(wip) phalanx tower


May 28, 2005
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Here is a map I started a while ago, It's going to be a futuristic- castle/tower/thing. What you see in the pics is just the very top section of the tower, and keep in mind it isn't done. Please give me some constructive critisism.







Looking extremely good. Reminds me of Halo a bit, and in a good way.
the bump map isnt that good... lots of little white speckles all over the place ...

the white specals are not because of the bumpmaps, that's just the picture losing a little quality because of being resized, and my gfx card doesn't support anti-aliasing.

and yes I made all of the costom textures
Try turning the specular down a bit. The screenshots make it out too be overdone.
Pretty nice concept. Yours? It reminds me ever so slightly of the Borg mod for Quake.

If you could concept another tower in a more medieval style I might be interesting in talking to you ;)
Yea the concept is mine, I drew most of it out on paper first a long time ago, and finally got around to making it.
any other screen shots? id love to see what it looks like from outside of the towerl. nice textures your really talented.
really nice,

heres some stuff to help you on (if you want)
- i like the fire, maybe add more fire/smoke stacks around? on top?
- more randomness on the ground floor to use as cover, boxes, futuristic-barrels
- and then the 3D sky box, maybe mini towers in teh distance to make it look like its in a fleet of them or something..

dunno but theres my $0.02
you made a terrific map.

only problem i see is the bottom (white) skybox texture. unless you cant ever see that in game, thats pretty tacky.
All skyboxes are like that :|
Here's a little update:

No map is complete without one of these-

And yes. it's brush based, and I am still working on making the flames look better.
Err. I'm not so hot on that.

(what is it with me and puns today?)
lovely work
it'd be amazing as a futuristic hangar on an alien planet or simply a temple
can you add ramparts and mini towers leading from the main building like a star while keeping the main structure intact (cos its soo bootiful)