at 800x600 I would imagine it would be playable. If you're wanting to play just for graphics though, I wouldn't recommend buying the game until you get a better videocard.
nah trust me you'll run it fine if you've got a machine that isn't spyware'd up to the back teeth and defragment often etc.
HalfLife2Addict said:
You'll be lucky to run Half Life 1 with that rig.

The hell you talking about? I used to play Half-Life on a 300 mhz Pentium with a 3dfx videocard.
HalfLife2Addict said:
You'll be lucky to run Half Life 1 with that rig.

no.. not really..

and you will run hl2.. but pretty slow.. you can switch to dxlevel 7 and get a high fps.. but you're missing out on some hardcore graphics
You'll be fine. Run with the default settings, as HL2 is pretty smart in choosing your default stuff. I'd say run 800x600 with everything on low, then turn on stuff until you're too laggy
512 ram would help you out alot! and a new gfx card...but id say the ram is more important...otherwise prepare for 15 minutes loading times :)
darkdefier said:
hi, i want to but half life 2 but am wondering if my pc will run it smoothly.. i have

256mb RAM
1.9ghz cpu
geforce fx 5200 126mb

I run hl2 on a:
GeForce 3 Ti
1.6ghz cpu
512mb ram

I gets a lil choppy but can run it @ 1024x768 medium values on most things AA off.

So you should be able to run it np the only issue I think is the ram 512 or prefferable 1024mb
Lol dont listen to them I am stuck with a 9200se for the moment and half life runs complelely smooth at medium settings in DX8.1 I would reccomend more ram though for loading times and you will get some stuttering without it. Make sure to keep texture detail on medium though it really helped my performance.
i'm sure you can run it fine

i have
P4 1.8 GHz
512 PC800 RDRAM
5700LE 256 MB VCard

I run it just fine on the highest settings.

Although you might want to check into a memory upgrade
Yeah your machine is CAPABLE of running HL2, but you DEFINETELY need to get at least 256 megs more RAM before you play it. Although load times are still pretty bad on 512. If j00 got d3 m00ny then at this point it would be worth it to just overhaul your system. Or get an entirely new one.
You guys know nada...i'm running hl2 in a constant fps rate of 20-30 on medium, and u wanna hear my specs?

1.3 Ghz AMD
256 MB ddr-Ram
Geforce 4 MX440 - 64 mb - so there :hmph:

ofcorse no, anti-alaising or anistrophic filtering, but.....it looks just fine, exept the water :flame:

Don't believe me or whatever, but its true..
i believe you
my old geforce 2 mx ran fine with 32mb of memory on my 1.8ghz 512ram machine
Heh I have a:
Geforce 4 Ti4200 64mb
Athlon 1600 (1.47ghz)
785MB DDR 2700 RAM

And I run it just fine. Takes forever to load but thats fine.

If you want to upgrade, I'd get this :D
along with two 6600GT's and Raid 0 two Raptor 10,000 RPM hard drives. Get 4 GB DDR400 Ram and a Athlon 64 FX-55 and you should be set. Oh, and get the 24" LCD monitor from samsung.
Mickeey said:
You guys know nada...i'm running hl2 in a constant fps rate of 20-30 on medium, and u wanna hear my specs?

1.3 Ghz AMD
256 MB ddr-Ram
Geforce 4 MX440 - 64 mb - so there :hmph:

ofcorse no, anti-alaising or anistrophic filtering, but.....it looks just fine, exept the water :flame:

Don't believe me or whatever, but its true..

my apecs are very similiar except my videocard is of 32mb and my CPU is a p4 1.8

so it maybe will run in 30 fps on low?
Can't say that since the Min. specs says 64 mb graphic card, so im not sure, but it also depends on your pc's ammount of spyware and other junk...you simply can't play on a comp filled up with ads and spyware, defragging should solve that :O
hmm as were on the topic of graphics and fps would anyone be so kind to tell me what fps i can expect with my rig when i run hl2?

p4 3.6
6600 ultra/gt not sure
512mb ddrram
intel onboard sound

also would buying a new sound card be a good investment?