WIP: Head Model of Dad


Jul 31, 2003
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Hey guys I am back at modelling again and here I am just getting practice trying to model my dad's head... This is my first time ever modelling a human figure or character of any type... I am not sure yet if this is going to be high poly or low poly... I think it will be high poly at first then I may lower it some and throw it in a game just to laugh at my dad and stuff... lol not much to critic but ya, thanks for checking it out throw in any tips if you got any!


HArd to tell from that. How 'bout a wireframe or unsmoothed pic :D
k hold on by the way how do i do wireframe renders?


working on eyes and rounding out head


yet another update..... i am having a hard time with the mouth

I'd say that's pretty good for a first head model so far.

btw, Quadruple posting is bad, mkay.

arg i keep getting worse and worse it seems... oh well i am not sure how far im gonna go with this, im just playing around for now... i know the face looks too fat and the mouth is gay, modelling humans is damn hard i say... lol

Just takes practice :) The Joan of Arc tutorial shows a good way of modelling the head, and shows good edgelooping (going with the contours of the face).
it looks like those statues on that one island, lol, just make the chin a little longer and the neck a little wider, and make it so that his head doesnt look like his ass, and it would be pretty good
Don't rely on mesh smoothing; its not available in games yet :p (as far as I know)
Also, I recommend stopping right now and doign the joan of ark tutorial (or at least part of it). I know I learnt enough to scrap and restart my first head project three times before I was remotely happy with it.

Also,(side note) don't get too hung up on your models. Remember; you're always learning and can usually recreate your project again in half the time it took you the first time.

good start to your first head though; I know my very first attempt/version didn't look nearly as good :D
thx adam, by the way where can i find this joan of ark head modelling tutorial?

I think you are heading in the wrong direction here. You should go through the jean of arch tutorial yes. And if you want to use boxmodeling instead try www.secondreality.ch
can some one tel me how to post pictures instead of uploading them?
you need a place (server) to upload them to and then use the img-tags or click the little icon image and write down the URL.
["IMG"]www.yourserver.com/image.jpg["/IMG"] (without the quotes)
i gave up on head modeling years ago... It can really piss you off, lol.