

The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
So I have a mate who can get me a copy of Win2000 Pro, and I'm keen on it since I really don't like XP and my 98SE has been giving me alot of hassle lately. However I'm not sure how Win2000 will fare on my non-business, family pc :) and is it any more stable anyhow? The main draw is it's been built on NT, and I've used it before on a Computer course and I found it quite pleasant, my main worries are accesability and, well, gaming :p Anyone give me some opinions on how it runs mainly in comparison with 98. Thanks.
Bad^Hat said:
So I have a mate who can get me a copy of Win2000 Pro, and I'm keen on it since I really don't like XP and my 98SE has been giving me alot of hassle lately. However I'm not sure how Win2000 will fare on my non-business, family pc :) and is it any more stable anyhow? The main draw is it's been built on NT, and I've used it before on a Computer course and I found it quite pleasant, my main worries are accesability and, well, gaming :p Anyone give me some opinions on how it runs mainly in comparison with 98. Thanks.
A copy? Pay for it. We don't support warez here, even if it is Microsoft :)
Fenric1138 said:
A copy? Pay for it. We don't support warez here, even if it is Microsoft :)

He could be giving him a legit copy, not so much a copy copy, but a retail copy
Or he could have removed it from his system and given it to him.

Windows 2000 is a great platform, i haven't found windows XP to be much more user friendly, and it has more bugs in it. 2000 Pro is probably the most stable thing microsoft has to date, that's why complanies still use it as a standard. Personally i pick it over XP, definately over 98SE. The only thing that 2000 doesn't support is Hyperthreading on pentium chips.
Win2k is the basic core of WinXP. WinXP gives you some extra features and along with that can come some issues but they really are minimal. But then again most people who get WinXP and don't care for the flashy look always set everything to classic as far as interface and disable a lot of the services. Basicly they are back to Win2k...or you could just start with Win2k. That is how I look at it.
Don't need any of those features why start with them? Think you would use a few but not the rest you could go with XP and disable a lot of it. Whatever works. Its basicly the same thing.

BTW you can get WinXP Home OEM for Pro OR Win2k isnt much different. Retail is $$$.
If you can get a copy through a University that is even better. I got my XP copy for 10$ through my school. I know a friend who was not going to use his schools copy because he already had one. He gave it to someone. Maybe you could (or are) find someone to do that with ya. lol
Well I definitely don't use hyperthreading on my Athlon... installing! Are there many games that don't run on 2000?
So I installed it, it's confusing and half my programs don't work ^^

Any way of chucking my Win98SE disc back in and reverting back?
Screw this, I'm never changing operating systems again, ever >_<
What programs are you running? Most 98 programs work on 2000/XP in my experience (I have maybe 3 that don't work, so I have 98 dual booted)
Only really old Dos stuff will have issues with win2k... If it was a legit copy;) he'd probably have known he could dual boot it and have kept his win98 installation for playing older games and thus not harming his setup and having to reinstall everything again to remove it :(

Either way you didn't give it a good chance. I had to have win2k installed for a good few weeks before I had tweaked it enough to actually like it. But then I was forced to switch over, Softimage, Maya and the other heavyweights wont run on anything less.
I think he might have installed it over his old copy of windows (so he wouldn't lose his files... but I wouldn't recommend this, because NTFS is much better than FAT32) and the programs lost all of the installation/configuration information stored in the registry. They probably just need to be reinstalled. If not, most programs have Win2K-compatible alternatives. The only thing I had to use Win98 for was one old game.
Yea i gotta say, if you think windows 98SE is better then 2000 Pro you need a head exam, then again, i am a 2000 Pro fan so I state my opinions as fact. Yea if you have a legit copy and all the software for your hardware you should be able to do it without a problem. The setup information that comes with it is a life saver.

2000 and XP are leaps ahead of 98, 98 still had a lot of annoying USB incompadibility issues, and just random bugs. If you have an averson to upgrading yourself though you might wanna just buy a pre-made system next time with a better OS, or install a new OS on a fresh drive so you won't have issues with lingering files and processes.
OCybrManO said:
I think he might have installed it over his old copy of windows (so he wouldn't lose his files... but I wouldn't recommend this, because NTFS is much better than FAT32) and the programs lost all of the installation/configuration information stored in the registry. They probably just need to be reinstalled.

I'm absolutely positive he did that, there's no way that NONE of his 'programs' work on win2k. Best thing to do is format the hard-drive, convert it to ntfs, and just install win2k. Unless of course you only have on hard disk, and you'll lose all your music, pictures, installers etc. I always keep everything I download, unless it has become obsolete (ie newer version available), or i've burned it to a CD (which i never do). I'm an archiving freak!!

Side note:I'm planning to buy a Mt Rainier compatible CD-RW drive, excellent if you're a person that likes to keep everything stored safely but easily accesible, like me. If my hard-disk crashes, I'm going to lose 9GB of music, not to mention 500MB of digital pictures. So I really need a good backupping platform, which a CD-MRW really is :)
OK Win2k are supposed to run in NTFS and not FAT32 its more stable that way and perform faster + can have bigger harddrive etc. thats a proven fact. period. So the best way to get a optimal Win2k is reinstalling everything ON NTFS FILESYSTEM FFS!

IMPORTANT: As Asus said Win2k is WinXP just with less weird features wich arent used and as long as u download and install Service Pack 4 and preferebly the small updates along with dx9 etc. it will run games fine as long as u have a decent computer 1.5+ ghz+ 512 ram good motherboard and most important a good gfx card etc.