Will the A.I. react to the flash-light?

Dalamari said:
Runteh, to see a faint beam thru the air it would need to be VERY smokey, and quite hard to code since the smoke would need to be a element instead of a sprite.

You could allways fake it :P.

Like in HL1 at the start in the train you can see light coming in through a door. Well thats actually coloured water with high transparency.

Doing a similar but more impresive effect in HL2 would be easy peasy.

EDIT: Just saying, It probably wont be in HL2. Its just not worth the effort. But I can imagine a game like NS doing something very similar. :)
The HL2 flashlight radiant thing you all talk about, sound REALLY cool :P

Really, think about it, seeing dust particles flying through the air through the flashlight light...that'd be cool...
I thought it already had those volumetric particle/lighting effects. I could have just been imagining things - I do that quite often - but I could have sworn I saw this effect in the DX9 HDR Bink.
Well enemies nowadays react to sound so I don't see how hard light would be as the next step.
But then what do I know?
HL2's enemy have the sense of sight, sound and smell, according to many source overview's I've read.

So most probably the enemies will react to the flashlight. I sent an e-mail for confirmation, but valve must really hate my mails - the never check them. They don't wub me anymore. ;(
Cyber$nake said:
Well if any of you remember how in one of the CS:S vids when the guy went form a dark room to a bright room everything was glared for a min. before going back to normal- perhaps there would be a similar glare effect if someone shined their flashlight at your face in Sp or MP.

you realise that was the camera doing that glare, not the game, dont you? you were quite ambiguous.
Im certain that in the HL2 Tech Bink, there was dust shown in the house part, which the light showed up. :)
Would you really notice the eyeballs contracthing in scene (like Klieners lab), i dont think i would.
"HL2's enemy have the sense of sight, sound and smell" thats also on HL2's website :) It'd be interesting is the enemies (combine) or friendlies could smell the Zombies coming, the rotting flesh and all that. Why can't they implement smell in pc's? :) I'd love to smell the games as i run through them, Black Mesa's pristine corridors with rotting zombies and stuff :D
Dalamari said:
Runteh, to see a faint beam thru the air it would need to be VERY smokey, and quite hard to code since the smoke would need to be a element instead of a sprite.

It wouldn't be hard to code, they've been doing that forever, and you can see it in the videos. Coding rendering for minute facial nuances is hard(completley impssible with my current skill), i.e. The G-man BINK. And I wouldn't be buying HL2 if I weren't sure that enemies reacted to flashlight beams. (They can problem solve better than the average high school teacher;))
Wesisapie said:
you realise that was the camera doing that glare, not the game, dont you? you were quite ambiguous.

I remember seeing that...

I think it would be cool if that would happen though...because if you notice, lets take middle of the night for example.

You've just waken up at say, 1:00 AM, and you get up and stretch your legs, go to the bathroom, or whatever...

When you turn the light on in the bathroom (if at all) your eyes are sensitive to the light because you have been sleeping, and your eyes aren't used to the sudden flash of bright light. Then when you go out of the bathroom, and look into the darkness, your eyes are again adjusting to the light, and you can't see your PS2 light that you could when you first got up.

I think something like that should (if it isn't programmed right now) definitely happen...
When did you need smoke to see a light beam.

Have you ever been outdoors with a torch in the middle of the night? Look at cars from the side, and you can see a distinct beam...
The dust particles suspended in the air are visible in the HDR demo, from the light beams coming through the holes.
lans said:
The dust particles suspended in the air are visible in the HDR demo, from the light beams coming through the holes.
also in the hydra video and that the one with the manhacks you can see little specks of dust floating in the air.
the A.I in No One Lives Forever react to the beam from the flaslight
Well from videos i've seen it looks like they have implemented lots of lighting effects, but i love the seeing the dust falling when the light hits it right in the HDR vid, Doom 3 also makes use of this according to pcgamer preview, what i would like to do is be able to blind ppl with the flash light in multiplayer(like a real flash light).
lans said:
The dust particles suspended in the air are visible in the HDR demo, from the light beams coming through the holes.

I keep watching the HDR-bink but I cant see any particles in air. Are you sure there are particles and not just a partially transparent cone?
TST_Devgru Seal said:
I remember seeing that...

I think it would be cool if that would happen though...because if you notice, lets take middle of the night for example.

You've just waken up at say, 1:00 AM, and you get up and stretch your legs, go to the bathroom, or whatever...

When you turn the light on in the bathroom (if at all) your eyes are sensitive to the light because you have been sleeping, and your eyes aren't used to the sudden flash of bright light. Then when you go out of the bathroom, and look into the darkness, your eyes are again adjusting to the light, and you can't see your PS2 light that you could when you first got up.

I think something like that should (if it isn't programmed right now) definitely happen...
Or better yet, it starts off all blurry, you hit/smack/smash the alarm clock, and then put on your glasses and then everything slowly comes into focus and your eyes adjust to the light. :)
It would be so cool if you could sneak up on a combine in the dark and turn on your flashlight and they'd bring up their arm real quick because of the glare and it would give you enough time to crowbar them.