WIP DM-Palace

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First off, I just want to let everyone know that this is the first map I've ever worked on. I'm hoping to get some constructive criticism (especially as to the texture palette), just don't be too harsh though lol, please. I just want to be pushed in the right direction :upstare:. The level does seem a bit dark, but I have 6 lights that fluctuate to imitate the light a fire would emit. The screenshots really don't depict it though.

I wanted to make something different from the standard decrepit scenes that we play in on DM, so I went for an upper-class dwelling that still looked as if it was was being maintained in good shape. I'm also aiming for a moonlit lighting scheme. I was hoping to call it DM-Mansion, but now that I know there's a CS-Mansion, it'd probably be a bit misleading...

I'd say about 30% of it is done so far (two out of six areas are "done"); and I've got a few questions as well... this will probably sound uber-newbish, but why is it when I load the map all my entities (and the hands!) have a metallic color to them? And how can you configure the info_player_start to spawn you with the suit and default guns (I'm spawning 'naked' heh, and I have to place a suit and weapons). And I have a feeling someone is going to say 'build your cubemaps', I read that a lot heh. I just don't know what that is, exactly. And finally, there are a few entities I tried putting on a desk, but when I'm in game they're... gone. Or sometimes they're invisible and out of place. The fade distances and everything are fine, is there something else I should be checking? Thanks for your help!




Looks good, and I think the textures fit quite nicely
Change the fire's light to orangey, and I don't know from the screens, but add some flicker :) looks good.
Oh there's plenty of flicker, it's probably the best-done thing in the map hehe. I'll post a shot with a bit more of red-orange-ish tone just for you :).
You were right 63, this looks a lot better hehe, thanks. What's up with the metalish entities though.. :(.


I wish there were better carpets that came with the sdk. The one you have now looks too plain.
Oh well, still looks nice, even better with the light fix for the flames, except what I would do is use a spotlight and light entity "combo"
use a spot light to sort of "aim" the light more realistically and use the normal light to lessen the shadows around the fixture, at a lower brightness.
Looks good - think you could do with adding a little more contrast to it though - it all seems very grey at the moment.

The cielings and floors seem to be large, open, undecorated areas too - might be an idea to look into that.

The level definitely screams out for a few custom textures, or at least a little more colour - maybe have a look at a few real life palaces, see how they make them so luxurious...
I like the theme and atmosphere of the map it looks great. The biggest improvement you could make (in my oppinion) is improving your levels architecture. It seems a little bare for a mansion. Try adding rafters, colums, maybe some destroyed bits and definately more paintings and models. Try to fix the textureing on the stairs too. Try using "align to face" or "align to world." Also it would help your level if you did add cubemaps. Place cubemap entities where their are changes in the lighting or surrounding of your level and then move them to player eye level. Go into the game and type "build cubemaps" (without the quotations) into the console. It will make your map look better. If you want more help or just want me to explain/place your cubemaps or help with mapping just add me to MSN [email protected] . I have helped a lot of people with cubemaps before!

edit: I just found that you might want to add a moon, some skylights and some streaming light through some windows (along with a 3d skybox)
I say better/more lighting. The rest looks quite good...

The pillars are horrid. They should be replaced.
The stairs need some work (Supporting structure? Vertexmanipulation to make a straight inner and outer line?)

Above that it does have posibility I guess.
Align the textures properly on the stairs. Also, make the pillars less thick. Try using a rug decal on the floor instead of that carpet, it might look better.
i like the look of it....Seems a tad dark in spots, its a palace, not a mediecal castle...

Nice job though
lol, it's an upper-class mansion, not a palace.. it's just that the name was taken already ;(.

I should have screenshots of a cubemapped (since I ran the console command the metalish textures have disspeared :)), decorated, furnished and spotlit main hall by this evening :).

I'm going to be making a basement / wine cellar with twin exits, where one leads you outside. I have an idea I want to try, but I'd to know if it'd be appreciated or not.

I want to stack the RPG down in the basement, and I'm going to add a lightswitch near the entrance. Now if you're aware some little punk is going after the rocket, you can turn off the main lights on him (but you'll still have a spotlight so that you see him, but not the other way around) and frag his ass. Yay or nay?
I like the idea but I don't know how well it'll play
It's always a good idea to make the player have to work for RPG. IMO, overwatch is too easy to get the RPG, as is lockdown.