[WIP] dm_abandoned_reservoir - Need Help Choosing What to Add...




For starters, I don't really intend this to be a competition map.

As you can see below, it is pretty much a shell of a map at this point, but I want some input from the community as to what I should add to make it better. I have thought of many things, but I would like to hear your unbiased opinions before I share.

Here's a screen (pretty much the whole map):
sorry dude.. but you cant really see much in that screeny??

Can you put a bit of light in there and take it again?

Mechagodzilla said:
Add a light!
Because I can't see anything. :p

yeah.. he defnitely needs a few lights.
btw, out of curiousity.. what is the WIP in the thread names?
WIP stands for "Work in Progress".

I want that dark theme to the map because i THINK i'm going to add spot lights all around the upper rim pointing down into the arena. What do you all think?
I just messed around with the image a little in photoshop, so you could get an idea of what the map looks like. I hope you don't mind. :)

From what I can see, it's still quite boxy, but with work, it could come out good.


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WhiteBoy said:
I just messed around with the image a little in photoshop, so you could get an idea of what the map looks like. I hope you don't mind. :)

From what I can see, it's still quite boxy, but with work, it could come out good.

A blurry box!

As i said before, it's merely a shell of a map. I want some ideas from you guys to make it into something fun.

Here's some pics from a different POV.

This one is with regular lighting:

I added one spot light so you could see what it looked like.

This one is with "mat_fullbright 1" enabled:

widescreen is cool :afro:
im sorry this isnt much of a map, you need to add everything basically, random crap like barrels, boxes etc. at the moment it doesnt look like anything
pharamir said:
im sorry this isnt much of a map, you need to add everything basically, random crap like barrels, boxes etc. at the moment it doesnt look like anything

And have good geometry, quarter it, then have reservior building next to it, so the water is the backyard. Also fill it up with water...
place a large building/tower in the center and a couple bridges over the mote thing into the sides of the canyon...then build some fun interiors behind those walls. and dont make the middle build a simple box, make it some sort of facility with creative geometry. :thumbs:
holy crap. i didnt realize how dark my images were until i tried viewing them on my mom's computer with a CRT monitor. my computer is a laptop with LCD screen.

i guess i should make it a bit brighter :)

Cash&Prizes, i like your idea. That's partly what i was thinking (building in the middle) but the bridges would be awesome too. Maybe if i make the middle building a tower with a building-like base, and rope bridges running from the tops of each of the four reservoir barriers.

can anyone think of any nice additions beyond what i said (or to replace what i said)?

EDIT: I also thought of how about changing the water from murky to clear, then having underwater fluorescent lighting to give the water an ominous glow and nice contrast to the darkness.
by the way, does anyone know how to make all the sound echo in the map? considering the level's geometry, there should be somewhat of an echo, but none exists at this point. do i have to add some sort of env_ or sound entity to make that desired effect present?
i cant get the glowing water effect. i want the water to glow light blue, but instead it remains brown mostly. i tried using a clearer water. does anyone know how to change the color of the water? i've tried lots of different water textures.
make the hoover dam

make this big water towers they have in the resiviour (sp) that controll the water level or something... those things are cool
i saw that. dam maps have been WAAAAAAAY overdone. there's a ton of them.
NO MORE DAM MAPS, theres already a good one out which is like the one from goldeneye. Someone Should Remake the Temple. Shouldnt be Hard.
does anyone know how to make the water lit up so you can see straight to the bottom? i've tried putting lights underwater but that doesnt light up the water at all. can i tie a light_environment to it and set its ambient light very high (i want to keep the rest of the map very dark)