WIP- Counter-Life 2

Sep 3, 2004
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Counter-Life was one of my favorite hl mods back in the day, and I was looking forward to an hl2 version- but Haunter (the lead cl programer) has moved on to another project, and being in the singapore military his time is somewhat limited.

Anyway, I started out making this little project of mine just for fun, but I think with some real talent it can become a full fledged sequel.

I know the last time someone tried this it didn't work out too well, but I have something he didn't- a working (albiet simple) compile.

Here are some screens for proof: (note the lack of the gmod icon on the upper right hand corner :E)





So far, I've ported over the ak47, the aug (with working scope), the deagle, the glock, the m3, the m4a1(no silencer yet), the m249, the mp5, the p90, and the usp- all with cs-ish recoil (although that needs work), proper ammo types, and fixed animations.

Of course, it's gonna take a lot more work than that, that's why I'm asking here for help. Right now I need:

Lead coder/project manager: (I would take this place if I could, but I'm very new to c++)
Weapon Coder(s): (Could be me, at least in part)
AI Coder(s):
General Coders:

Later on, we'll need:
Web design artists:
HTML Coders:
Forum administarers:
HUD/Interface Skinners:
Beta testers:

The Requirements for a position are pretty lose right now, basically you have to be willing to actually work on this thing (this is easily a 6 month+ project), although if you just want to contribute a little bit without being on the team that's all right. Obiously, you have to have some talent in the areas your working (preferably more talent than me :E), and you need to be able to speak English. Also, you can't be a complete jerk- one of the reasons the original cl project was dropped was that one of the team members got pissed off and left.

If your interested in helping PM or email me at [email protected].