Will we be 'ON A RAIL' in HL2AM?

On A Rail, IMHO, was rather good, but too long, should have been about a quarter shorter, as all that train riding got boring somewhat.

The reason I prefer HL2 over HL1 is that there were no sections I disliked in HL2. Loved the airboat, Highway 17 and everything else. In HL1, I hated Residue Processing with a passion (only good thing - can be done fast), and didn't like Xen a lot either (awesome atmosphere and concept, sucky gameplay, clipping bugs on Interloper).
I can't wait to see how Xen will look like in Black Mesa: Source. :)
LittleB said:
I HATED On A Rail. HATED HATED HATED. What a piece of crap level in the entire history of Humankind

couldn't said it better myself! :)
I really liked the trail levels of HL1... Not really the level, but just riding the train... it got kinda boring though after awhile... I just went back and played HL1 and it wasnt as much fun playing it again. And when you got to use the bigger train car, like that had more cover and could go faster, you ended up crashing it after 10 seconds :(. But like in HL1 multiplayer, the trains were so much fun. Lol... good times, just me and my brother and my friend. It was awsome... but im not gunna explain...

But actually, I noticed there wasnt any trains in HL2 and I was kinda disapointed. The airboat was really fun, but got frusterating in a few parts. Never really cared for hw17, the damn antlions always knocked my buggy over :(. I cant express how much I wanted to slaughter those f***ing antlions.. just run them over a thousand times mashing them again and agin... and they NEVER STOPPED COMING!!!

But I didnt think the fish thingy was that scarry when I went back to play hl1... I swam with it a few times... it was fun :D lol... the AI was soo bad for it though, like when it tried to get you inside the cage, it wiggled back and forth really fast lol. But i didnt like the big mosters you cant kill, but have to go by them to beat the level...

And I didnt think the Xen levels were too bad... the jumping puzzles were easy... run, duck, jump... simple... but some parts i got lost, or it was hard cuz i didnt know what to do/where to go... but it was still fun...

Anyways... that just about sums it up : P
Um... not really... there were alot of train parts, but you never got to ride one cept for in the beginning, and/or drive one, which is the main thing we want..
*preparing for beating*

i... liked... on a rail... and... the... xen levels

Wow the first halo 2 player I met online that can actually speak proper english, maybe not some 12 year old?
I hated on a rail, nothing is more frusterating then falling off and having to wait till it comes around back. Usually i just jumped on the rail and killed myself
I see hl1 and hl2 as one giant game with no "levels" all taking place on the same day. (for Gordon)
special-ed said:
Wow the first halo 2 player I met online that can actually speak proper english, maybe not some 12 year old?
Yur, i r not 12 i r 15 hole yrz old!!i!one!1!

Ya sorry, I just had to do that... but really, HL1 was basically one big game all in one day with no actual levels really... just loading points. I cant remember one time in HL1 where you were in one spot and in the next level you werent in the same spot you left the last level... HL2, there are a few spots where you end up in a new place in a few levels but not too many.
MikeL15 said:
Yur, i r not 12 i r 15 hole yrz old!!i!one!1!

Ya sorry, I just had to do that... but really, HL1 was basically one big game all in one day with no actual levels really... just loading points. I cant remember one time in HL1 where you were in one spot and in the next level you werent in the same spot you left the last level... HL2, there are a few spots where you end up in a new place in a few levels but not too many.
Isn't that a GOOD thing?

It improves immersion
Op For Guy said:
I am a fan of Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 :smoking:
Well... Im a fan of Half-Life 2, Halo 2 and Doom 3. I dont get why players of one game hate the other games so much. They are all fun in different aspects and its not like they copy off of each other or did something that made the other games fans mad... and all of there graphics are awsome...

But yes Kingreaper, that is a good thing... not to many games I know of that are based all in one day and you actually need to walk to get to a place, rather than just porting the player there...
I enjoyed Apprehension, Lambda Labs, Xen and On A Rail.

I'm all of your worst nightmares.
Nooo! Nooo! Nooooo...

...wait, I actually quite liked all of them too. 'Cept Lambda.

Your attempt to terrify us failed!

