Will this effect your purchase of HL2?


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
I'm curious as to if the recent developments have altered your desicion to purchase Half-Life 2 in any way. I know the majority of us were eagerly aniticpating the Sept. 30th release date, and I know the majority of us are pretty upset at the recent turn of events. Has Valve's strategies in communicating a release date to the public changed your views on whether you'll buy the game?
Not at all.
I'm still going to buy the game the first day it come out!
naw ill still get the game.. i must admit im a little peeved that they did this 6 days before supposed release... since i had my system all upgraded, formated and ready to go.. and now i just wasted my time and money, but oh well.. whatcha gonna do?
Im gonna boycott it, that way valve will be poor and they sill suffer for thwta they've done.
Depends. If it all turns outr to be Vivendi's fault then I will definitely get the game via steam now. If it turns out to be a problem with valve or steam or something I'm still gonna get the game becuase it will be good enough to justify the purchase no matter what.
I'm not that upset. An earlier announcement would've been nice but we don't know when they decided to delay it.

I'll still be buying Half-Life 2.
Games get delayed all the time and we still don't know why they did it- may be a good reason for it.

I'm buying the game.
Im gonna boycott it, that way valve will be poor and they sill suffer for thwta they've done.

so your going to boycott them for making THE GAME... i dont think so.
Im glad i didn't upgrade until i was sure of the release date. That being said, i will probably wait a few months after the game is released just to deny the bastards at Vivendi some sales during the holiday season. Hell, i might even buy doom3 before i even think about buying HL2.

I somewhat expected a delay, but Valve pulling this crap on us a week before release just made me mad.

I wouldn't be surprised if half the people who were aiming to buy HL2 would warez it instead when it came out later this xmas... (and i doubt it will be anytime sooner than that)
I just woke up, like 10 minutes ago, and woke up to THIS.
No, I won't boycott it :p But damn, this is a big letdown :/
So yeah, I hope it comes out soon, and then I will buy it :)

I had such confidence when Gabe said sep 30th all the time :(
I'm still buying it. I'd like to know what they're going to include in the collector edition to see if it's worth the extra $$$.
I'm not going to buy it now, I'll be downloading it. FU VALVE!
I just decided to cancel my pre-order.

I'll think about purchasing the game through Steam when the option becomes available.
I'll certainly still buy the game. Valve's leg-pullings marketing tactics don't change the fact that it will likely be groundbreaking technology.

Of course, one thing all of this WILL change is my willingness to swallow whatever a Valve employee says. Fool me once, shame on you, try it again, **** you in the ass.
Originally posted by Ralphus
I'm not going to buy it now, I'll be downloading it. FU VALVE!

I can understand being frustrated to the point of not buying the game, but what makes it ok to steal it? I would bet that it'd be hard to download it in the first place, especially if they incorporate steam into the game as much as they've eluded to. Don't want to buy the game? Want to boycott them? Fine. But nothing gives you the right to steal it.
It won't effect me in the least and I will get it the day it comes out (hard copy and not steam). I'm glad I didn't upgrade though (other than a video card, but mine failed and I had no choice in the matter).

It's not like they delayed some life saving thing...it's just a game. We've waited 5 years...2-3 months isn't going to kill anyone.

It IS annoying that they have kept everyone in the dark about a number of things, and their PR needs a LOT of work. But hey, it's their game and they can do as they like with it and I can respect that.
"Will this effect your purchase of HL2?"
No, I'll still be buying it on the 30th./end sarcasm
Originally posted by Ralphus
I'm not going to buy it now, I'll be downloading it. FU VALVE!

FU for what? Did they say that 09/30 was the final release date? NO!

Well happy playing online einstein...
I'll still be downloading it , we can't blame them for being lazy, they've been working their asses off for the latest 5 years and now everyone hates them because they had to delay it to not release a 85% beta.
annoyed but will still get it day of release. but i don't know if i will trust valve again.
Originally posted by CrazyHarij
I'll still be downloading it , we can't blame them for being lazy, they've been working their asses off for the latest 5 years and now everyone hates them because they had to delay it to not release a 85% beta.

This is a very good point, but I think most people are upset at the way the delay was handled, not the fact that it was delayed. Back at E3, no one really bought into the September release statement. In fact, I didn't see a large following believe it until Doug Lombardi reaffirmed it at ETCS, and Gabe Newell reaffirming numerous times thereafter.

Delays are expected. Outright-in-your-face-lies are not. THAT'S what most people are pissed about.
I'm annoyed and yes they grossly mishandled things in my opinion but I will naturally still be buying the game the day it comes out.

I'll take anything they say to me with a pinch of salt here though so it's affected my opinion of Valve themselves.

I'll forgive all if HL2 is as good a game as the original or better of course. :)
Originally posted by lhauert
The game is done. It's just marketing BS !! FT !!!

Yeah sure, awesome marketing, delaying the game so the community get's pissed off (I'm not sure why they're pissed off though)

Delays are expected. Outright-in-your-face-lies are not. THAT'S what most people are pissed about.

Exactly at what point did they say 'we will make september 30th'? I guess they haven't, have they? So no lies.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
FU for what? Did they say that 09/30 was the final release date? NO!

Well happy playing online einstein...

If they need 2 or 3 months to finish the game, what does that mean? THEY COULD HAVE ANNOUNCED A DELAY A LONG TIME AGO, NOT A WEEK BEFORE THE PROPOSED RELEASE DATE!

I will not buy this game anymore. You have lost a customer with this marketing-gag valve!!!
Originally posted by PvtRyan
Exactly at what point did they say 'we will make september 30th'? I guess they haven't, have they? So no lies.

You are nit-picking the hell out of symantecs with this statement. The fact is, they've known (obviously) for some time now that the game would not hit its September release date... yet they've consistently (and quite adamantly) told people that 9/30 was a 'go'.

Did they actually specifically state that "HL2 will, without a shed of a doubt, make 9/30"? Of course not. Did they imply it? For all intents and purposes, I believe so... and apparently, so do quite a few other people.

E3: "September 30th"
ECTS: "September 30th"
(insert countless other discussions between ECTS and last week here, which resulted in a "we're still on for 9/30", including interviews, email conversations, Steam conversations, etc)
Last Week: "September 30th" (spitcodfry's visit to valve)
Yesterday: "GOTCHYA!"

Exactly at what point did they say 'we will make september 30th'? I guess they haven't, have they? So no lies.



Hey buddy, never saw Doug or Gabe say that they'll make it?

As to the original question it won't affect me buying HL2 at all, whenever it does come out I'll buy it just like alot of other people.

- Jason
Originally posted by WizardSE
I will not buy this game anymore. You have lost a customer with this marketing-gag valve!!!

really .. well .. I guess not only you feel this way.. but for the rest of
us we will probably have a fu**ing good time playing it...
Nah Blood, I am buying this game.

In the mean time, Playing MP + Halo. hooowaaahahhah
The whole gaming scene was never so fullfilled with lies like from valve.
I just wish that valve would realize, they lost a lot of trust in their fans.
I will NEVER beleive them about any release date for anything else they have.

They didn't just simply "delay" a game, they cost people money, people that bought hardware to run this game because valve insisted on sept. 30th and stuck by it so close to the release.

I will still buy the game yes, but valve has 0 respect for me anymore.