[WIP]DM_Bunker <--YAY first map!


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score


So what do you guys think so far? I'm pretty pleased with this considering it's my first map (not counting one i started and subsequently scrapped). Still I am a noob, and i would appreciate it if someone could hold my hand and show me how to optimize my map, so it runs better. I still don't understand how to properly use hints and area portals. If anyone has the time and/or patience, please PM me. :)

Also, anyone interested in helping me beta test this can PM me as well. w00t first map!!!!!!
Clean, Tight mapping! Looks good!

Glad not to see another bad map with a load of prop_physics thrown in to make it look good.

Well done
Awsome map, you wouldnt want to do maps for a hl2 mod instead ?
Looks good, especially for your first release.

Some comments...

Ideally each side of the bunker should be unique. It's going to be confusing while playing trying to work out your position in relation to weapon x, the healthkits, and so on.

Maybe put a low barrier around the top of the bunker, so people aren't are in danger of falling of accidentally. It would only need to be 4-8 units high, and would also serve as a nice looking trim aswell. Players could still jump over it too.

The walkway leading to the bunker roof looks very chunky and a bit ugly tbh.
Thank you all for your comments, they provided me with a much needed ego boost. As for mapping for a mod, i really don't feel ready yet (although it pleased me greatly that you asked :) ). As I said this is only my first map, and there's alot of stuff i still need to learn, but I'll keep your offer in mind Garfield. Yeah, i agree about the bridge being clunky, but for the moment it's all I'm capable of. I'll think about the border.....it's a good idea, it would just be a pain as the building isn't square.

In the meantime here is another couple shots....of the inside this time.

(edit) those indoor pics seem darker than they are ingame for some reason (and i didn't include a shot that showed that there actually is a fire creating all that smoke.)
Now thats a much better map than mine.
Carry on the good work.
i like the look of it and the inside is quite atmospheric also with the smoke...

Looking sharp!
Another shot from the outside, looking at the fire
wow, good stuff. Excellent first release. My only crit is that it might be abit too symmetrical. Other than that, really good.
Once again, thank you all for your comments.

Keved- I just wanted to say i appreciate the suggestions, and I am going to try and re-work the bridge as well as add a lip on the roof. As far as the sides being unique, I tried to place enough landmarks (although they may not be too apparent in the screenshots) so that it's fairly easy to distinguish which side you're on at any given time. I will try and mix it up a bit more for you though.

NoisyMonk- Thank you. I agree that it's too symmetrical, but making it symmetrical made it really easy for me to copy/paste/rotate out a basic layout, so that i could focus more on the other things I wanted to teach myself. The way I figure it, having a really good layout is one of the hardest things to do, and I think I'll only be able to pull it off if I have a fairly good knowledge of the basic workings of Hammer first, and when i started this map, i had pretty much no knowledge. Hopefully this map is a first step on the road to really great maps.

Anyways here are some screenshots from when me and some friends were testing it earlier (still looking for more beta testers, preferably with some mapping exp.....pm me)



(edit) one more of the inside

And to all of you who have looked, but not posted, please say something, anything....even if it's "this map sucks", or "your mom is a dirty slut." Any input helps, even if it's on how to stop my mom from hanging in the red light district so much. Oh........Oh god the shame. (lol, sorry I'm a little drunk.)
Hey throw us a link to a beta. Steam doesn't like downloading maps on my 56k connection. Playing online is fine, just downloading anything through it is a pain in the ass.

Great map. Shows lots of promise for you as a mapper. Heck I've only been slackly working on a map for hl2 and it probably on comes to par.
It's an amazing map, I mean it's your first too, which makes it an even bigger achievement. Congrats on making an awesome map.
:( damn you now i have to start my map over again to make it look better :P
I like the texturing; very clear and a good range of colours. However, it is a blit bland, i.e. not enough details on the bunker outside (the concrete texture repeating as an example).
I noticed all flames are the same height.... vary more with tha,t it will create a more realistic fire :)
Looks wonderful, how long did that take?

Is that smoke going to be rendered on a geforce 420 MX card? I hope not.

Again, very nice map
Very impressive. As being one who has never made a full map yet, I am inspired.
Wow, I can't believe what a positive response this got! Thank you all for your encouragement. Mr. Neutrino was kind enough to have a look at it, and give me tips and suggestions, so now I've got a ton of stuff to fix and work on, so it might be awhile till I post more screens, and there's a good chance it will be fairly different than it is now. I'm just learning how to optomize it, so it might take me awhile to get it good. You have my word though that you all haven't seen the last of this map.

Viper- I agree about the textures, and it's one of the things I'll be working on. thnx for the suggestion

Geronimous- Very astute of you, duly noted and it will be fixed.

Limpet- Honestly......I'm not sure how long it's taken.....prolly 10 hours.
your first map ? .... godamn it... its sooo well done ... i've been mapping for a while but my maps still looks like horse poo if i compare it with yours... gj!
If you guys think mine looks good for a first map....you need to go look at Brisck1's map dm_depot in the HL2DM section...now THAT'S purdy!
My input would be: its a good map especially as a first release.. my only tiff is the way its so conformed and symmetrical.

Nice map tho, add a few more details like posters, and the odd barrel and etc to give a "real" bunker feel to it..

ps- how come the bunker has breakable glass windows ?

pss- seen his map, its nice.. i wish some talent would go over to CS:S and make some maps, that community is lacking map makers..