Will the Revolution be revolutionary?

After reading off gamespy about new motion tracking controls that can follow your hands, eyes and body (and all that other good stuff in that article) I am hoping for something quite revolutionary from Nintendo. I didn't think the DS was very special because it seemed a lot like a palm pilot which already had touch screen games.

It would be nice to see new ways of controlling games though, being a bit conservative about these things, I'd worry whether there'd be a sacrifice of the style of games we already love or if the new controller just ends up gimmicky. Novelty or uniqueness does not equal good gameplay.
Lt. Drebin said:
I've read figures that contradict that many times. And if that is the case, the XBox overtaking it is very recent.

The admin Kage has some actual figures....can't remember off hand, but something like 15M for XBox and 18M for GameCube at end of 2004.

Actually, the Xbox is now slightly ahead. :)

1.45m Japan
1.36m USA
0.03m Europe


0.51m Japan
0.51m Total

These numbers are from january. Since then the psp is outsellling the ds in japan by almost twice the rate. Although the ds is still selling more world wise because, the psp still isnt anywhere but japan obviously.

The DS has still sold more overall, but the PSP is catching up fast.

Last week, Sony Computer Entertainment chief Ken Kutaragi said the company had shipped 800,000-odd PSPs since the handheld console's 12 December 2004 debut. Today, Nintendo said it had shipped 2.84m DS units since its late November launch, though that figure covers both the US and Japan. To date, the PSP has only been officially available in Sony's home territory.
I want a DS. For one main reason apart from the fact it plain oozes style.

I can use it in my Lecture theater with Pictochat and draw penises or something! With more than one person!
Warbie said:
'SNES - meh'??!

are you insane? :)

You're talking about the greatest console ever made there.

(the voices tell me you had a Genesis)

I figured you'd have something to say about someone poopooing the SNES, Warbie. I was just in utter shock and unable to correct that gentleman.

Me and my friends, to this day, still play the SNES some times. It never dies. IMO, it's Nintendo's greatest console.
dream431ca said:
Unfortunaly..new weird features implemented in consoles or in handhelds will challenge the public on choosing if they would like to have these or not..most people like games that are easy to play and that don't take too much work to setup or operate...nintendo is heading into a brand new direction that takes alot of trust from the public for their console to do well...in fact the average consumer may have to change the way they look at the average video game if nintendo does something very drastic to the industry...what I hope that nintendo does is change the game industry but not in a wacky and complicated way but a revolutionary way hence "revolution".

I think Nintendo has a lot of this in mind.

Like I said....Nintendo is going to force people to choose. They repeatedly said that you'll get everything you can get from Sony and MS on the Revolution but it'll just be different.

Nintendo needs a few things done for this system to be a success:
1) They need to be the first to the market. There shouldn't be a question that a lot of Sony's insurmountable PS2 success is do to the fact it had over a year of the market all to itself....and please don't mention the DC. And then...not only did they give Sony a year, they launched head to head with the XBox. If all three of these consoles launched at around the same time, things would have been very interesting IMO.
2) They need a library at launch. No more of this 2-3 games available. Seriously, they need about 5-8 good games that show exactly what this machine is about.
3) Kick some serious ass at E3. This is where it should start for them. They need to show off the goods.....be it Samus blowing away a few Metroids or Link swinging around the Master Sword. I don't care. They need every analyst singing Nintendo's praises when all is said and done. I think this will also help with the third party support if they have a good showing.

There's probobly a few more things they could do, but I can't think of em right now...it's kinda early. :sleep:
Lt. Drebin said:
I think Nintendo has a lot of this in mind.

Like I said....Nintendo is going to force people to choose. They repeatedly said that you'll get everything you can get from Sony and MS on the Revolution but it'll just be different.

Nintendo needs a few things done for this system to be a success:
1) They need to be the first to the market. There shouldn't be a question that a lot of Sony's insurmountable PS2 success is do to the fact it had over a year of the market all to itself....and please don't mention the DC. And then...not only did they give Sony a year, they launched head to head with the XBox. If all three of these consoles launched at around the same time, things would have been very interesting IMO.
2) They need a library at launch. No more of this 2-3 games available. Seriously, they need about 5-8 good games that show exactly what this machine is about.
3) Kick some serious ass at E3. This is where it should start for them. They need to show off the goods.....be it Samus blowing away a few Metroids or Link swinging around the Master Sword. I don't care. They need every analyst singing Nintendo's praises when all is said and done. I think this will also help with the third party support if they have a good showing.

There's probobly a few more things they could do, but I can't think of em right now...it's kinda early. :sleep:

Exactly!!..and I'm really hopeful they pull it off.
I don't think Nintendo have a hope of competing with Sony - which is a good thing imo.

