Will this effect your purchase of HL2?

Christ on a bike!, a delay is no reason to boycott a game. Yeah the powers that be should have been more realistic and honest with us but so what. Half-life 2 should still be the game we think it will be and deserve every penny we spend.

Chill out and wait for the festive season (it defintley will be the season to be jolly!)
"I'll still be downloading it , we can't blame them for being lazy, they've been working their asses off for the latest 5 years and now everyone hates them because they had to delay it to not release a 85% beta."

I hardly think they have been lazy. People never consider marketing issues that are most of the time beyond the developer's control.
Of course I'm going to buy it, but I really want to know what happened...
Well, I cancelled my pre-order with gameplay but I'll still buy it as soon as it's available.
Originally posted by JavaGuy
You are nit-picking the hell out of symantecs with this statement. The fact is, they've known (obviously) for some time now that the game would not hit its September release date... yet they've consistently (and quite adamantly) told people that 9/30 was a 'go'.

Did they actually specifically state that "HL2 will, without a shed of a doubt, make 9/30"? Of course not. Did they imply it? For all intents and purposes, I believe so... and apparently, so do quite a few other people.

E3: "September 30th" Aiming towards 30 september
ECTS: "September 30th" Still aiming towards 30 september
(insert countless other discussions between ECTS and last week here, which resulted in a "we're still on for 9/30", including interviews, email conversations, Steam conversations, etc)
Last Week: "September 30th" (spitcodfry's visit to valve) He actually said "we'll see" so he doubted it somehow.
Yesterday: "GOTCHYA!" Yes I'm sure they're having a laugh right now by upsetting the whole community which is gonna cost them customers

Like I said in this quote, they were AIMING for the release. And things can always come up that will delay the game. You don't know the reason behind the delay. Maybe it's something retared, and you have a right to blame them for the delay just short before the AIMED release, but not now.
Maybe they knew 2 weeks ago something big came up, but were confident to fix it. Maybe they though Steam would be ready for the release, but maybe it wasn't. It's all speculation until they make a statement.

It's disappointing that the game is delayed, I agree, but I'm not disappointed in Valve. I would have been if they have said "we will make 30th september moron, stop nagging us with your silly delay rumours" but they didn't.

In short: don't blame them for delaying until they make a statement, because you have absolutely no idea WHY they delayed it.


Hey buddy, never saw Doug or Gabe say that they'll make it?

No actually I didn't, and I followed everything really close, funny eh?
I really dont know if I will buy the game now. One thing is for sure though, I will never trust anything anyone from Valve has to say agian if the whole delay thing is true. Might tell every gamer I know that the game sucks ass and is a waste of $ :cheese: hell I could take out a full page ad in the local paper. :devil:
I will contain my excitement until the box/jewel case/CD/DVD arrives. Im old school, I will NEVER purchase a full game via a system like Steam. No offense to it and I realize it is the "future" (probably) just not my future.
Originally posted by A2597
Of course I'm going to buy it, but I really want to know what happened...

I'd like to know, too. I rarely "demand" that a business reveal it's reasoning for anything, since it's THEIR business... but in the case of HL2's delay and customer misdirection, I truly feel they owe the community some sort of explanation. A lot of people went out and spent a lot of hard earned money on hardware upgrades, based on the fact that Valve was so firm on the 9/30 release. If they had been HONEST and UP FRONT about it, a lot of people would have waited. I know someone will inevitably respond to this point by saying "they should have just waited until they had the game in their hands before upgrading". Maybe so. But when the OWNER of the DEVELOPMENT STUDIO tells the press and fans REPEATEDLY that the game will be out on such a date, especially a week before, then the fans should be able to take him at his word.

I was one of the most outspoken people when it came to defending Valve's claims. I recognized the plight of a September release, but, like many others, when Gabe Newell told me that 9/30 was the date, I believe him and felt that carried more weight than Fragmaster's "inside scoop".

I'll certainly not make that mistake again. You have my word on it.

HL2 will be an artistic and technical masterpiece, and I'll buy it on those merits (because, in the end, that's what counts as far as how good a game is). In terms of Valve, no comment. I keep thinking back to the ATI event where Gabe seemed so concerned over nVidia's driver and card quality, and he even had a PowerPoint slide dictating that his "customers will be pissed" because of it. This led me to believe that he had a genuine concern over how customers perceived their company. While I still believe he and Valve want to deliver the best HL2 possible, I wonder if he sandbagged nVidia for other reasons, since they've just demonstrated that customer relations aren't one of their main concerns. This delay situation and how it was handled has opened the doors to slews of new doubts, when prior to this, the masses would have gladly given Valve the benefit of the doubt (such as the ATI deal).
I'll be damned if I'll buy that stupid game now! Um...guess I'll have to wait till they decide to release it ;(
Sure it's going to affect my purchase. I won't be purchasing it on September 30 as I had originally planned. And, yes, that sucks.
I'm still buying the game. Now I might get it from Steam, though.
"I'm still buying the game. Now I might get it from Steam, though."

Please read my theory thread, this is more than likely what Valve wants. Look how many people downloaded it just for Counter-Strike. Look how many people will use Steam just for HL2. It makes sense. Valve wants the community to become familiar and embrace Steam.
I was to buy Half Life 2 on Sept 30 now I can't so YES this has affected my purchase of HL2!

nope, im not gonna buy it anymore.
ill download it from ftp or something when its released.....
**** no.... of course im gonna buy it
Originally posted by ilove64
"I'm still buying the game. Now I might get it from Steam, though."

Please read my theory thread, this is more than likely what Valve wants. Look how many people downloaded it just for Counter-Strike. Look how many people will use Steam just for HL2. It makes sense. Valve wants the community to become familiar and embrace Steam.

Maybe, but in practice this will become VERY VERY hard, if not impossible. Many people look really sceptic to Steam. And even if everyone likes it, I doubt any server on this planet can handle such traffic with normal download speeds.
And if they wanted to do a Steam only release, they wouldnt have made a deal with VU.
Of course I'm gonna buy it! :)

Edit: If Vivendi had something to do with the delay, then I might buy via Steam:flame:
Of course i'm still going to buy HL2 :) - there's no point in missing out on one of the only exciting pc games to come out in years because of a delay.

Games are delayed all the time ............ it's only annoying cause we spend far to long speculating (basically talking crap) about stuff we can't possibly know the answers too.

It's the pointless delay threads that are too blame for ppl's lack on patience (and the ppl who kept them alive but giving pointless responses ........... harsh - but true)
i actually booked two weeks off to play the game,they were that firm on the release date being met..to suddenly delay it now,so close is awfull..and for a game that he said would make the 3oth,but he thought it would be close,they now say "holiday 2003"?i could understand a few weeks,but i get the impression it may well be more.Of course i will still buy it,but it has made me lost some respect for valve.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
And if they wanted to do a Steam only release, they wouldnt have made a deal with VU.
You're assuming Valve hasn't cut a new deal with Vivendi giving them a cut of Steam sales in exchange for delaying the retail release.
To those that upgraded... What's bad about that? Game will be out sooner or later...
Originally posted by Ace
To those that upgraded... What's bad about that? Game will be out sooner or later...

i would have waited for the 9800xt
yes it will affect my purchase.

only cos ill be more happy.

this gives me time to realy beef up my rig.


Radeon 9600 pro
2.8 gig P4 with hyperthreading
30 gig 10,000 rpm hard drive
1 gig of fast ddr memory.

still delaying HL2 6 days from release sucks bad.