Windows XP 64bit

Oct 3, 2004
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Should I get the new WIndows XP Pro 64bit os? RIght now it has some driver issues, but I don't know a hell of a lot about it, so maybe someone could help me out here?
If you've got a 64-bit CPU then you should get it to see the advantages of owning it!
He's asking if there are problems with the OS. If its stability is anything like Windows ME I wouldn't want it. I haven't heard much about it so I don't know how good it is.
Isn't it still in a testing phase? Thus obviously there will be alot of issues.
It was just released yesterday. IGN did a write-up on it and they mention a lot of driver compatibility issues and whatnot. I think I'll just stick with the normal XP and pick up the 64bit later
i think that will be the main issue with it, drivers. But i would think that all the major hardware manufacturers have created drivers for it. I know that Ati and nVidia have uptodate drivers for xp64bit. I think that i would like to try it, but I would have it dual boot with the 32bit version just incase i needed to do something that I couldn't on the 64bit version.
Pressure said:
He's asking if there are problems with the OS. If its stability is anything like Windows ME I wouldn't want it. I haven't heard much about it so I don't know how good it is.
very true. I spent 5 years on a Windows ME b4 upgrading, so I feel your pain :dozey:
If you are insterested in seeing how it is and if you have 64bit drivers lined up to cover your devices then sure go for it. That's your choice.

You could always do a dual boot.
JellyWorld said:
very true. I spent 5 years on a Windows ME b4 upgrading, so I feel your pain :dozey:

Windows ME drove me past the edge of sanity and plunged me into the deepest darkest regions of insanity.
Hmm didnt have too many problems with Windows ME but then again I didnt have it for a very long time.
I had ME for a few years..
Yeah... Near the end of those years you would sometimes find me just about ready to stab my hard drives with a slude hammer.... I went to therapy for 4 months...