[WIP] dm_chemical



Hey all. I haven't posted a whole lot in these forums, I'm much more of a lurker.. but I've been around for awhile, and thought I'd show you guys a little bit of what I've been working on.

It's my first real attempt at a map, and I'm learning a lot. Here's some shots I've taken over it's production so far. In order of oldest to newest. Which is still kind of old.









As I made this, I originally made the skybox as a huge box around my map. The last thing I did was make the skybox form to the map, as it should be. It took me a few days to fix all the leaks, which was a wicked load of fun. I don't have any shots of that quite yet, but here's a few hammer shots with the old skybox.



Right now, I'm still learning displacements, which I'll be using on the very few grass and gravel patches on the ground. Then, I'm going to fix up the detail in a bunch of areas and move on to props. I was very careful not to use props much at all yet, as it's a common n00b mistake to just use props for all the smaller detail instead of brushwork.

Any comments? I plan to finish this up over the Christmas break, with any luck.
Seems a bit big for a CS: S map :/
It looks nice, very empty ofcourse, but that will change when you add the props. I'd say you should put more detail in youre brushes, source can handle alot of bsp geometry...

Shouldn't it be de_chemical? Looks great otherwise.
My mistake, it actually *is* de_chemical. I are retarded.

Yeah, I'm going to be adding more detail via brushwork still.
looks pretty good for a first map. i like the varied brushwork, but like dodo said you do need more of it.