Windows 7 official name is....

Fine with me. Actually already thought that was the official name. Codes are for sissies.
What the hell, Vista just came out 2 years ago, I thought they'd wait atleast 5 years before releasing another version of Windows.
Even though this isn't releasing just yet, it seems really early.
I think they should call it Longhorn. Always made me laugh.
I think Windows 7 is not too catchy. I need a two syllable name, damnit.
What the hell, Vista just came out 2 years ago, I thought they'd wait atleast 5 years before releasing another version of Windows.
Even though this isn't releasing just yet, it seems really early.

No way in hell.

XP to Vista was a huge mistake on the timing of an OS. Most OS' definitely do not release at such late times as there are so many advances in tech between each release.

Even with the two year period, possibly three years by the time it's out, Microsoft is still at the point where it has the least frequent updates.

Linux releases on 3 month cycles I believe (kernel that is, where distro's are on their own schedule) and Apple has releases anywhere from 6 months to 2.5 years.

The thing is, if you wait too long and let users get too familiar, they get pissed when you try to change things, as seen in Vista, even though it is the right thing to do.

So basically, get used to more frequent releases of Windows, just like they used to. It's time to go back to the mindset of pre-XP in terms of more frequent, iterative releases rather than huge changes all at once that disrupts the entire ecosystem too much.
Lol, I dont even have Vista yet, and another OS is already announced. Shame I'll be forced to get it with a new comp before Windows 7 even comes out.
Lol, I dont even have Vista yet, and another OS is already announced. Shame I'll be forced to get it with a new comp before Windows 7 even comes out.

Well it's been "announced" for over a year now. They've talked about it, and Microsoft already has a blog about Engineering Windows 7 ( so it was hardly a surprise (and all this was was just an announcement about the official name).

Vista is still a good OS, especially now with SP1 and mature drivers (most of complaints came from crappy app/driver issues which are almost all but over with now).

On top of that, you can buy a cheap upgrade license for like $99 to upgrade to Win7 anyways.
This blows. :(

I wasn't planning on getting Vista for atleast another year and now 7's coming out.
Bleh, good thing I don't actually need either just yet.
Why were u holding off on getting it? I wouldn't think the price would drop, though it hasn't been as successful as XP so perhaps...
I've heard nothing but shit about Vista, so that's why.
Too many incompatibilities with older games and the like, which is what I primarily use this computer for.
sounds like you would want it never...?
"heard shit about it" is about the worst excuse for it btw.
lol 2 syllables? win-dos se-ven, that's 4. And if you want just 2, se-ven, the last 2 were like that too :P
No way in hell.

XP to Vista was a huge mistake on the timing of an OS. Most OS' definitely do not release at such late times as there are so many advances in tech between each release.

Even with the two year period, possibly three years by the time it's out, Microsoft is still at the point where it has the least frequent updates.

Linux releases on 3 month cycles I believe (kernel that is, where distro's are on their own schedule) and Apple has releases anywhere from 6 months to 2.5 years.

The thing is, if you wait too long and let users get too familiar, they get pissed when you try to change things, as seen in Vista, even though it is the right thing to do.

So basically, get used to more frequent releases of Windows, just like they used to. It's time to go back to the mindset of pre-XP in terms of more frequent, iterative releases rather than huge changes all at once that disrupts the entire ecosystem too much.

No, with all do respect, I have to disagree. The reason why lot of people (Like myself) got turned off by Vista isn't about "We like and used to XP" but rather Vista did not offer me enough to wanna buy an OS, and I saw no reason.
I was really used to "98" and "Me" didn't offer me anything, but XP (On the other hand) demanded my attention.
As far as releasing OS close to each other will also have it's side-effect, gamers will have hard-time with which OS to stick with, hardware vendors will not have enough time to root-out driver glitches, game developers will have to do more coding, Etc.
You must also understand that releasing a great OS like XP will outsell two or three not so great OS combine, because you and I know that we didn't buy XP once and that was it, but we also must buy an OS whenever we upgrade, meaning, I bought three or maybe four copies of XP since OS was released.

