Will we see a teaser this year?

Aug 20, 2007
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Will we see a teaser this year? It would make logical sense if they plan on a Q4 2009 release (not saying that they are)
I'm hoping for at least something by the end of summer, or possibly with Left 4 Dead. So far all we've seen is that one piece of concept art.
I'm hoping for at least something by the end of summer, or possibly with Left 4 Dead. So far all we've seen is that one piece of concept art.

...and that was no Episode Three concept art, it was shown before Half-Life 2 was released.
Hah, a 2009 release?
Wishful thinking.
Maybe at E3? Hopefully the release might coincide with the 10th year anniversary of half-life.
I doubt they'll show it at E3. I'm sure it will be all about Left 4 Dead.
this is too stupid to deserve even a lol

I lol'd

And personally I doubt we'll get the same teaser as we did for Episode Two. They seem to have disliked that idea. We might get screenshots or teaser material, but I don't think there will be a trailer.

But then it depends on what would be in the teaser. Scenes from the game, I think no. Some form of Gman speech, similarly to how they did the The Dark Knight teaser, maybe.
Who knows if they have enough material to even show us a teaser. But I am guessing a good possibility of a teaser by the end of 08.
Wont be in the form of a trailer like last time since they didnt like how that went, they changed the story quite drastically since that teaser so it led a lot of players on when it came to play the game.
it could be possible that they will create a gman speech with old teasers from the old episodes and at the end it would say EPISODE 3
Most probably.

Q3/Q4 I'm guessing.
We'll probably get something by the end of the year.
Whilst I'm not expecting it to be released this year, it would be a nice surprise if it did.

There must be something this year.
Who the hell knows other than Valve? It took them 5 years to release anything about HL2.

I hope they release some kind of information by the end of the year.
I hope we see one at E3, but chances are we won't.
Valve will most likely focus on Left Four Dead.
Perhaps it should be small trailer of a hatch (onboard the Borealis), with a small window, and all you see is a hand banging on the window. Then you hear ever louder screams, and then you see the door itself start to bulge and warp, as if there is something or a group or something on the other side merrily pissed off.

Then it fades to black, and the Gman states; "Time to Choose"

Seriously I'm hoping for some major Horror elements to the last game
I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a teaser trailer by the end of 2008, but there's no way it's coming out before at least Q3 2009... and I expect probably early 2010.
I'm not expecting a trailer this year, but then again, I wasn't expecting two Meet The Team videos and two new achievement packs this year either.
Valve's episodic experiment = Fail.

Tbh, we got much more gameplay than we would have otherwise. At least, considering the timeframe we've had. I wouldn't mind the Episodes so much if there wasn't such a gap between them! Tbh, I quite like the episodic content.
At least I got to play EP1 and EP2 at the same time for the first time. :D
I expect they'll want to hype things up one way or another. Even if there is no trailer, there'll probably be interviews and plenty of screenshots to feast upon prior to the release. I hope they make a trailer, because I think the Ep2 trailer were just sweet, but if they didn't like how the last one went then well, who's to say? If the problem was how the storyline changed after the trailer, then they might just release it a lot later than the Ep2 one, nearer to the completion date.
Yeah Im not expecting the game until at least summer 2009 (hopeful) and early 2010 latest, but I suspect we will get some sort of eye candy on the game to look at it, maybe even a trailer, deffo get interviews.

And I for one love the episodic direction, but it has kinda failed since we are still waiting ages for each game to come out, still no where near as long as a full game would take but still I thought the idea was the diminsh the time span for gameplay at least every 8 months to a year, at the moment we are waiting about a year and half at least.
Does anyone know how soon after Episode One the first Episode Two trailer was released? That could give us some ability to estimate how long we'll wait for the Episode Three one.
Does anyone know how soon after Episode One the first Episode Two trailer was released? That could give us some ability to estimate how long we'll wait for the Episode Three one.

If I remember correctly it was released few weeks before ep 1 got out. It was featured at the end of ep 1 too.

But I live in hope