[ WiP ] Alien Character



Hey guys, first thread on these forums. Although not finished, i am free modelling this without any reference... so uh, comments welcome. Hopefully will be finished by the end of the week. I think its also around the 2500 mark for poly's.


Software: 3D studio max
looks good
its always hard to tell but it looks like you've made the job 10X harder by modelling the hood over an unfinished torso
i don't envy u adding limbs in that scenario - i would have done it the other way :D
and alien? looks human to me
omg it thought i would never live to see the day where someone posted a concept character lol GREAT WORK ! ...do u have concept sketches or are u working from scratch ?
**Update** Made the base of the boots im going to throw on him. Comments welcome.


Ill update the actual character picture tomorrow.


**Updated again**
looks good, but you might want to make the body a bit longer
Wow, you're pretty decent. I'm liking the concept.
Thanks for the comments, its always cool to hear different opinions on my work.

Im modelling the arms at the moment, everything else is done. Next week i gotta hand this in, so its rush hour for the next week. Trying to find time to normal map the model too. More soon!
Damn that's looking good! Keep it up man!

P.S. How long have yo been modeling?

Poly count?
I hope you made the body longer :p Right now the anatomy doesn't make much sense
Wow, that is one good looking model. You're doing this with program and for what class (you mentioned you had to hand it in)? Looks excellent, but the square hairs look odd as planes, but I guess with a texture i will look okay. Like everyone else said, a little longer body and you'd be good to go.

It's also impressive your're making this from scratch too.

the square hair planes will look fine with an alpha map on the texture.
Not too sure about the Mask but what do i know, looks great :)
It's funny, though. If it's an Alien the body doesn't neccessarily have to be the same length as ours. Our body is only that big because of the size, shape and positioning of our internal organs. Who's to say the internal organs of this Alien are the same?
yea its very nice. Also I dont think it matters much that it has a human form I quite like how it looks.
buttcheek said:
Damn that's looking good! Keep it up man!

P.S. How long have yo been modeling?

Poly count?

I think the current polycount is 3800. But, i mean, after i finish it, there is always some poly that dont need to be there and whatnot. My aim was 4500, so ive got afew to play with. Oh, and ive been modelling for... about a year maybe, possibly abit longer.

archvilell said:
Wow, that is one good looking model. You're doing this with program and for what class (you mentioned you had to hand it in)? Looks excellent, but the square hairs look odd as planes, but I guess with a texture i will look okay. Like everyone else said, a little longer body and you'd be good to go.

Thanks for the comments, get's me more inspired to keep cracking on it. I am using 3D studio max verson 7, and i am doing a game devlopment course in Australia.. heh :p Yeh the hair looks odd, but if you check out www.xcloud.net in his tutorial section his hair turns out realllly well, im sure i will be able to acheive the same effect.

-Crispy- said:
It's funny, though. If it's an Alien the body doesn't neccessarily have to be the same length as ours. Our body is only that big because of the size, shape and positioning of our internal organs. Who's to say the internal organs of this Alien are the same?

Nar i made the torso abit longer, i cant decide which lookes better yet. But i could use him being an alien, as an excuse if i really wanted to.

Thanks for the comments guys, been a great help and it keeps me motivated to keep going. Its much apprecaited. :)

Okay well i have a basic animatic of how i will show it off, i think end where it twirls round is alittle lame, but i mean, i did it in 10 minutes because it was due. lol :p


^ I think the model is abit more updated. Havnt touched it in 2 days due to work :(
OK waist is definitely too short :p

And what's with the golfing trousers?
its a friggin alien it doesnt have to be human proportions
azumi_mm said:
Looks cool, what model technique do you prefer ?

Im, for most of it, i edge extruded. The boots, i stated with a box and just got the basic foot shape, then extruded up and yeh...

I prefer edge extrusion over most other methods, much more customisable way of making stuff imo.

Im unwrapping it now, trying to learn the flatten mapping technique. Hopefully it will give me great uv unwrap.. so far the boots are lookin freakin awsome being done this way, and has minimal stretching. The only problem i can see with using this method is that it takes so long, but if the results are worth it... then, it was well worth learning and completing.

More soon.
Plane modeling (pbp) is a nice technique... and you have skills. :)
jmjneary said:
its a friggin alien it doesnt have to be human proportions

its funny that a lot of people think that way, but anatomy is still important to any creature
entity said:
its funny that a lot of people think that way, but anatomy is still important to any creature

So where did you found the "anatomy book of all alien creatures" ?
Yeh, i finished it, and unwrapped it, no texture though. But, i got a job at a games company, so no time for personal stuff anylonger.