Will Smith - In how many ****ing movies is he gona star in?

For anyone who has watched I Am Legend:
New York City born and raised
In my lab was where i spent most of my days
Chillin out max and relaxin all cool
And all bein in the army, puttin my daughter through school
When some english bitch
Who was up to no good
Startin makin cures for cancer in my neighborhood
It killed everyone and my dog go scared
She said "How are we both immune to a virus that travels through Air?"

I loaded up my ford
And headed for the pier
I got out my M16 and shotted at some deer
If anything I could say that this town is bare
But I'm broadcastin on all AM frequencies; I still care

I woke up at my house about 7 or 8
I blew up my lawn usin a couple grenades
I met a boy and girl
The girl was shakin

OMG that was funny.

And he stars in many films because he is an actor and it is his job. Its like saying, jesus christ look at the postman, he must post letters every sodding day, ****ing arsehole.
Everytime you guys see a black guy in a movie or two, you think he's in every single movie. First Samuel L. Jackson, now Will Smith.

But only one of them has the wallet that says Bad Mother Fucker.
For anyone who has watched I Am Legend:
New York City born and raised
In my lab was where i spent most of my days
Chillin out max and relaxin all cool
And all bein in the army, puttin my daughter through school
When some english bitch
Who was up to no good
Startin makin cures for cancer in my neighborhood
It killed everyone and my dog go scared
She said "How are we both immune to a virus that travels through Air?"

I loaded up my ford
And headed for the pier
I got out my M16 and shotted at some deer
If anything I could say that this town is bare
But I'm broadcastin on all AM frequencies; I still care

I woke up at my house about 7 or 8
I blew up my lawn usin a couple grenades
I met a boy and girl
The girl was shakin

I love you.

In a healthy, non-homosexual, natural type of way. :p
They are all fantastic actors (well maybe not Carey but I like him :p)! You should be shot for implying Depp and Hanks should stop acting!

Damn right. Tom Hanks is my favourite actor and Depp is a close second. Suffice to say I'd follow the bandwagon in saying that I'd turn gay for the latter.

I'd prefer to see actors like Will Smith in heaps of movies rather than those dickheads that stare in every Teen/Braindead comedy movie.
I can't find the words to describe how bad this is.

i have to agree...the lyrics are so awful it's not even funny anymore. it seems like he wrote them in a 5 min coffee break.