To compete with Sony means appealing to the mass market (the vast majority of Sony consoles get purchased by, for want of a better term, 'casual gamers')

I don't want Nintendo to target teenage males and try to market themselves as cool and high tech. I want them to continue as they have ben for years, making the games they like and doing it so damn well :)
Lt. Drebin said:
With the exception of the last 3, why are those stupid?

I don't understand why folks have to poopoo some decent ideas like that. Granted, stuff like that is not revolutionary, but who the hell has done anything like that?? Will it enrich the gaming experience in some way?? Of course.

Are they stupid because Nintendo does it?? hmmm....would they be stupid if Sony included some things like that in the PS3??

Well Sega Dreamcast had little (mini-black and white)screens on thier memory cards. It was usefull for playing American football with a friend, so they couldn't see what play you were going to run.

thats all. that was the only use they ever came up with for it. So basically it was a waste of Sega development time, money, and a waste of the consumers money.

EDIT: and you all know what happend to Sega, granted I don't think they stoped making consoles becuase of this one mistake, but not many want to see nintendo follow suit and stop making home gaming consoles. You never know though, one day they may say.. lets just make software, like Sega did. they will never be taken out of the software market, this i can garantee you.

for a Revolution, a huge change has to come, and I don't see what kind of ideas nintendo has, but I'm sure they will be geared towards using nintendo DS to plug into thier machine, etc. probably not anything I'm interested in.

I want raw power, and good games.

leave the features as add-on hardware IMO
I just want nintendo to well...give me a million dollors but thats with every company.

Actually I just want nintendo to create some soo innovative... that when an Xbox 2 or Ps3 sees it they explode.

That would be great!!
*Millions of people by Revolution*
*Nintendo sends a signal out*
*All the Revolutions open up there sides and they have rocket launchers, machine guns, the whole works*
*Revolutions kill all the other consoles, and takes 3rd party console developers hostage and forces them to make games*

Well....probably not true but might explain somethings.
Minerel said:
I just want nintendo to well...give me a million dollors but thats with every company.

Actually I just want nintendo to create some soo innovative... that when an Xbox 2 or Ps3 sees it they explode.

That would be great!!
*Millions of people by Revolution*
*Nintendo sends a signal out*
*All the Revolutions open up there sides and they have rocket launchers, machine guns, the whole works*
*Revolutions kill all the other consoles, and takes 3rd party console developers hostage and forces them to make games*

Well....probably not true but might explain somethings.

Wow man, Did you just get 10 years younger?
I just had a thought of what might be "revolutionary"

Powerglove 2.0-To sense where you fingers are in it and such :P

Yea man, I think its great that nintendo inovates but think of past failures like:

Powerglove for NES - complete failure
Robo for NES - complete failure
Virtua Boy system - complete failure

One reason the SNES was so damn successful was that it was just had raw power, and good games, like I said previously, thats all that most gamers want. Yes like warbie said it had shoulder buttons. Ok but lets not get carried away nintendo and rub our asses on the T.V. screen
Some ideas will always fail. What's important is that they keep trying to innovate. Many features that are now standard were pioneered by Nintendo - and i'm sure there are more to come.

Everyone wants more power and good games, that goes without saying. All the next gen consoles are promising this. But given the choice, wouldn't you like somthing new as well?
Warbie said:
I don't think Nintendo have a hope of competing with Sony - which is a good thing imo.

To compete with Sony means appealing to the mass market (the vast majority of Sony consoles get purchased by, for want of a better term, 'casual gamers')

I don't want Nintendo to target teenage males and try to market themselves as cool and high tech. I want them to continue as they have ben for years, making the games they like and doing it so damn well :)

Completely agree Warbie. I think we have a lot of the same opinions about Nintendo. As long as Nintendo stays above water and has enough revenue to make great products, I don't care if the "casual gamers" buy Sony's products, in fact I would prefer that so that Nintendo doesn't feel like they need to cater to them.

As for that idea about control by a glove, I think that would be incredibly fun if it was done well (and I think Nintendo would be the company to pull it off). Those are the kind of ideas that I was asking for. I could see that as a realistic possibility for Revolution and something that Nintendo could release for a reasonable price while still being extremely innovative.
Warbie said:
I don't think Nintendo have a hope of competing with Sony - which is a good thing imo.

Granted. I think Sony will have a total sales lead when all is said and done, but it's not going to be as drastic as it has in the past.

I don't think that Sony is ever going to have the market all to themselves for a year ever again. That alone is going to deeply affect how many sales all of these companies are going to have.