[WIP] movie review ROTK, need feed back and stuff.


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
this is my [WIP] movie review of ROTK, this is my opinion remeber. PLZ disregard misspelled words. im using word pad and dont have word on my comp. ( i need to get office 2000) plz enjoy and leave some C&C!


Over winter break i went and watched Lord of the Rings: Return of the king. Its the third movie of the series if any one didn't know. I have to say the movie was alright, nothing to spectacular, or jaw droping for me. The movie had its ups and downs. for instance, the part where the king guy, is on fire and runs and jumps off the castle, that was fairly amuzing. A down part though was they didnt have enough creativeness in my opinion to keep the movie rolling so they had to span the main fight scene over the whole movie, which makes it kinda a lower quality film.
OK, ok, ok we all know that the LOTR, series was a big box office hit. The third one though lacked qualities of the other ones though. My main problem with the movie, was that it was way to long. During the long scenes i found myself spacing off, especially during the scene where frodo was laughing in slow motion. God someone could have shot me right there, hell i would have done it my self. I also wasn't happy with the battles, sure they were big, and good, but nothing can compare to the battle of helms deep.
The good parts of the movie were, the three-dementional graphics and animations, they were amazing. I have to give a hand to Peter Jackson for the great camera angles, and over all trying to copy a book. The crews did a stunning job on the scenery and castle areas. The cast had phenominal acting and preformance.
Over all i would give the movie a "B" the movie was nothing new. Maybe if i had read the books it would have been better or ment more to me. If you enjoy LOTR or midevil combat i would recommend you to go and see this movie. If your a Joe blow that doesnt give a shmooh like me, i would stay home and save your ten or fifteen bucks to go see another movie
Pendragon said:
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is the third movie of the series for those who didn't already know. Overall the movie was average, not terrible, but not living up to the high expectations set for it. The movie had its ups and downs. For instance, the part where Denethor (the steward of Gondor), is on fire and runs and jumps off the castle, that was excellently filmed. On the other hand, they lacked the creativity to section the main battle scene, which ultimately consumed much of the movie.

Needless to say, the LOTR series was a big box office hit. The third one, however, lacked the qualities that made the first two films so popular. The largest issue with the movie is the length. While watching the longer scenes, I found myself drifting off, especially during the scene where Frodo was laughing in slow motion. I also wasn't happy with the battles which, despite being large and well-done, could not compare to the battle of Helm's Deep from Two Towers.

The true stars of the show were the special effects supplied by WETA, which were truly amazing. I have to give a hand to Peter Jackson for the great camera angles and exacting dedication to replicating the books. The crews did a stunning job on the scenery and castle areas, and the cast performed just as well, with excellent portrayals of every character.

Overall, the movie ranks a B in my opinion, because the movie offered nothing to viewers, despite taking many of the elements of previous films to new heights. However, having not read the books, my experience was different than that of someone who has. I recommend this film to any Lord of the Rings fans and those interested in medieval combat, but if you don't have any connection to the film, I recommend seeing another film.

Exellento! *claps hands*
And waedoe, what is the review for?
Pendragon said:
Thank you. (Just to clarify my own position, RotK owns.)

yeah i loved it in certain areas. The article is for my school news paper. doesnt really need to be very formal. .... u shoulda seen my other LOTR on how peter jackson was a racist... < was suppose be a joke. THANKS FOR THE FEED BACK ALL
waedoe said:
this is my [WIP] movie review of ROTK, this is my opinion remeber. PLZ disregard misspelled words. im using word pad and dont have word on my comp. ( i need to get office 2000) plz enjoy and leave some C&C!


