WIP - dm_lost_isle


Aug 30, 2004
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Here's some screenshots of a map I've been working on. I hope to go into beta after I figure out this flickering texture issue I've been having, but in the mean time I figured I'd pimp my map a little :)

Basically it's centered around an abandoned warehouse on a now abandoned cliff face. The highway to it on either side has been destroyed, leaving it isolated and decaying.




I hope to have a beta run of it this weekend to actually test the flow and weapon placement.

Any comments and criticisms are welcome, of course.
Wow. Just wow.

That looks great, man. The first screenshot almosts seems to fit the Half-Life 2 theme perfectly.
Ok, I'm deleting hammer, and never mapping again..I can't take this anymore.

Good job.

Btw, how long have you been working on it?

And I guess you got the crane to work? I've got to read that thread sometime.
Whats that street texture called? I need one for my map, havn't been able to find it.
It will be called I think concretefloorxx (xx being whatever number in that series)

You can filter it out in the texture chooser by typing out concretefloor.
One suggestion (even though it's probably better than anything I'll ever make): make the sides of the road bridge more detailed. The blocks kinda detract from the scene.

Other than that: you pwn.
Awesome, you should go apply for a job at Valve. :afro:

One thing, did you like clip the hole in the wall yourself or is there an item or texture already like that?
Thanks for the kind words. The hole in the wall was clipped by me, but the roof portion of the gap was a premade mesh. The Crane doesn't work (I'm not really sure what value a working crane would add to a DM map). To find the street texture, just filter the texture browser for "concrete".

I will add more detail to the bridge wall. Good suggestion. As far as time investment, I think I'm on about 25 hours spent making the map so far. Maybe 30. It's my first attempt with hammer, so I'm wasting time learning as I go.
Looking good, impressive for your first map! I know the feeling of making the first one, lots of trial and error!:D Still working on my first one after weeks!:P Can I ask what the model name for the spotlight tower is?
Very impressive :)

I will save most comments until I can play it, cant get a feel for the layout in those screens.

However it doesnt look like there is much to play about with the manipulator. I tend to overclutter things myself but I would add some more physic props too fuel manipulator fights.

I would also have a stab at a 3D skybox too if that isnt one to the right, and maybe some fog would be a nice touch around the cliff face area.

If you need a mirror for your map just drop me a PM.
3D skybox is on my list of things to do. Right now, if you looked down, there is nothing. I need to add water, and a skybox for the water to extend out a ways within.

Quantity of physics objects is going to be one of my focuses when it comes time to run it through some beta play. It certainly adds a new twist to weapon placement concerns within the map, beyond the usual concerns about weapon balance and placement.
looks really nice man, I would tone down the green a shad manzzz.
wow that map looks quite badass. i will play it. and you will finish it
Is the crane like a drag and drop from the game? I wanted to put a crane in my DM map and thought about trying to drag and drop, but haven't had a chance yet (Real life). A friend wanted to have a working crane in the map, but I cna't see how that is going to work.

I mean, who is going to stand there like an idiot while someone crushes them with a crane.... I would hope we ar eall smarter then the AI in the game.

But, I'd be curious to know if that crane could be made to work and how...

BTW - Looking real good. I'll be keeping my eyes open for that one, so let us know when it's released!
Homercidal said:
I mean, who is going to stand there like an idiot while someone crushes them with a crane.... I would hope we ar eall smarter then the AI in the game.

My thoughts exactly. Also: someone sitting in the crane would be picked off by the crossbow or .357 almost instantly. They're the perfect target. It just wouldn't be a valuable or balanced addition to the map, so I'm just using it as a dead prop.
That first screenshot seriously reminds me of the road into delphi greece, which is really scarry... cool map tho, the colors seem a tad wierd, but its still cool
DM map?! Awh youve gota make it for CS as well.. PLEASE! :(
perhaps that crane isnt good, but 1 with an armoured cab and a hard way to get a LOS would be quality.

Who cares if they're running when you can drop an entire Cargo container on them?
To lift a classic phrase from so many game developers: when it's done. :)
If anyone wants to help me do some play tests, PM me and I'll give you a download link and password for the server I'll be running it on. I plan on testing Saturday and Sunday, around the afternoon, US Eastern time. (-5 GMT, I think). I'd appreciate any participants, since working out weapon placement/flow can be tough without actual players.
When you get any betas that can be played properly i'll add it to my server, looks like a great map :)