WIP: M3A1 Tank for 1944: D-Day

10 000 is definately not low poly, even for next gen games
:O 10,000 for a tank is high poly even for next gen engines, actually the kindof top end count you expect on a next gen player model, simply because its organic. In the case of non organic model's its easier to effectively fake alot of that detail with a top notch normal map.
exactly what clarky said , 10,000 is absolutely rediculous especially if the tank is stationary. save a copy of the 20k version and project it onto the optimised version. then work some magic with photoshop and it will look more or less the same. btw when you say nextgen what kind of engine are you talking about ? u3 ?.
arent they using the reality engine for the 1944: D-Day game?and the hl2 engine for the mod?
if this tank is a prop shouldent you optimize it for each engine?
The game i'm working for uses 5000-6000 polys for a normal character, and 7000-8000 for bosses, with 3 maps diff, spec and normal.

Hm. Its weird indeed. I should ask our boss about that. He told me to make a tank with 10 000 tris so I'am making it.
maybe it's for in-game cinematics? of course if the tank only uses only diffuse + spec, it won't be that much of a problem even for in-game
I think it looks very nice. And I don't know why, but unskinned models appeal to me in an odd fashion.
I figured everything out. The game will use LOD system (oh really? :) ), so this 10 000 tris model will only be seen from 5-10 meters. + the game comes out in a year or so, so the hardware will be more powerful.

So yes, this model will be used in game, not cinematic.
2 mindless_moder

What does it mean "is d-day a indie game?" ?
you didnt have to say it twice :p. indie as in its developed by an independent game developer.
So, final, optimized model. Redused polys from 21000 to 9899.

damn nice! won't it take ages to uvw with all those details? :|
yeah make some of the funnies they were awesome, especially the one that could swim, do that
so are you on there team? you have an awesome workflow and never seem to give up your work is triple AAA if you do need work i have an assignment for you:p
Of course they will. They are all getting in to the game/mod.
well what i meant was are they being textured at the moment ? because i really want some models to texture but nobody seems to have anything.
mindless_moder said:
well what i meant was are they being textured at the moment ? because i really want some models to texture but nobody seems to have anything.

C4 Commando is in need of texture artist.