Windows 7 Customisation


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
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So I just finally got around to upgrading my vista system to Windows 7, figuring it would hopefully improve my games performance a little and anyway that I should get with the program.

Problem is, I thought Vista was pretty much perfect interface-wise. I mean sure there was that whole 'obscene memory hambeast' issue but as far as using the damn thing goes I was a ninja and it was a perfectly crenellated pagoda. Now this shit is all mac-erised and I don't know what to do with it. Therefore I was wondering if anyone could help me with mods, plugins, downloadable themes etc that will make windows act how I want!

  • I miss quick launch. That was nice. But moreover, 'pinning' programs to the task bar does not entirely please me. Is there any way I can restore a quick-launch-like function?
  • That doesn't bother me so much as the alarming persistence of windows like Skype and MSN Messenger. Once opened, they don't close. They reset back to the task bar. This is useless. Just because I have skype or messenger open it doesn't necessarily mean I want to see them/use them; they're background programs. Meanwhile, the task bar is for my ****ing TASKS. The things I'm doing. MSN is not something I'm doing - it's something I'm being. Is there any way I can set specific programs to stay in the ****ing system tray when I'm not actively using them? Or any way I can banish them from the taskbar?
  • Perhaps this is just personal preference but i'm used to a left-screen bias on my computer. That is: generalising functions (the start menu, quick launch, flip-to-desktop; quick access stuff) is on the bottom left and specific stuff (volume, power, skype, internet connections) on the bottom right. Now, for some reason, flip-to-desktop is on the bottom right and can't be moved. Is there any way to fix that? Windows key + D is alright I guess but still.
  • Themes. All this swooshy transparency shit is nice and all but it sometimes makes it more difficult to actually see. I'd LIKE to use Windows Classic, but it seems to disable the possibility of a changing desktop (which I quite like). So does anyone know any decent downloadable themes? And I don't want any of this ****ing alienware my-computer-is-so-badass-everything-is-black bullshit. My computer is not badass. My computer is not a bad sci-fi videogame. If I want to see that, I'll play one, give it my whole screen. Otherwise, I write documents and browse the internet on here. Clear is good. Clean is good.

TLDR Sulkdodds is a grumpyguts all set in his ways. Thanks in advance all ya'll.
[*]Themes. All this swooshy transparency shit is nice and all but it sometimes makes it more difficult to actually see. I'd LIKE to use Windows Classic, but it seems to disable the possibility of a changing desktop (which I quite like). So does anyone know any decent downloadable themes? And I don't want any of this ****ing alienware my-computer-is-so-badass-everything-is-black bullshit. My computer is not badass. My computer is not a bad sci-fi videogame. If I want to see that, I'll play one, give it my whole screen. Otherwise, I write documents and browse the internet on here. Clear is good. Clean is good.

Right click computer>Properties>Advanced system settings>Advanced>Performance>Enable transparent glass
To revert Skype and Messenger, you need to right click the .exe's in windows explorer, go to compatibility settings, and put them in compatibility with Vista/XP. Then they'll minimise to the taskbar like normal.
I don't see what's wrong with the quicklaunch... It's merged with the task bar, and that's awesome. How does pinning a program to it not please you? You click to launch the program, same as before. If you want to launch another on top of an existing, middle click as if opening a new tab in your browser. Simple.
Thi... is...ho...wind...7...displ...every...

I hate that so much, that I was just cursing before discovering this thread.
I haven't had that problem, but it's abysmal on macs. You're going through the Finder and you can't even hold the mouse over your documents to get their full names! There's probably a way to do this but honestly I can see where that Mac guy who couldn't use Steam was coming from. Except that he's stupid and I'm clevor, obviously.

Right click computer>Properties>Advanced system settings>Advanced>Performance>Enable transparent glass
I did try that, and it made the colours very irritatingly bright, but once you suggested it again I realised I could just change them (to hot pink, for example, to match this). So thanks!

Another small issue is that when I right-click on items in the task bar, a very cluttered menu comes up. I wouldn't mind the clutter but for some unaccountable reason the 'close' button is very far from the point of clicking. By shift and right clicking I can get a more useful menu but I'd quite like to reverse these functions and make that the default menu.


Any ideas?
I suppose some of it is preference. As for Quick Launch, I prefer the new pin to task bar. Plus the ability to move them around is too awesome to describe. It is your quick launch, but your icons stay where they are. Perhaps it's more annoying with full windows on your task bar. I've gotten so used to small icons, without the title text. Do wish it wouldn't group them, though, although I'm getting used to that, too. You can pin things to the start menu, though.

Yes. I hate Microsoft's "people like this, it's so much better, and no-one used this!" approach to their new programs like Live Messenger and Windows Media Player. I've stopped using Messenger so much anymore, anyway, along with Media Player. The fact they got rid of the small one for the taskbar was irritating. Maybe only 10% of people use it, but that doesn't seem to stop you from supporting IE6.

As for themes, I like the glowy transparency and the illusion that my computer's from the next decade. As opposed to sitting in the 90s out of stubbornness.

Edit: My Skype sits in my tray, so nerr :3
To revert Skype and Messenger, you need to right click the .exe's in windows explorer, go to compatibility settings, and put them in compatibility with Vista/XP. Then they'll minimise to the taskbar like normal.

I don't see what's wrong with the quicklaunch... It's merged with the task bar, and that's awesome. How does pinning a program to it not please you? You click to launch the program, same as before. If you want to launch another on top of an existing, middle click as if opening a new tab in your browser. Simple.
I didn't know about the middle clicking 'cause I was using a touchpad - it's not all that bad. I've got some things (like Foobar) pinned. But it just irritates me because I'm used to a very simple one-to-one correspondence between the task bar and the programs on it. If I'm using it it's there. If I'm not it's not. Plus, the icons are way far apart.

Cool. I've never bothered trying to figure out how libraries work. I'm going to take a look at that.

I'd like to add all my wallpaper folders to the pictures library so that I can access them all when managing themes, instead of browsing and adding each folder separately (doesn't seem to be a way to remove a folder without clearing them all!)

Maybe it will turn out to be useful for TV and stuff. And if I'm not impressed, I'm going to read on, and learn to disable libraries altogether.