I bow out Sir Eagle.
From all I can remember, XP got a lot of negative attention back then as well. Perhaps not as much because nobody had anywhere else to turn (mac's weren't huge and linux wasn't great) so everyone was told to shut up and deal with it. It wasn't until SP2 that everyone started the love fest.

Vista doesn't change a whole lot of fundamentals but improves upon everything and really sets the foundation for all of Microsoft's next OS'. Aero is awesome, the new Start menu is a freakin' dream and greatly enhances productivity, as well as Instant Search in there.

Media Center is sweet so I can watch live TV on my computer (acts as a DVR too), and comes bundled with the OS.

But enough about trying to sell you Vista :P

A lot of game developers don't have to do more work on Vista. There is API compatibility between Vista and XP with Win32. Yes, it's possible that some really old API's could break in old games, but in what I've seen, many times you can find a workaround.

So, if you don't think Vista was a good upgrade, I highly suggest you look at Windows 7. It improves upon everything in Vista, plus a lot of other great features, that I can't talk about yet. :(

With video performance roughly equal to XP, that can no longer be the big part, especially since devs do performance checking with Vista now too. With that point, I always love when people say it's the search indexer and other background processes that suck up all of that cpu time and makes your games run slower.

If you really think that's the case, please read this post:
What the hell, Vista just came out 2 years ago, I thought they'd wait atleast 5 years before releasing another version of Windows.
Even though this isn't releasing just yet, it seems really early.

Vista failed badly, this is a statistical fact. Companies and businesses don't trust it and most computers are downgraded to XP on purchase. In my job Vista is forbidden by company policy. A lot of retailers in my country still install XP instead of Vista, and this is a really bad thing for an OS. No fanboyism: just look at the facts.
I thought that was the confirmed name from the start...What are the major differences going to be.
Vista doesn't change a whole lot of fundamentals but improves upon everything and really sets the foundation for all of Microsoft's next OS'. Aero is awesome, the new Start menu is a freakin' dream and greatly enhances productivity, as well as Instant Search in there.

Features that have been done before and better by other parties. At any time I can hit alt+space and type in the name of any application, firefox bookmark, document, whatever and it'll instantly pop up. Beat that.

Media Center is sweet so I can watch live TV on my computer (acts as a DVR too), and comes bundled with the OS.

Media Center is awful. The only thing I need it to do is play TV I don't need a massive ugly GUI as well.

A lot of game developers don't have to do more work on Vista. There is API compatibility between Vista and XP with Win32. Yes, it's possible that some really old API's could break in old games, but in what I've seen, many times you can find a workaround.

/shrug. Things break over time as Operating Systems change, it's nothing new.

So, if you don't think Vista was a good upgrade, I highly suggest you look at Windows 7. It improves upon everything in Vista, plus a lot of other great features, that I can't talk about yet. :(

Skip Vista, go straight to 7, collect $200. Well you'd save more than $200 by skipping Vista (ult anyway).

With video performance roughly equal to XP, that can no longer be the big part, especially since devs do performance checking with Vista now too. With that point, I always love when people say it's the search indexer and other background processes that suck up all of that cpu time and makes your games run slower.

The search indexer doesn't suck up much CPU time at all it does however rape cheap 5000rpm drives. It doesn't help that the hard drive is the slowest thing in the entire system but end users have the lowest common denominator of hard drive.
I'm still using XP, primarily because I haven't seen any compelling reason to switch to Vista yet. I'm looking forward to Windows 7 though, I think that's a great name (call me boring, but 7 is a good number and I prefer simple names) and maybe I will never have to use Vista at all and can just move from XP to Win7.
I had to get Vista on my new machine, because they don't do XP anymore, but frankly I cant wait for the new OS, I don't give a shit what its called, which is Microsofts problem.

They see Steve Job's and his steaming shit and think that its somehow successful (read: it relies on morons and is still shit).

I don't want an OS with mega graphics, I don't want gimmicks, I want a working OS, leave the bells and whistles to the game developers.
Features that have been done before and better by other parties. At any time I can hit alt+space and type in the name of any application, firefox bookmark, document, whatever and it'll instantly pop up. Beat that.

At any time I hit Windows key and type whatever I want. Documents, programs, text within emails or documents, bookmarks, meta-data information, hell I can even do SQL queries on my computer from that start menu. People don't give it enough credit.

The one thing that I wish the search tool would do that I know Mac's Finder or whatever does is just do simple math (39 + 275 would give you the correct answer in Mac, whereas Windows searches for those numbers everywhere).

Media Center is awful. The only thing I need it to do is play TV I don't need a massive ugly GUI as well.

Agreed. Media Center is a pretty heavy app, especially if you're going to use it only for watching TV on your PC. It really shines though when you have it streaming to an extender (aka Xbox 360) in other rooms of your house though. For example, when watching Presidential Debates, since I don't have a DVR from comcast, I use Media Center so I can pause rewind, etc. It's pretty cool, but I don't use it for all of my TV watching.

However, the fact that it's standard in Home Premium is pretty awesome as that is probably the edition most people get.

/shrug. Things break over time as Operating Systems change, it's nothing new.


Skip Vista, go straight to 7, collect $200. Well you'd save more than $200 by skipping Vista (ult anyway).

Eh, I'm a bit torn actually. Originally I was going to say this is your best bet, but considering that we may not see Win7 for consumers until 2010 (crossing fingers for late 2009 though!), I'd say that if you were to go out and buy a new PC today from an OEM, stick with Vista as you'll be fine. I use it every day for game development work, and I have no troubles at all.

If you are going to stick with XP, it's cool, but realize that when you upgrade to Win7 that it's a good idea to upgrade your hardware also. This is a gaming forum though, so hearing this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone here since we are all tech afficiandos.

The search indexer doesn't suck up much CPU time at all it does however rape cheap 5000rpm drives. It doesn't help that the hard drive is the slowest thing in the entire system but end users have the lowest common denominator of hard drive.

First thing is make sure you have Windows Search 4.0 which was released within the past few months. CPU time was reduced by 80%. At Vista RTM, I'm sure that the indexer was to blame, but now with the update (which should be on WU) it is definitely something that is much more in the background than it used to be.

If that still doesn't solve the issue, get the Search Indexer gadget and pause indexing. If your HDD is still getting raped, it's not the search indexer. It's probably anti-virus or something, which I've known a lot of people who sometimes don't realize what is going on with it.

I guess the moral of the story is that Vista has had some growing pains in the past. The Vista that is out right now with all of the latest updates is a great machine. MS really listened to everyone from RTM and put those changes into SP1. Hell, they are working on getting SP2 out early next year to put in even more changes. Obviously with that, people will be like "LOL SEE VISTA IS A FAILURE WITH CONSTANT UPDATES!!" but think about it. Is it really so bad that a company is actively listening to its customers on what they think is important and acting on it as soon as it can?

Also, my final point is that I encourage people to opt in to Windows Feedback Program. That is how MS is optimizing Windows and deciding what to prioritize based on the majority of users. To opt-in go to the CP, then Problem Reports & Solutions and in the bottom left you should see an option for Customer Experience Improvement Program. It's straightforward from there. Then you can basically just add more stastics for MS to judge when designing the next OS! :thumbs:

Also, I should probably disclose that I am an external volunter tester for Microsoft. I was just at the campus today in fact getting some goodies and playing with the Surface computer for a bit. Very cool stuff :smoking:
I see people complaining about Vista and compatibility issues and I've been using it for over a year now and had perhaps 1 or 2 minor issues, for which there were workarounds. Vista is great, I love it's interface and improvements and I find it difficult using my XP laptop now as I'm so used to this format. It's easy to get comfortable with an OS, but I like keeping up with things. Come the release of Windows 7 I'll certainly buy that too (after the initial wobbly period). I'm by no means bound to an OS for any reason.
I see people complaining about Vista and compatibility issues and I've been using it for over a year now and had perhaps 1 or 2 minor issues, for which there were workarounds. Vista is great, I love it's interface and improvements and I find it difficult using my XP laptop now as I'm so used to this format. It's easy to get comfortable with an OS, but I like keeping up with things. Come the release of Windows 7 I'll certainly buy that too (after the initial wobbly period). I'm by no means bound to an OS for any reason.