I have to admit I'd have liked to have seen more trains in HL2. Well, more interactive trains- I mean, a highspeed razortrain was just begging for a level or two set onboard one. Big fast moving Combine super-train- what's not to love?

Oh, and you're MY wife now, Dave...
I suspect the main reason there aren't any on-train missions in HL2 is the mapping issues that would arise.
If the train moves at, say, 200 kph, then Valve would have to model 200 kilometers of backdrop for one hour of gameplay. Upwards of that if the player is slow, or stops to see the sights. They'd basically need a random real-time terrain generator to make it work at all.

The only other options would be to put the player in a time limit, or use a very slow train set in a curvey underground path, almost exactly like in HL1.

It could work as a continuation of the ravenholm mines level though, riding in a minecar through the tunnels.
Ooo, that would be nice.
Valve most probably wanted to try out fresh ideas and left out the rails levels.
But the rails were fun! But the minecart idea would be awsome... like, Donkeykong meets Half-Life... (the mine cart levels in Donkeykong were my all time favorite levels in that game... although its really old now)

But I would just like a long, never-stopping ride, not all the puzzles and stuff that where in HL1...
Iremember the mine carts in Donkey kong. Those were good times
eatbugs said:
Iremember the mine carts in Donkey kong. Those were good times
Heh... maybe we should make a Donkeykong mod for HL2! Lol... it probly wouldnt work out to well though...
Yeah I was just thinking that, then I remembered I know nothing about modding
Lol me neither... but it would still be cool... all we can hope for is a minetrain level in HL2:A now...
Haha, imagine getting blown out of barrels, and collecting bananas and doing cartwheels in first person veiw.

Something I recently noticed in the PC Gamer UK article:
Bangers and Ash
As the Citadel erupts, Gordon and Alyx will need to find some kind of transport to reach the minimum safe distance with their friends. A Trebant is one option, but maybe they'd be better served by a train
So in other words, PC Gamer are heavily hinting that the escape from City 17 will be made "On A Rail". As a passenger or a driver? Time will tell...
In other words, PC Gamer is LYING!


/me carries on with his mad delusions.
There's gonna be a train level in HL2AM whether you like it or not.

I really hope we get to drive a full locomotive complete with 9-10 cars and an airhorn.

The combine should catch up with us on another train. There should be train battles
with CP's and we should be able to run on the roofs, jumping from from car to car ... Somethin like Under Siege 2. :)

We should pick up rebels and weapons on the way and all of us heading to a common destination for a major battle... full scale war.

They couldn't have put in a train level since their stuttering engine wouldn't have been able to cope with all the new models it has to load every 100 metres.
On a rail was horrible compared to the vehicle levels of hl2
How can anyone not like any part of Half-Life? That's like... umm... eating an ice cream with chocolate coating and then stop half way through because you don't like it without chocolate. :O
Anyway, I AM a hl fanboy. I honestly think that the original game is 10 times better than the second one (and that's about how many times more I've played it through).
With that being said I can go on and tell you that in the beginning I didn't like On A Rail, but for some reason I'm liking it more and more. Maybe I've leart to like it.
I also think that Xen was the second best part of the entire game (the best beeing the train ride at the beginning). Oh, and if you think Xen is frustrating you haven't played one of the greatest sp mods ever, Half-Quake: Amen.
in my onpinion the vehicle bits ruined hl2. the whole thing of hl1 on a rail was that u felt like a real person inside a train and u could duck, fire ur gun etc, jump off. in hl2 it felt like a driving sim.......
Didymium said:
That's like... umm... eating an ice cream with chocolate coating and then stop half way through because you don't like it without chocolate. :O

No it's not! You need to work on your metaphors. It's like Eating a really good Hot Fudge sunday with nuts on it and you don't like nuts but you still eat it and It's awesome and after words you still love it but you don't like nuts still......yeh
BigJack said:
in my onpinion the vehicle bits ruined hl2. the whole thing of hl1 on a rail was that u felt like a real person inside a train and u could duck, fire ur gun etc, jump off. in hl2 it felt like a driving sim.......

I really don't know where you got that impression, but ah well :cheers: