Windows 2k or XP?



Im currently using Windows XP and previously had Windows 2k installed. For some reason I felt that Windows 2k was quicker.. :dozey: My current set-up is P4 3.25, 1024 DDR, etc etc. What OS do you guys use and recommend to use?

Sorry if a thread similar to this has been posted... Just want some feedback :cheers:
2k and XP are very comparable.. I'd say pretty much the same, speedwise, but XP is more user friendly and has more eye candy, while 2k isn't as pretty
i use xp..... i have a legit copy of windows 2003...i just need a new HD before i can install it.

i wouldnt really say one is better than the other.....XP has alot of extra junk that some people use and some people dont.
Yes, 2k comsumes less resources than XP, but on your system the difference can't be niticed. If you want more security use 2k, although XP isn't that holly(has lots of holes :E). I prefer XP beacuase of its eye candy stuff - I am an aesthete therefor I prefer beautifull things.

To all: How much FPS do you get in Windows? :E
Originally posted by crabcakes66
i use xp..... i have a legit copy of windows 2003...i just need a new HD before i can install it.

i wouldnt really say one is better than the other.....XP has alot of extra junk that some people use and some people dont.

..isn't Windows 2003 a server OS? Why would you want to replace XP with it?
Originally posted by Shuzer
..isn't Windows 2003 a server OS? Why would you want to replace XP with it?

becuase XP is a resource hog......

with server 2003 you get all the compatability and none of the junk.

a perfect gaming OS
Hrm. Interesting, but, does server 2003 have visual styles like XP?

I know nothing about server 2003, so why use it over Win2k? Server 2003 uses even less resources than Win2k?
no im pretty sure it doesnt have the visualization stuff....and thats a part of XP that i dont really use anyway.

Im not sure how much of a noticable differance between 2k and S2k3 there is.
I went straight from 95 to XP......................I was so confused for like...........5 minutes..............then I was very happy :)
How did you get a legal copy of server 2003 ? Its like $20,000 or more oO
Get XP, it's better. But UPDATE the Service Packs asap as well!
Ive had windows 2003 for AGES!!! since it came out acctually, very good, i recommend it for everyone
Me uses Windows ME.
It drove me mad with all it's bugs and crashes in the beginning, but strangely it's a lot more stable now =)
Originally posted by simmo
Ive had windows 2003 for AGES!!! since it came out acctually, very good, i recommend it for everyone

same...but i havent been able to use it :(
Originally posted by [CoHn]FuSeD
Me uses Windows ME.
It drove me mad with all it's bugs and crashes in the beginning, but strangely it's a lot more stable now =)

ME = worse than 95. seriously, if i had to choose between ME and 98SE i'd even go back to 98.
I used to use ME. Everyone said it was pants but it was alright for me. I liked it because it had the functionality and the support of 98SE, but was slightly more stable/usable.

After that I've had a love/hate relationship with XP, but I'm using it with all the updates and it's working nicely now. And I love StyleXP.

95 was good because it was pretty darn stable. Oh, and Microsoft Bob rocks (I've got it running on XP too though :D)
You can download win2003 server from the microsoft website apparantly, it's just a trial version but you can crack it.

Also I think with you can actually get the winxp themes to work on it if you really want to.
window 2k for sure.
I have been using this window for about 6 months and I have not crashed once :)

even if I got very laggy somehow I could manage to shut down the computer

2K is more stable than XP IMO.
Originally posted by mrchimp
You can download win2003 server from the microsoft website apparantly, it's just a trial version but you can crack it.

W00T! Screw Microsoft over in a very minor way!

Thanks for all the speedy posts! I really appreciate them. :cheers: Keep them comming. :thumbs:
i use windows 2k and im very satisfied with it. i have two computers one here, which is mine and one at my fathers which is a family computer and that one uses XP. i dont care for "eye candy" if u can call it that, its really not that much better than 2k it just takes up more resources and looks cartoony. 2k is very stable and handles any game or app. i throw at it. iv had experiences with both OS's both for over 6 months, i would definatly choose 2k over xp.

however i am interested in 2k3 now becasue of some of the replys, im going to have to look into that.
I don't see Win 2k as more secure than XP, especially since a basic firewall is included with XP and none is with 2000. If you try to share stuff with XP the firewall is the first thing that is going to stop people from accessing your stuff. Also 2000 BECAME XP. The extra stuff can be turned off. Turn off UPnP, firewall, etc. You can choose the CLassic desktop menus instead of XPs. It is visually identical to 2000 if you use classic styles.

Most of it makes things easier. I find XP easier than 2000. Plug-n-play and device setup is great--brainless even. I have to support small offices of users who are not terribly literate and XP makes that much easier. Every XP Pro has terminal service built in so I can take control of any desktop in the company and avoiding having to go to desks.

XP PRO is the way to go.
Yeah. I've heard XP Home is crap compared to XP Pro (although I've never used XP Home..), but anyhow

KiNG, when people refer to eyecandy, I don't believe they're talking about the Windows XP default themes, those are ugly. However, with that skinnability comes programs such as StyleXP, WindowBlinds, etcetera, which allows for more spiffy custom themes that people can make
WIN2K is used at school, and while it could be the hardware (but i think we're using p3 @ 800 with at least 256mb's of ddram: and even on the teachers P4's) or maybe the admin just didnt config/network them right but they crash all the time, and it pisses me off no end. i use XP here, and im pretty happy with it though i use linux for everything else.
Originally posted by Shuzer
Yeah. I've heard XP Home is crap compared to XP Pro (although I've never used XP Home..), but anyhow

if you think home is bloated, pro will knock your socks off. pro is much better for corporations that need additional security and networking features. for a gaming rig, home would do, for cheaper as well.
I have been using 2000 pro for a while now..Then moved too xp pro..


Originally posted by RoyalEF
I don't see Win 2k as more secure than XP, especially since a basic firewall is included with XP and none is with 2000.

That's not a firewall, that's a paper wall (+ it makes you force to operate in passive mode in several internet applications).
Originally posted by gh0st
WIN2K is used at school, and while it could be the hardware (but i think we're using p3 @ 800 with at least 256mb's of ddram: and even on the teachers P4's) or maybe the admin just didnt config/network them right but they crash all the time, and it pisses me off no end. i use XP here, and im pretty happy with it though i use linux for everything else.

If set up properly your school network should work without ANY crashes with win200. Unless all the computers have shitty motherboards, the admin should get his shit together.
lol, our school has a crazy computer technician, his name is Dr.Cowsley, apparently he's like a doctor in computers or something :s
he knows like absolutely nothing, its just funny, we all laugh at him. he looks something like this
Originally posted by Faravid
That's not a firewall, that's a paper wall (+ it makes you force to operate in passive mode in several internet applications).

Agreed. The XP firewall sucks horribly.
Originally posted by gh0st
if you think home is bloated, pro will knock your socks off. pro is much better for corporations that need additional security and networking features. for a gaming rig, home would do, for cheaper as well.

Pro is HOME with MORE stuff. So it is more bloat not less.
Pro has built in remote control, VPN, and one or two more things I can't recall. It is worth it for the remote control alone. With the right setup you can use WinXP to link home/work/school PCs together across the internet.
Having used 2003 I can say it is fairly nippy - but definitely not suited to anything other than that which its name implies. XP Home is good enough for any normal gamer.
Originally posted by jonbob
Having used 2003 I can say it is fairly nippy - but definitely not suited to anything other than that which its name implies. XP Home is good enough for any normal gamer.

Well we'r not normal gamers.
I have Win98SE and WinXP Pro dual booted now.. Win98SE uses hardly any resources and I get maybe 1FPS higher in any of the 3DMark03 tests..

So to that I say, if you have Windows XP properly tweaked and configured, it's no better or worse than any of the other operating systems :)
For performance perhaps, but stability is greatly improved.
Also the size of your harddisk matters and NTFS vs FAT32 as well. ;)