Will we see the end of the world in our lifetime?

Will we see the end?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 26.2%
  • No

    Votes: 107 73.8%

  • Total voters
Ok...now the last one.

Come on doggy...get the last link. :D
Tr0n said:
Ok...now the last one.

Come on doggy...get the last link. :D

I'm on it, they removed the link I just found of evidence but ill continue my search
Damn can't find a link for the last one, well you can believe me or not.
Anyways it doesnt really matter.
Awww...no doggy treat for you then.
If everything goes to plan, of course we will.

Do you mean the end of the world as in the earth being destroyed?

Or most people dying, so I can drive around in ridiculous cars that I built myself.

Do have to go to australia to do that?
Heard of all three of those No-Live 2.
1st, the meteorite has I think a 30% or 40% chance of hitting us.
2nd, yes it will cause a large amount of damage to America's east coast, but think how long it will take to get across. Should have enough time to get a lot of people inland. I'd be more concerned about the more local area who'll have very little warning.
3rd, yes Yellowstone national park, due to erupt anytime now.....or in the next thousand years or so. It could go off while I'm writting this, but I dought it.
I've seen Hitch-Hikers, does that count?
The World will end when the sun engulfs it.

Do you mean when will the biosphere end?
There's nothing that we humans can do that can destroy all life. We might dry the oceans, and burn the land, but life will always find a way. The life won't end in 4 billion years, when the sun explodes.
How vain to think that our lifetime is special enough to witness such an event.
Direwolf said:
How vain to think that our lifetime is special enough to witness such an event.

We are not special, we are a part of a greater society. We are citizens, spare parts of a world that doesn't need us. We are the expandable members of the great cycle of being.

how encouraging.
This earth has existed for 4.6 billions year. It's not likely that it will be destoyed in the next 70 years.
Why not? Just because it's existed for 4.6 billion years doesn't mean that it has to continue past our lifetime.
The_Monkey said:
This earth has existed for 4.6 billions year. It's not likely that it will be destoyed in the next 70 years.

Stop destroying there hopes and dreams with your logic!
Causes of death

-F10s and other high tornadoes
-Nukes (yeah BUSH get rid of them)

Some reasons we'll survive:
-we evolve
-metoriete misses
-Mars life (live there)
-We learn how to flyyyy!
-we used farting power to push earth out of the way of the metorite.

And so on, you want links me dont give a squrrils ass!
No-live 2 said:
and its not bullshit, trust me ill be on the front row laughing when americans die

I can see you won't last long here.

Also I would like to know why you find innocent people dieing entertaining.
Shens said:

Oh shit.

I voted no.

Pfft, nothing exciting will happen that day. Unless you call the Dark Lord rising and turning the sky the colour of blood exciting.
lePobz said:
I hope that I will see the end of the world in my lifetime, but I probably won't. Death by close-range nuke is one hell of a way to go.
Quoted For Truth. Who WOUDLN'T want to go out in that way? I mean, it's painless, and your shadow is imprinted in teh contreat/walls behind you (granted they survive somehow)...so just grab a woman, start doing it doggy style, that way when some people come by 100 years from then, see the shadow of 2 people having sex, they are like "Heeyyyyyy!!!" ...

I'm nuts.
Eminent said:
Heard of all three of those No-Live 2.
1st, the meteorite has I think a 30% or 40% chance of hitting us.
2nd, yes it will cause a large amount of damage to America's east coast, but think how long it will take to get across. Should have enough time to get a lot of people inland. I'd be more concerned about the more local area who'll have very little warning.
3rd, yes Yellowstone national park, due to erupt anytime now.....or in the next thousand years or so. It could go off while I'm writting this, but I dought it.

Thank you kind man, and I like innocent people dieing because its not me.
and when I die, you can all laugh
Or maybe a big ****ing pebble will come from the sky and hit No-live 2 in the temple and the cure to death will be found in his urethra.
Pesmerga said:
Or maybe a big ****ing pebble will come from the sky and hit No-live 2 in the temple and the cure to death will be found in his urethra.

We can only hope
Vorac1ous said:
Did anything happen on 6/6/1906? Nope...


I can't belive I didn't think of that every time I heard the 6/6/06 theory.
The_Monkey said:
This earth has existed for 4.6 billions year. It's not likely that it will be destoyed in the next 70 years.
Yeah because we all know, the older someone is, the better their chances of survivial :p

clarky003 said:
i very much doubt the end.

but as we know it, .. perhaps very likely

Agreed. I think we'll have a major change in our way of life in the next 70 years, maybe not the end but close.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yeah because we all know, the older someone is, the better their chances of survivial :p


One get wiser, and more experienced by age...
The_Monkey said:
One get wiser, and more experienced by age...


Well as good as the analogy is, you've actually managed to miss the point and make it irrelevant to the planet :D
I don't think we'll see the end of the world anytime soon. I think there will be some drastic changes though.

Nuclear war has always been a scary thought to me, I can imagine looking out of the window in school one day, only too see a huge mushroom cloud in the distance. Followed by me dying :(
clarky003 said:
JiMmEh ... thats positive thinking.. are you depressed..?

Nah. :) I am pretty tired and pissed off though :p

It's just all this this talk about nuclear weapons etc. - The thought came to me when someone posted links showing videos of all nuclear weapons - pretty cool stuff - but I've always had this vivid image of me sitting in English doing my work, the I look up and see some hooooge mushroom cloud out the window. Maybe I'm seeing the future? :O