[WiP] Shoulder Fired Rocket


Aug 7, 2004
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;) Hi guys,
This is my first post, so I'll also use it to say hi. I hope to make some new friends and learn about modeling as well. So, without further wait, this is my HI!

Now, on to the model. Please excuse the cropped shots, I know nothing about rendering. I wanted to do somekind of shoulder fired rocket so I made this up as I went along. It has an outer casing like a sabot that breaks away as it leaves the barrel. Most everything is simple shapes I used how I needed, except the fins, which I made with a plane modeling method.I have the .3ds if you're interested to see the animation, just PM me. I will also be working on a launcher for the rocket(so you don't gotta throw em ;)) soon.

Well, I've said enough, please take a look.

Have a good one,


  • Rocket 1.jpg
    Rocket 1.jpg
    90.5 KB · Views: 363
  • Rocket 3.jpg
    Rocket 3.jpg
    50.3 KB · Views: 330
you need to optomize that model, there are loads and loads of un-needed polygons.
Agreed. Far too many unneeded polys. I would reccommend rebuilding the model from a single cylinder, extruding from and resizing the ribs as necessary. Afterwards you can combine neighbor polys and add smoothing groups and uvw mapping and whathaveyou.
Looks good, but I have to wonder why you chose a sabot for a rocket launcher? Seems like a waste of polygons to me. While you did a good job with it, it is unnecessary for a rocket launcher.
indeed, ALOT of un-needed poly's, i'v made this fast picture showing what can be removed (RED lines = what can be removed, BLUE lines = how it should be:

hope this helps you out in becoming a better modeler :cheers:
well, aside from the optomizing and whatnot, it look like you have a decent model there. The idea is pretty cool (isn't that how the Stinger is fired?)

goold luck and welcome to the forums!
Thanks for the suggestions guys. And beast, I did it purely for looks. I think that could look awesome comin out of a rocket launcher.
Gotcha.... wasn't a criticism... just curious why you chose it was all. :)
dude thats awesome.....just the whole idea of having a rocket come out of a shell...thats sweet. I think its really nice. :)
xC4RN4G3x said:
dude thats awesome.....just the whole idea of having a rocket come out of a shell...thats sweet. I think its really nice. :)

About 50% of strandard rockets do that :p, in real life that is.
haha yeah i guess...but still.....none of the mods so far that i've seen actually wanted this ingame....i think its very sweet :)