[WIP] 20% Done - Stephen's 2 Fort for Team Deathmatch


Sep 15, 2004
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I have been wanting feedback on my newest map. I am by no means a mapper, just started like most folks here, but enjoying the hell out if it.

My latest map is a 2_Fort style map using some tutorials (listed below) that help with team spawn locations. I have not added the spawns to the map yet, but hopefully this weekend.

I have also not added many props or details yet, like physics items and dispacements, but they will come.

Here are some of my latest screenshots after compiling on fast vis and rad. I lightened the images cause they were so dark on my work computer, so it does look better in game.

Here is the link to the new download. I have included both the .VMF and the .BSP

http://www.boredskm.com/catapault_2_Fort.ace 2.43mb

Images - latest






I'm getting better, though still not up to par to the guys that have been using Hammer for years. I'm a bit jealous, but I can say this. I haven't used a "Carve" yet in this map.

I plan on having some catapaults in game that can launch physics items toward the other base. I hope to have working turrets as well!


Old Information
This is my second map uploaded for folks to see and tear apart:). It is in it's very early stages. I had wanted to do a Team Deathmatch but didn't want to mess with it until there was a way to do Team Spawn Locations. Well, low and behold Yesurbius from the Snarkpit.com forums came out with just such a tutorial (thanks Yes!).

here is the link to his tutorial!


My plans:
A Two-Fort like layout. In the middle of the map is a tower, or some type of location that will hold either rocketlaunchers or special objectives (to come later) where the two teams will be fighting for.

Both of the main base structures are built. Just the structures. There is virtually nothing inside or outside, ie. weapons, details, furniture, that kind of thing.

I have made a .BSP with fast Vis. It is very bland.

Anyway, what I would love is some feedback on where I might could go with this early map. I'm still quite new to mapping as most of you will see.

However, I am also uploading my .VMF for those that are even newer to mapping than I am, so they might get some help, albiet not that much help. I have not uploaded my team spawns yet though. Personally, I wish everyone that uploaded maps would upload their .VMF's .

I would love to do several things with the map.
1). Team based objectives - simple or complex. Like blowing up the opposing teams generator
2). Having Team Friendly turrets.
3). Having team only forcefields (thanks to Yesurbius again)

Again, any help or friendly suggestions are welcome!!

yeah be sure to finish - prob shouldnt release versions though til more done and just checking for improvements or bugs...imo only though (please dont flame me ;) )
It looks good. It's nice to see people focus on the game play of a map rather than just boging it down with lots of detail.