[WIP] City13


Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
My latest Wippie for The City13 Mod :D









Sorry for the Big post! :eek:
nice, add some random stuff in the streets and that will look cool.....good job.....how long that take you?
always on the look out for creative ways to block levels off and that train one is fantastic :)
Cheers, its taken about 5 days so far. I plan on all the details down last, im wanting to get the basic structure of the map down first. Then ill go round and make it dirty! :naughty:
You're gonna have a hell of a time edging it, not to mention maintaining decent performance.
Does this take place before or after the combine took over?
Tynan said:
You're gonna have a hell of a time edging it, not to mention maintaining decent performance.

What does edging mean?

As for when it takes place, its after the fall of C17. Check out my Sig link for more details. :)
Edging is when you create barriers that stop the player from exiting the level space.

It looks good.
Ah right ok, I agree yeah its going to be a bitch! ill think of something.......... :rolling:
That's where high barricades and security checkpoints come in handy :D

Though one possibly interesting way of edging a particular intersection is to set a couple of func_tanks to constantly shoot one side either side of the intersection to the other (as seen in HL2 SP when you are on top of the building disabling the supression device. Use noclip to fly down to the fight in the plaza down below and see how they created the crossfire effects). Then, if anybody tries to cross the intersection (which will conveniently have no cover) have another func_tank rip em to pieces. Kinda like the anti-spawn camp protectors in some DoD levels. Heck you could even do it with snipers!

That way you dont have an actual physical barrier, but the player dies if they try to pass your virtual barrier :D

EDIT: Took another look at the screenies. I'd only recommend the above where you have tall buildings and a small intersection to close up. You may have to get even more creative in some of those more open map edges...
Looks like city 17 but with blockier architechture and wider streets. Try to add more detail on you buildings and it will come together.
there seem to be 2 levels (heights) of water.. as far as i know the engine doesn't like this very much..
The engine only moans about that when either of the two water heights are made using "expensive" water. As long as they are BOTH "cheap" water then it's fine.
azz0r said:
Does this take place before or after the combine took over?
After. City13 is about the revolution that
results across the world after the fall of the citadel in city17

jesus Nightwolf, that's coming along quite well! Hadn't seen that one building yet.
Cheers man! Why have you gone from an easy name to a confusing one? :rolling: Im easily confused! :x
because when I named myself Audiophile, I didn't know that it implied ownership of a mega sound system, and I got tired of people asking about "what gear" I have. :p plus ennui sounds cool.
Once this full compile is done(18 hours and counting) ill post some more shots up!!
The building on the right of the first pic looks a bit weird, bricks don't break diagnoly in a straight line :)
You know thats bloody true! I didnt like the look of it myself, I did that before I realised how much debris models there were!
Yeah I'm liking the look of this map, but the wall that follows the railway line is pretty flat and featureless. You've done a great job with the 'Truck explosion -> Bridge collapse' part but the rest of the border just looks like a map perimiter. If it's still deeply WIP then ignore my comment.

P.S. ennui means "boredom" or "problem".
Yeah it is a very WIP :LOL: Im one for building the basics then making it look good.
add some breaks in the sidewalks where manhacks can spawn and come up from....also, looking around...it seems bland...it either needs more physical damage all over the place or more eye-candy
If you dont put anything on the streets until the next set of screens, i dont know what i will do. :)
The darkness under the bridge...is that a texture or lighting?, also with the rubble texture you should add some props or debris brushes, just in case you forget
This looks like it could be a very cool map. Big and very city like feeling to it. I'm looking forward to seeing how it finishes up with all the details etc. added to it. I hope you manage to keep it running smoothly, which really shouldn't be all that difficult with the large buildings there to block off area's. Though you may have problems down the main street because of the view distance.. Perhaps put something there blocking the view so you have to go around a little. Help speed things up in that area.
Im hoping to block of the long streets probably by running other buildings straight across them, like T junctions on either end. Should help keep the Vis down...I hope
Night-Wolf said:
Im hoping to block of the long streets probably by running other buildings straight across them, like T junctions on either end. Should help keep the Vis down...I hope
Just avoiding the whole grid like pattern a number of cities are built with in mind and it should on the whole be ok. Irregular shape and size buildings more like a UK town (like City17) and for the most part it'll not be a problem, then maybe just a big tanker in the middle of the main street, high enough to block visibility from either side, with the cab at a funny angle, maybe broken off from the rest of the tanker so your forced to zigzag around it, meaning your at no time able to see from one end to another.

Some area's inside too, or the odd backstreet and walkway perhaps.

Oh and not forgetting a really detailed skybox, so it looks like the buildings go on for quite some ways. Really get the whole enclosed inside a city feeling going on.
The Dark Elf said:
Just avoiding the whole grid like pattern a number of cities are built with in mind and it should on the whole be ok. Irregular shape and size buildings more like a UK town (like City17) and for the most part it'll not be a problem, then maybe just a big tanker in the middle of the main street, high enough to block visibility from either side, with the cab at a funny angle, maybe broken off from the rest of the tanker so your forced to zigzag around it, meaning your at no time able to see from one end to another.

Some area's inside too, or the odd backstreet and walkway perhaps.

Oh and not forgetting a really detailed skybox, so it looks like the buildings go on for quite some ways. Really get the whole enclosed inside a city feeling going on.

Some great ideas there man cheers :cheese:

Just had some fun with some NPC's-




hey! stop playing in your damn map and get it finished so we can.. damnit :D

Edit: Oh and get some shadows in there man! :D
The last time I tried full compile to get shadows, it took 18 hours before my PC crashed:(
Night-Wolf said:
The last time I tried full compile to get shadows, it took 18 hours before my PC crashed:(

Lets hope the distributed compiling tools are out soon :cheers:
Night-Wolf said:
The last time I tried full compile to get shadows, it took 18 hours before my PC crashed:(
I was talking about realtime shadows, those are missing, the map looked to have compiled shadows. Realtime shadows aren't compiled.
how do I get realtime shadows? do I have to use other lighting sorces other than env_light?
I think maybe I need to turn down the brightness of shadow, if that meakes sense! theres not enough contrast between lit and shadow.