These are two of the four maps I'm working on for CS:Source. I'm new to hammer after 4 years of UnrealEd, so I'm learning it currently, but my gold standard for all my mod work still stands: at or above the quality of the official content in all aspects. Enjoy the schematics! Criticize please!
Sorry for the huge size.
Office 2:
Office 2 is larger than Office 1 and is meant for large numbers of players. There are several redundant paths to prevent terrorist camping that presented frustration in Office 1 games and to add strategic possiblities. I have made a few design changes since this schematic was
made but I haven't updated the schematic with them. The major one was the moving of the hostages in the basement room to the room at the end of the hall below the terrorist spawn room and the removal of the basement all together. The other major change was making most of the doors automatic framed glass doors that make a noise when they open so enemies find each other faster and don't get lost when only one player is left on each team. The setting is at night and there are power cords outside by the terrorist spawn room that can be shot to turn off the power-and most of the lights in the building- for fifteen seconds before the backup generators kick in. This adds extreme advantage to the use of nightvision by a coordinated team. This map will be intended for large public servers.
Note: sorry about the heightmap not being there, I'll update asap! And here is my original handwriten sketch for office2
As you can see by the old title, Riyadh was originally intended to be the next dust, but with both Dust3 and Dust4 already taken by slapped together maps, I decided to name it after a town in Iraq that a friend had skirmishes in while serving there. Riyadh is a combination of Dust 2's look and feel with Aztec's large architectual scale. There is several ways to reach just about everywhere to add redundancy and strategic depth. The setting of the map is a market town which the terrorists will be trying to bomb. Bomb site A is a storage house right behind the Counter-Terrorist's spawn, and bomb site B is a marketplace which is at a roughly equal distance from both teams' spawns. Players can get inside the merchant stands, but unless there is space behind the stand, they won't be able to stand up behind them. There are several elements that will seem familiar from Dust 2. This map's size will be perfect for player limits of 16-26 players.
Version 1: http://img208.exs.cx/img208/3225/deriyadh8jo.gif
I know you don't see many mappers usually go so hardcore on the predevelopment for the public like this, but I like to keep the peoples involved in what's being made for them .
Screenies soon, wish me luck!
Sorry for the huge size.
Office 2:
Office 2 is larger than Office 1 and is meant for large numbers of players. There are several redundant paths to prevent terrorist camping that presented frustration in Office 1 games and to add strategic possiblities. I have made a few design changes since this schematic was
made but I haven't updated the schematic with them. The major one was the moving of the hostages in the basement room to the room at the end of the hall below the terrorist spawn room and the removal of the basement all together. The other major change was making most of the doors automatic framed glass doors that make a noise when they open so enemies find each other faster and don't get lost when only one player is left on each team. The setting is at night and there are power cords outside by the terrorist spawn room that can be shot to turn off the power-and most of the lights in the building- for fifteen seconds before the backup generators kick in. This adds extreme advantage to the use of nightvision by a coordinated team. This map will be intended for large public servers.
Note: sorry about the heightmap not being there, I'll update asap! And here is my original handwriten sketch for office2
As you can see by the old title, Riyadh was originally intended to be the next dust, but with both Dust3 and Dust4 already taken by slapped together maps, I decided to name it after a town in Iraq that a friend had skirmishes in while serving there. Riyadh is a combination of Dust 2's look and feel with Aztec's large architectual scale. There is several ways to reach just about everywhere to add redundancy and strategic depth. The setting of the map is a market town which the terrorists will be trying to bomb. Bomb site A is a storage house right behind the Counter-Terrorist's spawn, and bomb site B is a marketplace which is at a roughly equal distance from both teams' spawns. Players can get inside the merchant stands, but unless there is space behind the stand, they won't be able to stand up behind them. There are several elements that will seem familiar from Dust 2. This map's size will be perfect for player limits of 16-26 players.
Version 1: http://img208.exs.cx/img208/3225/deriyadh8jo.gif
I know you don't see many mappers usually go so hardcore on the predevelopment for the public like this, but I like to keep the peoples involved in what's being made for them .
Screenies soon, wish me luck!