Willy Nelson's alternative energy source!

Feb 24, 2005
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I am so happy that there are some people here in the US who are actually doing something about our dependence on foreign oil and our blatant disregard for the environment. Sure, Bush mentioned this in his SotU address a while back, but as we all know it was merely lip service, as he cares about the environment/oil alternatives about as much as I care what color his sh*t was this morning. Listen to some of the outrageous benefits of this wonderful compound:
--Biodiesel reduces carbon dioxide exhaust emissions by up to 80%.
--Biodiesel produces 100% less sulfur dioxide than petroleum based diesel, and sulfur dioxide is the major component of acid rain.
--Biodiesel reduces exhaust smoke (particulates) emissions by up to 75% so the usual black cloud associated with a diesel engine can be eliminated.
--The smell of the biodiesel exhaust is far more pleasant than petroleum based diesel, some times smelling like pop corn or doughnuts if the fuel is made from a waste vegetable oil feedstock.
--Biodiesel smells better than diesel fuel so it is a pleasant experience re-filling the vehicle's tank.
--Biodiesel is much easier to handle and does not require mechanics to use barrier cream on their hands to protect the skin from cracking or redness.
--Biodiesel is much less dangerous to put in a vehicles fuel tank as the flash point of biodiesel is ± 150°C (300°F) as opposed to petroleum diesel which is at ± 70°C (150°F).
--Biodiesel degrades about 4 times faster than petroleum diesel after spillage, with most of a spill broken down after just 28 days.
--Biodiesel is so safe to handle that you can throw a lighted match into a bucket of biodiesel and the fuel will not catch fire. Not only does this make gas stations and their associated delivery trucks much safer, but a vehicle fueled with biodiesel is also much safer as it will not explode if involved in an accident.

I can't wait for the world to be forced to examine this sort of energy alternative much more closely so that the money-hungry politicians and vicious terrorists can stop using oil as a lever for power in the Middle East and elsewhere around the globe. Maybe there'll be fewer prosthetic penises (read: SUVs) on the road terrorizing folks as well. :thumbs:
I've read about biodesiel, they make it from sugar or achohol, or something like that.
last week the white house made a brief annoucement that the US is on the verge of a major energy breakthrough ..didnt say what it was (probably invading some oil rich country ...I kid, ..somewhat). The optomist in me wants to believe it's something safe and plentful rather than expensive and relies on the oil industry in some way

good for willy but we need governments to get into the act. During canada's federal election not one of the big 3 talked about enviromentally safe alternative energy sources ..they just argued whether or not they should close a few coal mines ..we have 1 giant windmill in our city ...one ..in a city of 4 million.
One problem (if this is the same fuel I'm thinking of).

The amount of biodiesel needed would mean planting an area roughly the size of, er, Africa. Countries able to grow the crops required would need to devote their entire economies. Sure, this would mean more work for the people in these countries but it'd be shit work. The amount needed would basically use all the land that would otherwise be used for food production. The economy obeys market forces; the people with money are the people with cars. Vast swathes of land will be used to grow lucrative, get-rich-quick biodiesel instead of food, and millions will starve.

I dont think it'll be just one source ...I believe that when oil dries up we'll have to look at multiple solutions. Any solution will be expensive because it doesnt have the infrastructure in place to support it (as sulky suggested)
Sulkdodds said:
One problem (if this is the same fuel I'm thinking of).
Maybe indeed. Deforestation is another consideration in Malaysia at least. But Africa is getting in on it and it seems like it is a convenient way to also support local economies while getting more fuel on the market. Yes, it might seem like shit work, but do you think the work the Mexicans (both legal and illegal) do in the US or in Mexico for that matter is good work exactly? It is better than not working or being able to have any income whatsoever for your family I think.

Mark Quinn, CEO of D1 Oils said, “The introduction of biodiesel blended with mineral diesel in developed markets has created demand for feedstock that we believe can be most efficiently met from crops produced in developing countries. Our agreement with Stancom enables local farmers to get more income, while enabling Stancom to diversify into energy crops. The growing of biodiesel crops will have a significant impact on employment and incomes for local communities.”
And Stern is right--its an on-going learning process. We will inevitably be forced to find fuel alternatives in the not-so-distant future, so this is an important step. Hopefully as we learn more about this and other sources of energy, we will finally arrive at something that will benefit everyone (including Mother Earth).
We never know. But my point was we could have a situation where there's only a limited amount of agricultural space available and it's more lucrative to feed cars than to feed people.
Why can't we just hope for oil to dry up for good, without any alternative resource?

Car deaths will go down... militaries will not be able to wage horrible war against other countries. People will ride bikes everywhere or walk! Woot! That'll make us all less fat, and more healthy.

All oil does, is lets us strive to get richer and richer, and develop products that use our resources faster and faster.

Note: I'm not 'entirely' serious.
I saw a few months ago a really beat up car that had a sign in the back that said "This car uses Biodiesel." And yes, it did smell like fried food. :)
Heh, quite a few people are running cars and trucks on biodiesel now. (in UK at least)
It's still mainly a few people in their garage filtering old chip shop oil etc but it's expanding.

I'm pretty sure i had a rant about it here before and my plan with the diesel volvo.
Sulkdodds said:
We never know. But my point was we could have a situation where there's only a limited amount of agricultural space available and it's more lucrative to feed cars than to feed people.
Indeed. That could be a very serious problem. And so it goes that it looks like this (<--clickee) might be the best way to take care of both problems and a couple of other ones too.