Will you abstain from watching the new E3 presentations?

UKchaos said:
I guess if the release date is push back to say winter or later i will probably cave in and see them, overwise ive seen enough to be satisfied.

Same here. I waited until a couple of weeks ago to watch some of the bink videos and I don't have much of an urge to watch new ones unless they have something truly interesting in them. I just want to play the game, I don't care much about the videos or screenshots at this point.
I've been waiting for E3 for.. well, since I heard it was delayed :) No way am I avoiding the newest upcoming media

The only thing that might keep me busy is the E3 Guild Wars beta, but that's only if it's good
Thanks to beta-sites and such I am positive if there is anything the new e3-videos will spoil I already know about them, and the rest will probably be hidden. :cheers:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Why oh why does all the HL2 hype have to start when I should be revising for the most important exams I have ever done in my life to date! :angry:
I feel you man. I've got 7 college papers to do, physics assignments to complete, and finals to study for.. all within this week!

*glares at HL2*
Personally I think we have enough information as it is, I'm finding it hard to see how VALVe are going to make a bran-new presentation out of HL2 without ruining a lot of 'WOW' factor.

I personally believe that last round of screenshots was a bad idea.
its too tempting to watch the new video clips that will come out, and stuff so i will watch those, but im kind of dissapointed with that new hl2 german video. The one where Dr.Kleiner says: Gordan Freeman! It really is you, isn't it!<---------That kind of spoiled he beginning of the game but oh well.
Cunni said:
Are you kidding me? That would be like abstaining from a threesome with two gorgeous twins who you know are STD free.

im desperate enough not to care about the last part.....

No way am I abstaining!
I'll be watching those movies in my basement until i'm up to my eyeballs in drool! :p
Well I look at the whole "DONT SPOIL IT FOR ME!!!" concept, I understand that you may see things, but I look at it like this... I may see some things, but when im playing the game, im not gonna remember all the shit i seen on this website and all that, ima be too into the game. Show me whatever you want me to see, im game. It wont bother me.
I know one person that watched ONLY the traptown vid. No screenies, no other movies...

on the plus side, he is SOOOO going to be awed...

on the negative...he buys into alot of the crap going around about how bad the game is...
UKchaos said:
Do you have the will power?

I have been a rabid hl2 media whore since it was announced, but after the latest round of hl2 preview material im a little paranoid about being spoilt.

I envy the few people who will play HL2 without ever seeing more than half a dozen screenshots. Imagine their amazement of seeing a Strider for the first time.

I trust valve not to spoil the game, so I shall abstain not.
when is e3? date? and how long after that u guys reckon they will release the videos?
E3 is 12th-14th of May

I trust Valve not to show anything too revealing in the vids , just sum action that has no real importance of the storyline
Not really, I don't mind having anything spoiled. I'm in it for the experience. Gravgunning a box at a strider for the first time will feel much better than just seeing one.
I would rock if i only saw one vid from e3 last year, but i actually saw every single piece of info that's released by valve, and more .. some against my will..

But that only ruins the "first-time wow-factor" a bit , but that's only one small reason to like the game. Once you play the game, you think of the part you're in right then, and won't worry about "oh god i already know this"..

except if it's the plot of course, but I think nobody knows that

I'm gone to Berlin @ e3, so i'm not gonna be able to watch the video's , so ill see the reactions when i come back, and see if i can obstain from it :D
i've only seen the officially released stuff (no betas) and thats hardly come up to an hour or two, at most. the finished game is WAY bigger than that, so i dont care. like someone said, you're not gonna remember the videos when you actually have the game to play with. even plot-wise, all those disjointed bits of the story wont make any difference to the overall experience...

actually not even that much... "an hour or two is way too much time!"