Windowed mode problems, can't change settings back!


Apr 15, 2008
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I've been doing a lot of hammer editing recently, and since I started using dual display I wanted to run in windowed mode to have access to things on my secondary monitor, so I compiled and launched my map as usual, video settings, windowed mode.

However, Half-Life 2 (ep2) runs the Valve video, then quits.

I tried launching the game manually and changing the video settings back to full screen, but this doesn't seem to affect the game if it's launched from Hammer. I can't launch Ep 2 every time I want to test my map, it would take forever.

But I can't change the settings because HL2 crashes before I can get ingame.

Any ideas?
Are you trying to run the game via Hammer after compile?
Yes, F9 and unchecked 'Do not run after launch', just as usual.

I can get to the map by launching HL2 (Ep 2) and using the console, but it takes bloody ages to launch.

Interestingly, Ep2 launches in fullscreen mode like usual, and the video settings are all the same as they ever were, but when I launch from Hammer it's windowed and quits after the Valve video (the map compiled and ran 1 minute earlier in fullscreen without changes).
You really shouldn't run the game from Hammer. Your problems are evidence enough that it doesn't work properly.
I usually just have the game open while I'm mapping. And alt tab in and reload the map after compiling to test it or whatever.