WinSongs 95 -The Best Microsoft Parody EVER-

i think i know what yur doing here. Mods closed yur thread cause u wanted to "level up" but now because yur first idea didn't work out, yur makin a bunch of threads trying to boost yur rank. Sneaky sneaky. U've made like 6 in a row.
Actually NO, I was just boarded so I thought I would post here. THATS IT!!!
kshreck, theres such a thing as commen courtesy. That means you DONT spam the forums with useless threads. And yes, this is a useless thread. No one is going to download a 70MB video, and its probably just that Wierd Al song.
Wow, I think the Mods need to shut you up more then anything. Isn't Flaming not allowed? :flame:
This video has nothing to do with Weird Al, and if you tried the video then you would probably would not be flaming.
that guy made my eyes burn!

and check ur PMs, Kschreck
What i typed wasnt a flame, this is a flame.

Originally posted by Kschreck
Wow, I think the Mods need to shut you up more then anything.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
What i typed wasnt a flame, this is a flame.

he's got a point kschreck, and what he said wasn't a flame, but u are spamming the forum
I agree, kinda, I doubt many people are going to download a 70mb file, I might sometime, later though, then if the threads still open I will comment..
If I'm Spamming then so are you. :flame: Your still here arn't you. So don't say i'm spamming when you won't leave yourself, and you know what I'm not trying to spam, this is a general topic board, and MOST people like my topics. All because you and maybe one other person doesn't like me or my topics doesn't give you the right to accuse me of doing something that I never intended to do.
Originally posted by Kschreck
If I'm Spamming then so are you. :flame: Your still here arn't you. So don't say i'm spamming when you won't leave yourself, and you know what I'm not trying to spam, this is a general topic board, and MOST people like my topics. All because you and maybe one other person doesn't like me or my topics doesn't give you the right to accuse me of doing something that I never intended to do.

lol u know exactly what you're doing. The fact that i'm replying to this thread isn't spamming. The fact that u made this pointless thread is. Spamming is making pointless replies or threads over and over and over again which have no purpose. U've made about 6 threads in a row, and are flooding the forum.
See Jon, your still getting at me. Anyways those videos are cool. Nice Find!
Originally posted by Kschreck
See Jon, your still getting at me. Anyways those videos are cool. Nice Find!

u still haven't backed up your argument, and i'm not "getting at u" i'm just stating a fact.

Watch the live helpdesk now then the behind the scenes flash animation, all three are so funny :)