will we see zombies being formed?


Sep 14, 2003
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I know it sounds unneccesarily gruesome but will you see some NPC attacked and killed by a headcrab (non scripted) and if you came back to the area a little later will a zombie be formed...

I havnt phrased it very well but hopefully you get the drift of my question.
noone but gabe can answer that question- more than likely they will be scripted if they do happen.
I have no idea. I think the process of a person becoming the host of a headcrab zombie is taking about a day and between the moment of a person being killed by a headcrab and the person being a pure zombie the host will probably just be lying down dead with the headcrab on its head.
It cant take a day, in hl1 there were zombies around like 5 min after the explosion.

I think it would be cool to get to see the actual mutating-process.
there were headcrab zombies 5mins after the accident in blak mesa
Does it matter? The unseen can be just as scary... A man runs around a corner... headcrabs running after... You hear a terrible scream... Out comes a gruesome zombie :)
Oh , that's right. Well, it could take a couple of hours, we don't know for how long Gordon were passed out after the explosion and the 'flashbacks' to Alien-Land.
Originally posted by CrazyHarij
I think the process of a person becoming the host of a headcrab zombie is taking about a day
No - there were loads of zombies in HL and that took place in about 2 days... Plus the first zombie you saw was right after the experiment. They work fast...

As long as there are no Op4 SuperZombies... Christ on a bicycle they were awful...
Originally posted by CrazyHarij
Oh , that's right. Well, it could take a couple of hours, we don't know for how long Gordon were passed out after the explosion and the 'flashbacks' to Alien-Land.

well, most of the scientists were having priliminary thoughts on the aftermath, it must of been within a couple of mins
you are unconcious for the experiment your are knocked out remember.

Your suit is designed to stop you from dying if possible SO you could of been unconcious for a day or two !
Originally posted by Smith
well, most of the scientists were having priliminary thoughts on the aftermath, it must of been within a couple of mins

It could've been thirty minutes or something. Longer than a few minutes.

Guys, it couldnt have been longer then 5 mins, cos if u remember, the scientist just out side the room was reviving the guard. so it must of been 1 to 5 minutes.
I always thought it was a very short time. soon into 'unforseen consequences' you get out of the lift to see two scientists, one on the floor wounded and they are saying "why didnt they listen?"
"we tried to warn them"
then one looks up and says "Gordon thank god your alive, im afraid to move him and all our phones are out, please get to the surface as soon as you can and let someone know we stranded down here."

This seems to put accross only a few minutes. Long enough for them to get wounded, pick themselves up try the phones and then wonder what to do. So i dont think it was too long gordon was out.

Oh damn ive just been able to recite a scripted secuence...thats not good
Re: wrong

Originally posted by G^e
Guys, it couldnt have been longer then 5 mins, cos if u remember, the scientist just out side the room was reviving the guard. so it must of been 1 to 5 minutes.

The Barney heart had stopped (hence CPR), not an injury that would've been caused by an explosion. Maybe he had a heart attack or something and the Scientist came across him.

Originally posted by G^e
I always thought it was a very short time. soon into 'unforseen consequences' you get out of the lift to see two scientists, one on the floor wounded and they are saying "why didnt they listen?"
"we tried to warn them"
then one looks up and says "Gordon thank god your alive, im afraid to move him and all our phones are out, please get to the surface as soon as you can and let someone know we stranded down here."

This seems to put accross only a few minutes. Long enough for them to get wounded, pick themselves up try the phones and then wonder what to do. So i dont think it was too long gordon was out.

They could have been there discussing the disaster for quite a while. The scientists have just been through quite a trumatic experience, it was probably the 20th time they said "Why didn't they listen?".

I don't think anything that you meet in the first section after the accidentl says conclusively that it was only a few minutes between the accident and Gordon walking out of the Test Chamber.
Nah, doubt it was very long. Either way, Changing from person to zombie would - I'm guessing here - be complex in terms of modelling, or there'd have to be some strange cop-out. I doubt it'll be there.
I doubt it somehow, It wouldn't add much to the game. It would take at least 20 minutes for them to mutate and i don't think you will spend that much time in one particular area.