Will this happen, YES, NO or MAYBE?


Jan 25, 2009
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This is one of those future threads. Just post something you've been pondering about what will happen in the future (any length of time will suffice) and discuss why or why not it'll happen.

Coma patients visiting relatives and friends
I predict in the future at some point, we'll have figured out a way for coma patients to jack into a virtual reality room to visit with their relatives and in real time converse with them and vice versa. Any kind of environment would be made and both parties would be inside of an artificial environment connected by their electrodes in their brain. If the coma patient wanted to die, at least they could mention it

Cybernetic Viruses
As robots in the future don skin to please many young Japanese and American youths, there will be a time when viruses and diseases will run rampant and it will be painfully obvious that someone was boning an Android of some sorts.

Recently Deceased Humans will be reborn suddenly in their own bodies but with the help of bionic devices that keep them alive much longer than anticipated. Much like a pacemakers, scientists and doctors will find a way to reach for immortality.

Thesemay not happen in our lifetime or it may not happen at all, but what ideas you got floating around in your head?
dude give me the number of your dealer
Coma patients visiting relatives and friends
I predict in the future at some point, we'll have figured out a way for coma patients to jack into a virtual reality room to visit with their relatives and in real time converse with them and vice versa. Any kind of environment would be made and both parties would be inside of an artificial environment connected by their electrodes in their brain. If the coma patient wanted to die, at least they could mention it

No. Patients in a coma at the very best have only minor brain function. They are in a vegetative state, so communication in any significant form is unlikely.

Cybernetic Viruses
As robots in the future don skin to please many young Japanese and American youths, there will be a time when viruses and diseases will run rampant and it will be painfully obvious that someone was boning an Android of some sorts.

No. At least not in the sense you're talking about. Undoubtedly there will be a point where computers are integrated into our body, and those could certainly get a virus as any software can, but with wireless transfers rather than genital transfers.

Recently Deceased Humans will be reborn suddenly in their own bodies but with the help of bionic devices that keep them alive much longer than anticipated. Much like a pacemakers, scientists and doctors will find a way to reach for immortality.

Depends on your definition of rebirth. People already can die and come back. If you're talking about people getting revived like 24 hours after death, then no, that will never happen. At least, not without severe brain damage so bad that they might as well be dead still.

Personally, I just wish I could have lived in a time where we've learned how to transfer our brain's information into machines, so I could be a robot and live forever. This is something that could very likely happen in the not-so-distant future. We've already begun transferring the brain's signals into machine-readable signals.
Transferring memories would be interesting.

I've always wondered, ever since playing Prototype.

If you have all the memories of a person, and you look like that person, but you are not really that person, are you still that person? I've always wondered if your personality would differ, or if you would act differently etc.
All I want is to be able to convert sounds in my head into an audio signal.

That's all I want.

Of course it would be the end of music creation as we know it.
All I want is to be able to convert sounds in my head into an audio signal.

That's all I want.

Of course it would be the end of music creation as we know it.

Hahah, that's similar to what I want, to capture images/video directly from my imagination/subconcious. That's like the holy grail of surrealism, to literally take snap shots from dreams.

However that's not all I want.
Personally, I just wish I could have lived in a time where we've learned how to transfer our brain's information into machines, so I could be a robot and live forever.
You wish for the worst fate possible to bestow on a human.

Never forget Keanu. He lives the life of an immortal for our sins. He will witness millions of loved ones' deaths. He will observe mankind tear itself to pieces in its inevitable demise. He will see the stars explode. He will be there when the universe has turned into the great entropic desert-void. Alone. Forever alone.
You wish for the worst fate possible to bestow on a human.

Never forget Keanu. He lives the life of an immortal for our sins. He will witness millions of loved ones' deaths. He will observe mankind tear itself to pieces in its inevitable demise. He will see the stars explode. He will be there when the universe has turned into the great entropic desert-void. Alone. Forever alone.

But Keanu isn't a robot. I would be.
It would be interesting to live in a Ghost in the Shell type world where people can put their minds into a cybernetic brain. It seems plausible, but the way the brain works and the way computers work isn't really the same principle. I think it could ultimately be possible, but it would certainly be one of those strange procedures. If it ever happened I think I'd do it, but I doubt it will in my lifetime.
People would actually want to live as a robot just to be immortal? Wtf?
People who want immortality are just afraid of death/hell.

