Will this be linked to HL2?

Oct 28, 2006
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Well, they did it with Portal. So could they do it with this game too? If so, how?
Left 4 Dead has no ties at all with Valve. The only thing they have a tie with is that:
  1. It's using Source.
  2. They are getting some help from some Valve members.
They are a completely different company too. It's got nothing to do with HL.
Considering the HL series is set in the real world until the Resonance Cascade, do you ever remember a zombie outbreak?
What 'bout zis?

(half-life 2)

(left 4 dead)

Maybe I'm just a nitpicker, but these are obviously the same pieces of graffiti. Either the two games will be connected, or they're just using the same textures.

What 'bout zis?

(half-life 2)

(left 4 dead)

Maybe I'm just a nitpicker, but these are obviously the same pieces of graffiti. Either the two games will be connected, or they're just using the same textures.


Considering it's not out yet, and the L4D team are working with help from VALVe, I think it's safe to assume it's a place holder :angel:
all this reminded me of that madman who posted his "big" thread on how tf2 was related to hl2 and the 7 hour war..
all this reminded me of that madman who posted his "big" thread on how tf2 was related to hl2 and the 7 hour war..

Actually, I think that was an idea at one point. Don't forget that TF2 went through a bunch of iterations before it became what it is now.
all this reminded me of that madman who posted his "big" thread on how tf2 was related to hl2 and the 7 hour war..

Gabe himself said that was going to be the case at one point...but then they realized they wanted it to be more light-hearted and that it would be really hard to explain bases being so close to each other and such with more of a realism feel.
Maybe I'm just a nitpicker, but these are obviously the same pieces of graffiti. Either the two games will be connected, or they're just using the same textures.


Woah! They must be the same game! :o

In fact... I'm Gordan Freeman because I was holding a crowbar last year!! Duhn-duhn-duuuhn!!
I guess you're right, I kinda went too far. But when you think about it, those are the only two options as to why the same piece of graffiti is in both games.
You'd have to be a complete idiot to even consider that they may be linked.
Most likely, but it's still interesting, no?

That's really stretching it.

CS:S and HL2 use some of the same textures, even the same models. They are not connected at all.

Left4Dead is a stand alone game, it's all by itself in it's own universe (easter eggs are allowed to break that rule by nature). Just as much as Team Fortress 2 is it's own universe or Counter-Strike is it's own, Left4Dead is yet another universe.

Not every Valve game will tie into HL2. That would get stale extremely quickly and we know Valve is smarter than that.
Yes, that is a little bit of stretching.
But anyway - on GameTrailers.com TV, the project lead for L4D said "This is something completely different" when asked if "this is Half-Life 2".