Will the real 50 cent step forward

Yeah that was pretty cool. He seems like a pretty nice guy in real life. I'm not really a fan of his music though.
At first i was like "this is stupid", and then when 50 cent walked in i was like "lol thats fake, hes not really there, nice editing tho" and when 50 cent put on that thing around his neck i OMGWHATTHE****ITSREAL

Fetus Christ! It really is him, kinda cool I guess.

Where's Uncle Ruckus when I need him?
That G-G-G-G-Unit part in the video with the guy with braces gets me every time. :laugh:
Yeah that was pretty cool. He seems like a pretty nice guy in real life. I'm not really a fan of his music though.

You can easily tell it's him because of his brow. That's his most distinguishing feature.

Also that guy can't decide on whether his name is Beaner or Beener.
Jesus chirst, is this what passes for music these days?

The human races deserves to die at the hands of our robot children.
Oh look, Dwarf kid lip syncs to another pop tune. How hilarious and original.
I thought he was too rich for that bullshit.