-Wip- Hk Sg1



Hey all!

Thought I would have a go at some weapon modeling. So far I am about 60% done I would guess. There are still alot of details left to do and probably alot of optimizing and finetuneing :)

The polycount is now at 1745 faces and I think Ill go for 2000 since that will be the limit in HL2. C&C welcomed!

I dont think that 2000 is the limit, its just probably the self imposed limit used by valve.
Do remember that you'll be able to delete alot of polys that will never be seen in the FPS view.

The HK is lookin good so far.
ok, I just read somewhere that 2000 would be for the weapons, but it might just be a self imposed limit by valve yes. I will see if I cant get the time to put in the final details today.. got way to much to do at the moment :)
nice model :D

keep up the work... you're a real fast learner!!
<y only crit at this stage is that the barrel looks a bit large...
Thanks for the replies!

Sidewinder: I'll look into that barrel, it might be abit large yes
Ok, small update. Added some details, done some optimizing. Unfortunatly I have gone over the 2000 mark now :( the model is now 2105 faces.. If I use the optimize modifier it gets it under 2000 again though :) Still need some more details and some fintetuneing here and there.. and I'll have to see if I cant optimize some more. C&C welcomed!

i wouldnt worry about it being over 2000. Thats the limit Valve is placing on their models, not the limit of the source engine.
No, I dont really worry about the 2000 limit, but its always nice to have a goal, and try and get it as low as possible :)
The barrel's inner diameter is too wide, the bore needs to be a lot narrower
Faces means tris. Polygons/polies are n-sided. (no limit)
yes, just as ankalar says. Faces is tris, everything else is polygons. So 2105 tris yes.

a poly is 3 sided
a quad 4
quad = 2 polys

a word or advice:
be very wary of optimisation filters
they, generally speaking, ruin your hard work by deforming your model for you.

remember your not gonna see half of your model once you turn it into a view-point weapon.
so you can remove all the internal poly's of the barrell as your never gonna see 'em
cylinders are easier than tubes, and the player will never know the diference.
not sure about w_models and p_models though tell truth.
Remember to leave some space if you need to include arms, they could waste more
poly's than the gun.
no only remove Polies that aren't seen after animations are done..as some of them might be seem in some animations :cheese: , i cnt stress this enough
toadstretcher: a polygon can be three or more sides, a face on the other hand is only 3 sided. If you model in poly mode u use polys, in mesh you use face. I might have put it abit wrong the other time. I use the optimize modifire mainly to see where I can fix something, and then do it manually if it dosent hurt the overall look of it.

oh yeah, I noticed I had made a little spelling error in the topic, should be psg1 and not sg1.. but I guess most people figured that out.. ;)

anyhow, new update. I think I have got alle the important details in now. Please say so if I have forgotten any! The model is now 2141 tris. I dont really know what more I can optimize without taking away details.. but I will see :)

I wouldnt revove any detail, that thing looks great like it is and its not too heavy on the polycount.

About the quads and tri's question, I asked that because I see alot of people counting 4 sided polys when they mention their polycount, and also using the terms genericly. Its hard to be sure on these forums.
Punisher: yes, I see that alot myself. When you use 3dsmax, poly has the best tools.. and then polycounter shows number of polygons and not faces, so that might be one reason.

Anyhow, I've put on some textures now.. starting look ok I think but probably need some work still. Tips on where I can make it better would be very nice!

you can add more detail every where. Adda bump map ehre you have the bumped textures. thigns like that.
Thanks for the replies so far!
Yes I will bump it as soon as I get all the details in place and the texture as I want it. :)
Accually, I don't think it's been photo'd I think It's all been done itself :) Photorealistic :)