I just hope I live long enough to see mankind reach the stars - which is unfortunately unlikely.
You guys are crazy. Machine minds and cybernetic viruses/pathogens are essentially inevitable, given that we survive that long.
In 100 years time, man will live in caves and kill eachother with pointy sticks.
Why would you want to live forever on this piece of shit planet? Oh right, so you can play video games for eternity
People who want immortality are just afraid of death/hell.
Death? Yes. Hell? Nope. Also fear isn't the biggest reason I'd want immortality. I want to watch the universe change.

Why would you want to live forever on this piece of shit planet? Oh right, so you can play video games for eternity

When I'm a robot I wont need to live on earth anymore.
Personally, I just wish I could have lived in a time where we've learned how to transfer our brain's information into machines, so I could be a robot and live forever. This is something that could very likely happen in the not-so-distant future. We've already begun transferring the brain's signals into machine-readable signals.

Cave Mother****ing Johnson. Brb gona go invest in Aperture Stock.
People who want immortality are just afraid of death/hell.

that's not true. I'd like to live to see my kids have kids and for their kids to have kids and so on. also I'm curious to see the direction future porn wil take

also sweet sweet revenge when I outlive you all. WHO'S AN OLD MAN NOW??? oh wait immortality hasnt been invented yet
immortality isn't far off, stem cells means we can soon replace dead cells, despite christian efforts to stop it, stem cell research has made great strides in the last decade.
perhaps if we had killed off all the christians we would have made great strides sooner ...jack booted strides all over their dying faces

ok maybe I shouldnt have said that last part out loud
Tissue regeneration, and transplants of organs made from the patient's stem cells, are the two most famous applications of stem cells, among a plethora of a other applications.

Here's an article from 2008 talking about the first transplant on a human, of a windpipe made with stem cells: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7735696.stm

So they've done a lot more than experiments on mice.
Cloning of humans may be common in the future. That is something I am afraid of. Imagine the largest human being reproduced over and over and eventually making even larger humans until we breed a human that is is 25 ft tall and invincible!

edit: that video was hilarious! :D
Am I seeing things or is hitler your new avatar?
You win! I was wondering when someone would notice
Cloning of humans may be common in the future. That is something I am afraid of. Imagine the largest human being reproduced over and over and eventually making even larger humans until we breed a human that is is 25 ft tall and invincible!

You win! I was wondering when someone would notice
A clone by definition would be the same height as the progenitor it is cloned from, because it's a clone.

Even with selective breeding of humans (positive eugenics), the offspring's height will be limited by the genes of the parents
Well, I sure as hell didn't need to see Vegeta's orgasm face. Thanks.
All I want is to be able to convert sounds in my head into an audio signal.

That's all I want.

Of course it would be the end of music creation as we know it.

Hahah, that's similar to what I want, to capture images/video directly from my imagination/subconcious. That's like the holy grail of surrealism, to literally take snap shots from dreams.

However that's not all I want.

Hell yeah, the brain is an amazing synthesizer and it would be awesome if there was any receiver for its output besides your own brain. One day, and certainly not in our lifetimes, it will be that shit just got sweet.
Real Retinas Grown in Lab Hold Eye Transplant Promise

Lab-grown human organs may seem like futuristic technology, but in a lab in Kobe, Japan, researchers are growing new retinas in a dish.

"This retina tissue made in the test tube was clearly real. It mimicked the complex structure of the retina in the eye," said Yoshiki Sasai at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, lead researcher on the study, published tomorrow (April 7) in the journal Nature.

The retina, the tissue lining inside the back of the eye, is made up of seven different cell types arranged into six distinct layers. It enables us to see, because it has special cells that respond to light and send messages to our brain. Diseases of the retina, such as retinitis pigmentosa, which occurs in about 1 in 4,000 people, can result in eventual blindness. [Image of lab-grown retina]

The researchers, led by Sasai, have discovered a way to coax mouse embryonic stem cells into forming an eyelike structure. The so-called "eye-cup" takes the same amount of time to develop as a typical mouse eye (about 20 days of pregnancy plus continued development several days after birth) and has all of the same cellular characteristics.

pretty awesome indeed. seems like every few weeks something amazing is happening in the science realm
that's not true. I'd like to live to see my kids have kids and for their kids to have kids and so on. also I'm curious to see the direction future porn wil take

Then you'll see your kids die, and then their kids die, and then their kids die...

All while fapping.