Windows - Wrecked.


Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Hi. Long time no see folks.

And once again, this forum is my solution for some major problems I need assistance with.

I did a virus scan today, found some trojan, deleted it without really realizing what I was also deleting it with...

I don't have much info in the trojan, nor what exactly I deleted, but I DO know that I can't do any disk defragments. If you know what file this is, mabye I can replace it with another fresh one, or add it in if it's completely gone.

I hope it's just once file, that will be easy to fix. If it's a chunck...well it would take more doing.

I can't find my windows xp pro this might be my only solution.

Anyways, if anyone here knows a better safer way to do this, feel free to share it. I also tried the microsoft homepage, no luck, can't find a thing, they just don't have it hosted.

If you don't mind, and you know how to fix this, please post it here. I also won't mind if you add my msn and help me step by step...ok, if YOU don't mind :upstare: .

Thanks in advance. Reply ASAP.