wip: Dm_combine_base_assualt


Jun 29, 2006
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Right basically your either combine who have cameras all around the map to watch the rebels and there positions. Combine also have a number of buttons to release traps but the traps can only be released once every 30 seconds or so. But the rebels have to take over this big combine base. I have made the setting slightly strange and unrelasistic .... but that is cause I'm a noob at mapping and I'm just learning. So It has rooms that don't fit to were they are and stuff but not to over the top.

SCREENSHOTS taken in Hammer because it is at very early stage!


I know it looks choc-ice but once I've put props, lights and much more fun like cameras and traps and 4 different floors for that combine base it will look alot better and the gameplay will be great .... I promise!

Please keep tuned for updates. If you like or know good tips for base asault maps please tell me NOW!
Its at a too early stage half the lights are not in ... I just thought Id show you my progress so far. I will do ingame shots once I have got all the lights in. I didn't have time to do it today.

I promise I will though in afew days ;)
SixThree said:
Then why did you show it :S

Just wanted you to tell me what I should add or what you think of idea or anything. I was just excited and wanted to show it now :(
Attack of the long name.

But they're right: proper form, especially when posting works in progress, is to get something done and compiled first, then show what it looks like in-game.

At least you included pictures, though. If I had a nickel for every time someone posted a map without screenshots...
Raeven0 said:
Attack of the long name.

But they're right: proper form, especially when posting works in progress, is to get something done and compiled first, then show what it looks like in-game.

At least you included pictures, though. If I had a nickel for every time someone posted a map without screenshots...

Sorry, I will compile it soon and get some ingame screenshots!

please stay tuned to check them out. Just gonna put in lights (not full bright) the take ingame pics from inside DM not gmod!
Polly pocket D: I hated thoes commercials, they were so annoying.

Anyways, it's really hard to tell what the map is like from hammer-cam.

To do list:

1 Add lights
2 Add\Build cubemaps
3 Post in-game pictures
Ingame shots FTW. But concept sounds interesting. But what happens when the rebels are in?

Raeven0 said:
At least you included pictures, though. If I had a nickel for every time someone posted a map without screenshots...

You'd still be poor :p.. Sorry, I'm just in that mod today :D
I get compile error. It says window has encounted an error file is uknown or summit like that ... Ill send you the part were it goes wrong ... everything apart from the end is messed up!

anyhelp please?

Compile Error=

Loading c:\documents and settings\temp\my documents\hl2 maps\dm_combine_base_assault.bsp
Error opening c:\documents and settings\temp\my documents\hl2 maps\dm_combine_base_assault.bsp

Any ideas what the problem is?
Dodo said:
:sleep: ...lol


Not very friendly, mature or helpful. Please can someone tell me why I get this compile error? (Its at the very end of compile) means no ingame pics and I have made loads of betetr stuff, has cameras, button triggers and weaposn and loads of other cool stuff I have done over past 3 hours!
Try restarting Steam.
polly-pocket said:
Not very friendly, mature or helpful. Please can someone tell me why I get this compile error? (Its at the very end of compile) means no ingame pics and I have made loads of betetr stuff, has cameras, button triggers and weaposn and loads of other cool stuff I have done over past 3 hours!
please dont cry ;( ...
i actually had the same error a few weeks ago. i couldn't fix it.

Dodo said:
please dont cry ;( ...
i actually had the same error a few weeks ago. i couldn't fix it.


Does this mean i can not fix it and will have to abandom my map?

Or would it work if someone else compiled it for me?
See if there is any leaks, and if you thouching any of the outside boundary it wont work.

By outside boundary I mean the end of the grid
wildchild730 said:
See if there is any leaks, and if you thouching any of the outside boundary it wont work.

By outside boundary I mean the end of the grid

And when you mean end of the grid you mean teh skybox. And yes theres nothing touching, no leaks ... nuthing!
No, I DONT mean the skybox at all, I mean the actual GRID

Here look at this pic I made just then D:

wildchild730 said:
No, I DONT mean the skybox at all, I mean the actual GRID

Here look at this pic I made just then D:


Oh right yeh ... I put all my maps in the middle and work outwards anyway!

So yeh nuthings nywere near there!
If the file can't be opened or found, it probably wasn't created. Check the compile log for errors.
Save the map as a different name. Try compiling then.
polly-pocket said:
Does this mean i can not fix it and will have to abandom my map?
Or would it work if someone else compiled it for me?
well, i felt like smashing my chair into the monitor after i tryed to compile my map when it had a compile error. so i thought i would be a good idea to stop trying and starting all over.
host youre map, i could give it a try.
PsychoFreak said:
Save the map as a different name. Try compiling then.
that actually never works for me..

Shame about the error! I look forward to seeing further progress, good work so far! :)
Thanks mutley. Oh and Ive done more work. Im gonna save as diff name and see what happens. If still error I will see if someone else can compile it for me. If you compile you can be map tester. (although Its a pretty small map. Made for just afew people on a server) about 10 to 12 people!

Please don't judge this on current screenshots on first page seen as tehy are very out of date!

I can't find any leaks :(