Will these forums speed up or slow down after HL2 release?

In my opinion I think these forums will speed up a bit. Mostly because of people posting about the game and asking for help if anyone is able to give it yet.
7h3-7w34k3r said:
In my opinion I think these forums will speed up a bit. Mostly because of people posting about the game and asking for help if anyone is able to give it yet.

But after that period of joy.....
I think the forum activity will peak just before release (1 wk - release) then die down a bit while everyone is using every bit of spare time to play. Then after most everyone is done people will return to speculate on HL 3 and everything else including strategy, help, easter eggs, etc. . .
Well, take a look at planethalf-life.net. I used to go there to donwload DM maps so very long, long time ago, before CS was around.
I think it will speed up cos people will have so much to discuss. :cheers: