Numbers question remains unanswered! As far as finding out what other users passwords ARE instead of just changing them.
To do this properly you will need the WindowsXP System and SAM files. The SAM is where the data for the user passwords is encrypted. However, the System file contains the key to decrypt the SAM file for your windows installation. So not just any of those files will work.
You can find them in the windows\system32\config directory. You won't be able to copy or alter these files at all as Windows has them locked down from startup so you will either need to copy them via floppy disk in DOS or some other installation of windows if you happen to have it handy.
The alternative way to get those files, which is a lot easier but may contain old data if the users change passwords frequently, is to get the same files from the windows\repair directory. These files are not protected so you can copy them freely.
Now that you have your encrypted passwords and the key you will need to find a program that will break the encryption. This can take a while if the passwords are complex.
At this point you'll have to find your own as it's been over a year since I've last done this and I don't have the program anymore.
Good luck, I hope this helps if you if The Brick's method wasn't what you were looking for.