Will you abstain from watching the new E3 presentations?


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Do you have the will power?

I have been a rabid hl2 media whore since it was announced, but after the latest round of hl2 preview material im a little paranoid about being spoilt.

I envy the few people who will play HL2 without ever seeing more than half a dozen screenshots. Imagine their amazement of seeing a Strider for the first time.
I thought about abstaining. But in my Safe-HL2 class they said if I put a rubber on my head while watching the videos I have a 90% chance of not getting spoiled. So I may do that.
I'm exactly like chaos, I want to see what Valve have to show sooo badly, but equaly I want to know as little to spoil the game as is possible. :/
No, I will abstain fro...I will do my best to...I will try to absta...I will make an effort...I will watch the videos obssesively.
Hehehe, well since I am counting down the days to E3, you can guess what I'll be doing. Man I would cry if Valve just showed the same videos from last year... :(
Even if they showed the latest versions of the maps in the updated engine? I think that would be the perfect comprimise.
Hehe the same thing here. I WISH I could resist, but I'm afraid I'm gonna watch the videos anyway. I've managed to stay away from the leaked version as well as most of the screenies/videos from the leak, but the E3 stuff will be too much to resist I'm afraid... :(

Btw UKchaos, good job on the ign boards on the "two hl2 presentations at E3" comments thingy! I was almost about to register myself to tell that whining guy over there a thing or two, but luckily you saved me the trouble!
Seriously i dont think valve would want to show material that would 'spoil' the game to a such a degree, that we would be disgusted :burp: .
Im not going to kid myself....i will watch the videos....UNLESS there anything to do with storyline , then i will deffenetly (spelling) not watch them
Varsity said:
I'm exactly like chaos, I want to see what Valve have to show sooo badly, but equaly I want to know as little to spoil the game as is possible. :/
Come on, Valve have always wanted to keep as many surprises in store as possible, so don't worry toooo much.
Personally I'm also a whore and I have no self-control...
In one week exactly new vids will be released.

LOL i am really hyped up.
I've lurked around many HL2 forums (mostly this ofcourse ;b) since HL2 was announced, there's no way I could go buy the game without seeing all media possible first :p
The same feeling I had when last years E3 was coming starts to creep on me again ... the thought of skipping some media is just right about to start a war against my consciense ._.
I want to watch the videos but I look forward to getting the release date even more!
Nope I will not be avoiding the footage. Mostly because I know they aren't going to put anything too revealing in the footage after all this work to keep alot of the story under wraps. At most the only thing you'll be spoiled with are maybe a few new enemies and locations, a couple of levels (that will most likely be in the earlier parts of the game).
I have no reason to abstain...thefore I'll watch it as soon as my modem finishes :)
I'm having this inner battle inside at the moment too

I'll wait till i see posts about it, to decide whether it's too spoilerish or not. You can get the gist of posts by reading the beginnings i've found.
Saved myself from a few spoiler bits so far =D
You may hear stuff as early as the 11th cause valve is going to be doing a sneek-peek talk and demonstration at the conference.
I haven't seen one video about HL2 yet. I'm doing good, and it doesn't hurt. So I won't watch the new E3 either.

I made the mistake of looking at a few screenshots. They looked horrible so I vowed not to look at any more.
while the rest of you are sitting talking to your family trying to ignore your cable connection calling you a coward!..... ill be sitting back watching the new videos and possibly wacking off if a release date gets anounced like its supposed to.....
god i cant wait to see these new videos. im of the opinion that whatever valve releases, they believe its safe for us and wont ruin the experience. im also looking forward to a possible release date, but im not going to panic if they dont give us one.
UKchaos said:
Do you have the will power?

I have been a rabid hl2 media whore since it was announced, but after the latest round of hl2 preview material im a little paranoid about being spoilt.

I envy the few people who will play HL2 without ever seeing more than half a dozen screenshots. Imagine their amazement of seeing a Strider for the first time.

I remember, when I started HL1 for the first time. The only few things I knew before playing the game was the review from PCGamer. I just went "WTF!?!? WOW!!" and I'll try to make it happen again like this once again.
Abstain? Hell, i'll wait in line the mandatory 2 hours like last year, and when they are done, shake Gabe's hand.
Do I have the will power? Why would I need that? I don't WANT to abstain from viewing them.
I wonder what the reaction would be if Valve posted a new HL 2 super hi res all the eye candy video file for downloading and it turned out to be a 3 hour special vid of Barny the Dinosaur >:> (joke)

I haven't had much trouble in resisting watching vids and ss, I have only watched the old E3 shaky cam tech demo video.
i'll watch the videos as long as theres no spoilers.. so i guess i will wait at first and see what pple say about them. :E
once they release the new videos i will download and watch them in a small closet with my eyes taped open.

...im not joking.
I'll burn them on a VCD and watch them on my friend's 62' TV :D
Not a chance. I need new media like I need water.
I guess if the release date is push back to say winter or later i will probably cave in and see them, overwise ive seen enough to be satisfied.
oh, and another question:

If you decide to see them, will you be happy with the first Shakey-Cam footage you can get your hands on or wait for the official bink videos (which could takes weeks to be release)?
Will watch videos. Need something to get me excited about the game again after the multitudinous fiascoes of the last year. That way, I'll be ready for a fresh set of fiascoes.
give us the damn game already :p

hell no, I have strong willpower, but not when it comes to HL2
*drool* E3 so damn close.
I know, I haven't been this excited for an E3 in years, and I'm not even going. It's not only HL2 though it's alot of games. This E3 has the potential to be the best in years I'd say.
Why oh why does all the HL2 hype have to start when I should be revising for the most important exams I have ever done in my life to date! :angry:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Why oh why does all the HL2 hype have to start when I should be revising for the most important exams I have ever done in my life to date! :angry:

Thats a very good question..........if you have the answer for that let me know.
Are you kidding me? That would be like abstaining from a threesome with two gorgeous twins who you know are STD free.