WIP: de_officeblock_beta5


Aug 19, 2004
Reaction score

Some of you may have seen my officeblock map, but since I posted here I have totally redesigned it.

Some screenies:





T's start on the roof. CT's in the parking lot. Bomb must be planted on the ground or first floor.

You can download the beta 5 map here

Or you can try it out on our server, based in the UK @
I may go on your server later, but for now that map looks awesome!

keep it up :D
I think you show work a bit on the outdoor lighting and the indoor cubicles. The cubicles look like they were made of stone!
Yeah I think you're right.

Its finding a decent texture thats the hard part.
you really have to make your own textures cause theyre arent very good choices unless valve has already donesomething with them
thats pretty much the same Idea I had for a map :p I'll be executing it a little differently though....

Looking nice!
lol...this is kinda a specific question....but could u tell me the name of the roof texture you used in the office? lol i need it.
I'd make the cubicle walls thinner, and add a wood cap to them at least. I might also explore having a central brush that is slightly taller than the outer areas, make the taller one some sort of metal and put all the faces into a single smoothing group. Of course you probably should just make a model now that I think about it.