[WiP]Char - Ratman - 56k warning -



Well, here is a character i made from a pic that bobotheseal had on his website (bobo: If you read this, you are an inspiration to all artists, especially from AIE in canberra, australia). And so, without further adue, Ratman...

Model: 9.5 hours
Unwrap: 8 hours
Texture: *current stage* 45 mins
Rig: Still to come
Animation: Still to come

3DS Max and PS-CS2

*please note, i have edit some of the mesh since these renders. They will be updated accordingly.




Checker map to test texture stretching and seams:





Texture: *will be updated as a i go along*

Any comments and crit welcome. Ta for looking at my work, its a pleasure making it.
truely awesome that really is fantastic. i think you should use him for some sort of mini mod. set in the sewers.
I'm not so sure Bobo, or IronLore (the company that owns the character) would be too happy about this.

It's common courtesy to request permission from the concept artist before modelling their character.
its just an oversized rat im pretty sure they wouldnt be able to do anything about it.
slumber said:
I'm not so sure Bobo, or IronLore (the company that owns the character) would be too happy about this.

It's common courtesy to request permission from the concept artist before modelling their character.

I totally understand what you are saying, and if they ask me to remove the images i shall. But, i did credit bobo, which is better than nothing, that guy deserves a freakin gold medal for his stuff.. its inspiring and the way his models are constructed blows me away.
Yeh, i doubt very much if you can copyright an animal.

I'm loving this so far - If you get time to post more screenies that'll be really nice to see.
its not just a rat he designed a full character . i dont think he would mind he actually teaches at gnomon and has given out a few of his models to people so he would be cool with the idea ... as long as you dont claim it as your own.
Uh, im not claiming the concept art. Im claiming that i built the model from the ground up...

I mean, alot of people gather reference art from all over the net, is the model they build from that copywrighted to the person who made the photo?
lol im not acusing you mate im just stating that in general its only really wrong if you dont give credit where its due.
shoulder wires look messed up though, would deform really bad. The eyeballs look dense
lol im not acusing you mate im just stating that in general its only really wrong if you dont give credit where its due.

he did give credit.
abit of an update...

Polycount is stupidly high, its not going into a game me thinks.

:D im loving it. if its not going into a game you should make it super high quality rig it pose it and do a background and take some renders.
crackhead said:
he did give credit.
again im not acusing him of not giving credit. sheesh
btw i love the update you should email it to him and ask him what he thinks of it.
well then your statement was completely irrelevant nd pointless.
Guys come on, this thread is about creativity, dont turn it into something negative.

Tell me what i can add to ratman, i rigged him today. But i forgot to upload the file from uni, so i cant show you the awsome render... he was petting his fat belly ( lol ).

So ill reskin it tonight, cause the rig wasnt all that good because i only learnt how to use skin this morning, but, ill redo it and make it look freakin awsome.

Tell me some inventory items i can add. Im taking requiests for his belt, or a weapoon (i was thining a barbed spear of some sort)

So, if you wanna make a request, start! I wanna make this chracter all out!
hey junkers why dont you use this model to set up a normal map? maybe then you can put it in a game?
But that means i have to learn how use orb :p

Its quite possible... i need to fix the shoulders, they arnt the best for derforming atm.
We shall see guys. I think i can reuse the rig as skin is so flexible. Im re-regging it at the moment, ill post a quick little render up tonight. Im gonna try and get some hair and fur going on it.
what version of max are you using ? .. version 7 and above come with a normal map generator built in.