[WIP]Necromunda: Gang War - Models


Nov 11, 2003
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[WIP]Necromunda: Gang War - Weapons

Well, today I got a picture from Orgun of hes work on a "Power Sword"
Take a look at it (still low poly):

More pictures will come, and if you want to join the team, then take a look at this

A nuclear powered sword? :)

Though personally, I think it lacks style. Not to be mean or anything. But a little curvature, barbs, jaggies or whatever can do wonders. Just a straight blade looks... dull.
wat dawdler said

but to C&C the current status of it i would make the handle thicker
Originally posted by dawdler
A nuclear powered sword? :)

Though personally, I think it lacks style. Not to be mean or anything. But a little curvature, barbs, jaggies or whatever can do wonders. Just a straight blade looks... dull.
Nuclear, no :LOL: atm. I can't remember whats giving them the extra power, but they are sure strong :afro:

a sword seems out of place in a gang war.
Read the other thread I made (inc. the links), then you will (hopefully) understand!

It's Necromunda. The power swords have an energy field or something. And they do look more or less like that on the metal models.

Aren't you worried about copyright infringment?
hmmmm, ye they are right. it does lack creatavility and would be totally out of place in a gangwar. As for nucular powered? no comment.... The handle has been modelled in 3, well.... whats the point? Your hand will be over it at all times anyway?
Brian Damage: Worried, maybe. But, since its planed to be a total conversion, no. (read here - Mods/TCs/Games)...

IchI: It isn't nuclear powerd, and if you just read my first post, it says (still low poly) ... If you have ever played Warhammer\Necromunda, then you know the deal with swords etc.

Yeah. It fits, because it fits in the game it's based on... or something like that.
haha necromanda used to r0x0r :D but my guys always use dto run outta ammo hehe then i would get owned

as the the sord kinda looks ok needs alot more work
Tip for you. If you're worried about copyright, just e-mail Games-Workshop. They should be quite happy to help you as long as you put a little legal notice up on your site (I haven't got round to it on my mod yet!). Just make sure you get the notice for the site and that you don't add different elements without permission e.g. Mickey mouse vs. Space Marines in Universal Studios :E, and you'll be fine. Bear in mind GW won't want to shut you down or anything, as it's good publicity for them as well!
Sorry! You said you were worried though so... never mind. Nice desktop. Might want to make the backdrop slightly less repetitive though.
Now I have my my own model (map model):


Its about 350polys (still sucky), but it is my first skinned model (the barrel skin is made by Evil Lair...)

Admins: Remove the - Weapons from the topic name ;)
no offense m8, but hl2 has like over 20 different barrel models, also your soil can be done with displacment mapping very easy, so all together. Not much need in it for hl2 or you mod, Buts its alright for your first skin. Don't quiet understand how it got to 250 triangles though. It should be about 30 or 40 (triangles)
I've Changed the topic name for you :cheese:
And I've updated the barrels, but 200polys is like um, Duke3D ?
Originally posted by st0lve
And I've updated the barrels, but 200polys is like um, Duke3D ?

no, a 2d sprite is like Duke3D, not 200...