TBH, there will be only little wobbly area. The OS already has the label as the most stable OS this early in the game, and it's only going to get better.

They are also not making radical changes to any driver or app models, so all your vista drivers and apps will work fine too. Hell, to further ensure compatibility, they aren't even increasing the kernel version to 7.0 as many think. Instead it will be 6.2 due to stupid ISV's not checking major version, and only minor (thus going from current 6.1 to 7.0, many would think you downgraded even though major version went up).

I can't wait to hear what the tech guys will have to say about Win7 when they get their hands on the bits.
I'm so comfortable with Vista right now that I actually turned UAC back on. So what if a new Windows comes out soon? I like what I have. The rest of you with XP now have something called "options". Dig it.
I had to do it. I downloaded some Trojans and was not feeling very secure since I don't use scanning software.
I used my leet haxor skillz to purge the things, but just to be safe I'm going to manually allow/not allow things to happen automatically from now on.
I find that solution to ur predicament temporarily satisfactory personally, but you should probably get yo shiz scanned.
here's an online scanner
and I'd probably also scan it with spybot and possibly ad-aware too.
I had to do it. I downloaded some Trojans and was not feeling very secure since I don't use scanning software.
I used my leet haxor skillz to purge the things, but just to be safe I'm going to manually allow/not allow things to happen automatically from now on.

Yup, that's what UAC was made for.

You have more fine-grained control over UAC in Win7. It will be in the form of a slider from harsh to not harsh. I believe Vista is either harsh or second from harsh. Not sure what default will be, but it will be less than Vista setting, but still be turned on. It's actually useful now that it prevents programs from installing without your knowledge and still protecting you without annoying you.
No, with all do respect, I have to disagree. The reason why lot of people (Like myself) got turned off by Vista isn't about "We like and used to XP" but rather Vista did not offer me enough to wanna buy an OS, and I saw no reason.
I was really used to "98" and "Me" didn't offer me anything, but XP (On the other hand) demanded my attention.
As far as releasing OS close to each other will also have it's side-effect, gamers will have hard-time with which OS to stick with, hardware vendors will not have enough time to root-out driver glitches, game developers will have to do more coding, Etc.
You must also understand that releasing a great OS like XP will outsell two or three not so great OS combine, because you and I know that we didn't buy XP once and that was it, but we also must buy an OS whenever we upgrade, meaning, I bought three or maybe four copies of XP since OS was released.

I bow out Sir Eagle.

I agree, the best analogy i could think of would be

98 = VHS
ME = Betamax
Vista = Blu ray

Vista isnt the jump that there was between 98 and XP.

I have vista, and i dont see what everyone is bitching about bugs wise - it's worked flawlessly for me, but given the choice before hand i would probably have opted for XP.
Vista is utter shit. Going from Vista to XP is an upgrade.

Useless bloated crapware. I'm typing on an Ubuntu laptop, doing the same things as I could on the Vista partition, and it is easily 100% faster. And free.
Holy shit, Ubuntu lets you type?

Ok, go play some games.
Also - anyone else noticed

Windows 3 - Shit
Windows 3.1 - Good
Windows 95 - Shit
Windows 98 - Good
Windows ME - Shit
XP - Good
Vista - Shit

Ok, i know i left out 2000.

Maybe they should keep developing software, but only release every other version!

Linux is only free if your time has no value.
Also - anyone else noticed

Windows 3 - Shit
Windows 3.1 - Good
Windows 95 - Shit
Windows 98 - Good
Windows ME - Shit
XP - Good
Vista - Shit

Ok, i know i left out 2000.

W2000 was the Uber pro server edition released next to Me.
That said, you also left out DOS 6, NT, 98SE, and W2003. :|