Over winter break i went and watched Lord of the Rings: Return of the king. Its the third movie of the series if any one didn't know. I have to say the movie was alright, nothing to spectacular, or jaw droping for me (( WTF? )). The movie had its ups and downs. for instance, the part where the king guy (( The 'steward' of Gondor, Denathor )), is on fire and runs and jumps off the castle (( city, Minis Tirith )), that was fairly amuzing (( it was shit, over-dramatized and inserted to amuse the small minded folk out there )). A down part (( down part?? ))though was they didnt have enough creativeness in my opinion to keep the movie rolling so they had to span the main fight scene over the whole movie, which makes it kinda a lower quality film (( err, peter jackson was following the book and the fight seqiences probably totalled about an hour. the rest of the time was build up to them )).
OK, ok, ok we all know that the LOTR, series was a big box office hit. The third one though lacked qualities of the other ones though. My main problem with the movie, was that it was way to long (( not long enough IMO. the EE is looking to be in the region of 5 hours )). During the long scenes i found myself spacing off, especially during the scene where frodo was laughing in slow motion (( you mean smiling? the bit where all the 'men' were trying to hold back the tears by staring at anything other than the screen? "my these speakers look good, are they 6.1? )). God someone could have shot me right there (( Gladly )), hell i would have done it my self. I also wasn't happy with the battles, sure they were big, and good, but nothing can compare to the battle of helms deep.
The good parts of the movie were, the three-dementional graphics (( which graphics were two dimentional? )) and animations, they were amazing. I have to give a hand to Peter Jackson for the great camera angles, and over all trying to copy a book. The crews did a stunning job on the scenery and castle areas. The cast had phenominal acting and preformance.
Over all i would give the movie a "B" the movie was nothing new. Maybe if i had read the books it would have been better or ment more to me (( uh huh )). If you enjoy LOTR or midevil (( medievil? )) combat i would recommend you to go and see this movie. If your a Joe blow that doesnt give a shmooh like me, i would stay home and save your ten or fifteen bucks to go see another movie

Right. You're movie review sucked tbh. You were negative, negative, negative and them were like 'but the graphics were cool!', which made you sound pretty stupid.

If you didn't like the battles for instance, give reasons why and possibly mention battles in other movies, which had better battles.

You said Helms Deep was a better battle? Maybe so in your oppinion, but you dont state why!

If you're reviewing something you always have to give reasons for why you say a partictular thing, unless of-course you're an immature, pre-teen reviewee (well, I think this epic movie sucked ass because it wasnt the matrix revolutions, with its crappy story and techno-futuristic battle scenes! oh and if you like MP3's you'll love this flick!).

I actually liked ROTK best of the three, but I felt it did have some problems.

I didn't revere the books (which I read when I was 12, 25 years ago) but they had great stuff in them. Tolkien's writing could be boring, overly textbookish and filled with extraneous stuff--some of which was so boring I just skipped forward. I do believe these movies are BETTER than the books. I could never re-read the books. Tried twice. I could easily rewatch all three films and I've seen each of them 2 to 5 times. Yes the many books have other stuff that fill in gaps, but I think Jackson made the whole of it more comprehensive and accessible than the books.

My biggest problem is editing, besides the obvious "ending" issue. When the Uruk-hai and Orcs begin to fight amongst themselves it is mere seconds after the fighting starts that we see Samwise entering the fortress filled with dead enemies. I was confused at this point and thought-- that's how he shows they kill all eahother off? I remembered that was the case from the books, but the editing of the movie confused me. Also I think Shelob was a Two Towers event, this made Frodo's rescue and their trek across Mordor and the Mount Doom last longer in the book. In the movie it is condensed to a matter of minutes to climb down the mountains, cross the plains then ascend Mount Doom. While I could accept this as mere time dialation, the Men of the West assembling at the gate and the movement of the troops moving, just seemed all too quick, rushed, and unrealistic. It didn't feel right.

The ending should have gone from the coronation to them riding back to town to bringing Bilbo to the Grey Havens. After they depart, they should have shown Sam returning and ended it the same way. It would have shaved several minutes off the ending and still shown Sam returning to life and Frodo leaving. All the extra scenes would flesh things out more ffor the Extended version which would be appreciated by fans better.

The siege of Minas Tirith was great. The charge of the Rohirrim down into the orcs is an awesome moment, as is Eowyn's defeat of the Witch King. I liked the antics of Legolas until he surfed down the Oliphant. That little bit of CG was poorly done. It looked at if the camera was zooming in on him to make it seem like he was getting closer. He looked matted into the shot. That needed to be redone to make it work for me. Edoras and Minas Tirith were both well done. Creating faithful and astounding locations to tell the story in.