wip 40k Tech Priest


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
this was in the art and design section but no one was giving me ne C&C see ill stick it in here :/

yea this is baced on a 40k inquistor model. he is 1/2 human and 1/2 machine and he is going to be in a long heavy robe ...

c&c please


  • rone9.jpg
    16.2 KB · Views: 304
this is the back

tis a high polly model and not gunan be used in HL2 ... well mayb in some kind of game movie ... its my first real go at making a hole person and fist go at making that kind of heavy robe
Looks damn good. I'd personally make the headgear a little chunkier, but that's just me...
diddn't u make another thread for this? where has that gone :O not much point wasting space on the forums. It looks alright though.
yea i counldnt find it so i just made a new one no need to cry
its a nice start! Cant say that I have seen that 40k model.. so i dont know if you are on the right track or not. However.. I feel that the left eye looks weird.. would be alot cooler I think if that eye was a normal eye.. It looks wrong the way it is now..
Very nice model. Did you use Maya for this? I agree with Beldor about the eyes, but otherwise the face looks great. Are you making this for a mod?
no mod this is just high polly model

but i think the left eye looks is looking ok.. i dont want a norml eye i want them to both be biomicanical
I want a Redemptionist!!! :bounce:

Otherwise, great model!


im planning on making my war boss next :D
that or some of my other inquisitors

ops... yea i used max 5
hehe would help if i put the pic on

back of arm
:bounce: that looks really nice. the only thing I could complain about is how the robe hangs around the robotic arm... the robe seems to be in an awkward posistion... I think it should come straight down like the blue line in theis pic...
argh... sorry for not posting the pic in the last post. here it is
I just don't think the robe would go "in" like that..
yea that bit looks dodgy.. but i wanna have it all riped and stuff along there but im not sure how to go about doign it.. thinking mayb in texture
looks very nice, the only thing i can think of is that the arm is a tad bit LONG imo cant wait to see U texture it :p